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Everything posted by Colin-58

  1. Colin-58


    Hi Jim. I would think pallet line will be much your best bet, give them a ring and discuss it, I think they will drop it on you drive if that's got reasonable acses, if crate can be broken and it has wheels you may be OK, or consider putting it on 6 round tubes, you need some brawn or a fork lift then to sort it. Hope this helps, good luck JimπŸ‘
  2. Hope you had a good birthday Brian, soon be time for birthday bed! πŸŽ‚. All the best Colin.
  3. Thats 13 lbs pete, πŸ˜‰
  4. Happy Birthday both, it"s a good day for looking out of the window ! AGAIN. πŸŽ‚
  5. Good luck Allan , if you pinged me last time we were out together, chuck the spike there you wont be dissapointed , good luck to all and remember to post. Colin.
  6. A splendid fish Stuie, thank"s for posting, I hope he released it aiming at Swanage pier as i heard some of our club members are meeting up to fish there soon, if it gets caught there i guess it will weigh just over the thirty pound mark and be in fish of the month , having fed on the way of course ! Colin.
  7. Jim, if that Nicky Sturgeon sees that then you can be the one to claim the cheering up of the Scottish nation, as after the " killum for christmas " government campaign, and then the following lockdown she might promote their national tipple, especially with hogmanay and two weeks of first footing to contend with, not sure 2ml will be the dose but taken in larger quantities it may have an effect. like it wont do any good against the virus but may help them forget about it for a few day"s ! 😊 Colin
  8. Happy birthday Rob, if the weather is rubbish like Jim says, no fishing , so you can really concentrate on enjoying you day, hope its been pre planned for you Good luck Colin.
  9. Der , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then i read it properly, thanks Nige, i will P M you Colin.
  10. Hi Niggle, if it is large or about man size i would like it please, you have not put size but it looks the part. Thanks Colin.
  11. Thank"s Stuie,
  12. Concentrate on what you can do not what you can not do, hope you have a special day Terry, Best Wishes Colin.
  13. Stick to the science not the stories please guys, that was a conger you lost, Conger, Oversized, determined, we had some of them last wed, well alright C, O, D., For short, πŸ˜‰
  14. Happy birthday oli, knowing the average age of the club, we havn"t met , i take it your still in the junior section ! hope you had a good one Best wishes Colin. O and on a serious note if your Oli the club technical expert thanks for what you do for the club.
  15. I was planning on coming down and bringing a cherry fruit cake with me Jim, Boo, when might it be rearranged that"s the question? Autumn greetings from Colin.
  16. Can you put some playdough behind the drawer, shut the drawer till it sits where you want to locate it , open drawer measure the squashed playdough, you should be able to get accurate measurement to poss 1 mm. ? Colin
  17. If your still stuck, let me know , i can make any cabinet fit any space, iam a dab hand with a chain-saw, and i can make chairs from trees! Colin.
  18. Happy birthday all, Go "Safely " Mal you have a reputation to keep, no water sports today looking at forecast for down your way though ! Best wishes all Colin
  19. The last lot in the summer were not ethnic Brian, ..............................They were irish ! πŸ˜‰
  20. And thinking about it, if they do then when iam there i think they should provide me with ragworms ! πŸ˜‰
  21. Its not the weather that will affect them Martin, its the water tap and whether poole council provide them with toilets ! 😊
  22. HI guys, i have been watching the worsening forecast, cancelled my crew yesterday on safety grounds , if i would not be happy launching at baiter with my set up i dont think anyone else would be. happy to back Charlies idea, Jerry, Mal and committe its your call but i think this is " THE STORM BEFORE THE LULL ! " Next weekend wind up to 58 m, p, h, boo. Awaiting with interest Colin.
  23. Happy b-day young man, hope you have a great day , family and friends today and fishing tomorrow would be a good plan 😊 Take care, Best wishes Colin.
  24. Hi Chris , ditto Jims comment, looked up your profile, guess you may be out with dogs not worms, good luck COLIN
  25. Good luck Allan , hope you get to my thornie mark, try and find some calm water this week !☺️
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