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alun j.

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Everything posted by alun j.

  1. Ho Ho....... back to Metcheck !! They are now giving fresh to strong Northerlies for the weekend !! .... so that's 3 different directions in three days...... don't believe any of it !!
  2. .............." but it won't stop me watching the weather tongue.gif "..... .....nor me ......... but don't look at it for that weekend now !! .....it looks horrid!! I'm sure it will change lots over the next few days........ and I won't postpone B & B yet !! Alun.
  3. ......as a seasoned weather- watcher......treat this site with amusement \ diversion !! Their forecasts vary widely, often within a few hours !!......... eg yesterday for Alderney on May 6 they were giving 3 mph Easterly, today it's 15 mph Westerly .......joy to anxiety !! Anything beyond 3 days [typically] or 5 when we have a big fat High is guess work! Have a laugh at how it {the forecast} changes but don't give any value to it until next weekend!! ...... and XC weather or Windfinder are usually closer to how it turns out.. .........is my opinion !! Alun.
  4. we are going a week later........perhaps things will have caught up a bit then.
  5. alun j.


    Yep !!......... had a hours in the beams.....rather than with the breams !! It was too windy to venture out mid-Ledge........ so tucked into Pout Hole for a couple of hours............ aptly named , with flubbers on most drops ... but did get a pollack about 2 - 8.... big enough for dinner tonight for the two of us !! Moved in closer when the tide changed....... but absolutely dead here. I was just leaving when Paul turned up.....and home for lunch in the garden, where it was much warmer. The sea was surprisingly murky [considering it's been pretty flat and small tides] and still cold .....at close to 8C Alun.
  6. Hi Dan, I've become a fan of the Shimano Baitrunner B series for my bass fishing; very robust, smooth and, seemingly, saltwaterproof! I use the smaller 3500B but the larger 4500B or 6500B might suit you better? I think these reels are discontinued but you can still find them online and secondhand ones on eBay usually are in excellent condition [ due to points above!]. They are expensive... but worth the premium price. I've never used a fixed spool to lift 1 lb weights......and am sure you find a multiplier more suited for this. Alun.
  7. Weds looks the day to go......wind forecast to drop, then swing to the North. That's when I'll be going next.
  8. alun j.


    Birthday greetings....... have a good day Tony. Cheers, Alun.
  9. alun j.

    documentary ??

    does this make it active?
  10. alun j.

    documentary ??

