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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. 1) Allan Green. Crew Dave Samuels and one other on Kind of Magic subject to weather and crew confirmation 2) Graham on Mistress with 2 non members crew (weather, crew and boat dependent)
  2. Its not just you.
  3. What can I say???? I feel gutted for you. Realistically it's gone but I truly hope the scumbags get caught.
  4. Oh My God Alan ....... I hope its not too much damage!
  5. bloody weather
  6. Terry ....... Graham has just had confirmation from Tommo that Manta Ray is NOT going now so Graham won't be either. This means obviously I dont need the room, nor the meal. I can't speak for Paul F but unless he finds another way of getting there he wont be going either. Graham.
  7. Sorry Terry. Paul, speak to Terry as Duncan isn't going now so his space may be spare Looking at the forecast even Saturday has blown up again now so there may be quite a few rooms spare
  8. Its looking like Saturday & Sunday to me with the wind picking up mid day Monday. What a nightmare trying to organise anything weather dependent in this country!!
  9. That should have said Paul, not Alun.
  10. Alun, speak to Duncan. He had a room booked with me but he's not going now.
  11. Graham & Paul have contacted Alan and are on the "shortlist". He will make his decision tomorrow evening but it would seem that neither Graham nor Paul will need accomodation (nor food) Friday evening irrespective of any decision as Alan is going over there on Saturday (all being well). Thanks Terry and get well soon Duncan.
  12. My old boat was occasionally left in the water for weekends and maybe slightly longer and it certainly stained the bottom even in that short time. No build up but definite staining. What is your issue about antifouling Toby?
  13. The forecast I look at just made a huge improvement over night
  14. yes. (although SOLD is probably an exageration!!) It went to a very nice chap in Devon who gave me a very few pounds for it ..... considerably less than the trailer was worth!! Just another one of my boating investments over the years Anyway, yes it's gone.
  15. that last one would have been cut off a LONG time before it got that close to me!!! MAD!
  16. Well done for getting out Stuie ...... I cant even remember what it feels like to be on the water!!
  17. all that moving about must have been a real pain Nige Glad you're enjoying her
  18. Well done for retrurning a PB Mal.
  19. cake??????
  20. http://www.forecast.co.uk/alderney.html Only a week to go ..... I just HAD to look!
  21. Niggle
  22. Agree with Adam ...... a see through small eyed
  23. And I'm looking forward to seeing Manta Ray afloat from the distance.
  24. many happy returns Dave :-)
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