    Hi, here's a link to the video those students made a couple of weeks back.Shame I couldn't catch them a fish on a miserable March day.... but it's been one of those years....eg. 4 of us out from Weymouth yesterday and not a bite between us , despite h( )aving some of Poole's finest ragworms for bait .. and a huge cat to fish from !! Here's the YouTube link.......( ) Alun.
  11. [Almost belated] birthday wishes !! Have a great day Dan ..... I expect by now you are down the pub. Cheers, Alun.
  12. Hi Mark, Greetings for yesterday. I see your boat [ safely] on the mooring [each time I go out] .... doesn't seem to get much use though!! Cheers, Alun.
  13. Cheers Dean...........Have a good day.!! Happy Birthday !! Alun.
  14. Happy Birthday............hope you are able to enjoy the day ?? At least it was a nice morning! Cheers, Alun.
  15. Hi Charlie, I was out with Tom on Illusion and tried to call you up [on radio and phone] with no response. We enjoyed a nice day on the Banks and seemed to miss the bad weather that first passed to the South, then another lot overland!! We had sun most of the day with a bit of [squally] wind that went over with that first line of cloub. We were surprised at how fast the tide was [thinking it was a small one!!] ... and tripped the anchor first time. Like you, we found the fishing was very slow!! ; only a couple of small nibbles when the tide was running but when it eased, Tom had a couple of pout and I got a blonde ray.... not big at 10 lbs., but lively enough to have me thinking "cod??" for the first min or so !! A very pleasant day out........ a smooth trip back and forth...... and a surprise at the end! We got back to the Marina to find cars and boats covered in white!! .... from a downpour of slush!! Both weather and fishing look hopeless for the foreseeable..........my trip from Weymouth on Sun got cancelled due to iffy weather and lack of catch [even out on mid-Channel wrecks].... so it will be catch-up time in the garden for me until weather \ action gives the chance of a flattie somewhere. Alun.
  16. Happy Birthday Paul...... hope you have a good day !! At least it's a Friday and a day off work; have a relaxed one. Cheers, Alun.
  17. Happy Birthday Martin........ a nice sunny day for it.......but the fishing's not so good! [having just come in from a poor session!!] Cheers, Alun.
  18. My brother-in-law is relocating and about to sell the dinghy he keeps with his barge up on the Ouse system in Huntingdon. I recommended he posts it on Boats and outboards but said I'd put it up here and see if anyone is interested. I've been on it once......it is a spacious little dinghy with a great 9 hp Honda 4-stroke on the back. "... A 15ft fiber glass pleasure- fishing boat hand built by Plymouth > boat builder.>> Fully renovated inside and out cedar bench seats comes with> 9hp Honda Elec start out board excellent condition. fuel tank > hoses. heavy duty battery . plus water proof protective case. oars, > 2x self inflating life jackets. trailer spare wheel, removable > wheel arches. winter cover tie downs. very stable easy to operate > very responsive great fun. former owner used it for fishing.> Selling due to relocation away from water at present used for > exploring the River Ouse we live on a barge. can provide more pic's!>>
  19. Adding the results from Imagine......... 1) Paul Frey - 10 lb 6 oz 2)Ian Jones - Cod 10lb 3) Paul Dore - Cod 8lb 8oz 4) Alun Jones - 5 lb 7 oz. I hear Rob. Francis did a bit better !! .......Well done Rob.!! ....and Court Jester. Alun.
  20. Had a rather unproductive day in the harbour today! Just two bites ........ and both fish were spawned out flounders.... all thin and wasted... so went back [luckily only lightly hooked ]. Last year my best session was Feb 5th.......then it quickly died! Have they gone early this year?? Needing more evidence, I'll try again next week !! Alun.
  21. alun j.


    My turn to act as 'decoy' yesterday.......as almost every drop produced a dogfish on my side of the boat.... and allowed the other two to catch a few table fish!! It was great to have a calm day [for a change].......and the gloom didn't feel at all cold. Thanks Paul for the trip out; as you say..........recent reports make plans for next Sun's comp a tricky call!! At least the weather is looking to be OK [from this far away!] Alun.
  22. Adam had the prop off ......... and cleaned out........in the time it took me to get the trolleys back to the boat!! He untangled and retrieved quite a handful! All this started from a loose clip on the Alderney Ring's buoy! ....I 'm sure that will be sorted by the next trip!
  23. I felt disappointed more Adam, as he doesn't get out as much !! .... and I'd falsely teased him with the propect of a 'flat calm day' !!! [ hopeless forecasts !! ] Nevertheless, it's always good to get out........and the company and chat is enjoyable even when the fishing is so slow! Conditions seemed fairly good and the tide was no prob. My main thought was the big drop in water temp over the past week might have been the factor [??] . Fortunately, it doesn't seem to bother the flounders........so guess what I'll be next week? Thanks again for the trip Adam........ happy to go whenever you fancy! Alun.
  24. Happy Birthday Peter !! If the number at the bottom of the forum page is correct, it is a good age to change direction ........and do more fishing !! Have a good day, Alun.
  25. Forecasts look a bit confused [today wasn't very accurate!!.... much fresher and SE than the call] Tomorrow and Weds looking WINDY from S.......then it swings back N and Thurs & Fri could be calm [???] .......I might be out with Adam if Shaftesbury melts a bit!! Alun.
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