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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. speaking with East Coast Fibreglass they suggest two layers of 800g on each side and it is almost impregnable (and completely rot resistant). But theres nothing to screw into for deck fittings (like seats and consoles etc) so Id guess I would need a certain amount of wood underneath for fittings etc?
  2. I love it 😂😂
  3. I replaced a bit of spongy deck last spring. While cutting it out i found it to be pretty damp under there and the foam was wet. I fully intended on doing the whole lot this winter/spring. I intend getting the boat out of the water in the next week or so and removing the existing deck, foam and stringers (if required). Ive spoken on a number of boat forums and there seems to be a big following of "nidaplast". I spoke with East Coast Fiberglass Supplies and the guy there says he has worked with Nidaplast and he loves it. I see Mike Hall (club member) recently had a Wilson Flyer for sale with a new nidaplast deck and transom. Ive done a deck before using marine ply and it was fine for the couple of years that I had it. Does anyone have any thoughts or experience of doing the same? Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks Graham
  4. Mike, good luck with the sale (if its still about). Im looking at doing the same with my Orkney 590. How did you find working with Nidaplast?
  5. Thank you Allan. Ill call you.
  6. sounds like just what I need. How do we arrange drop off?
  7. Unfortunately I could only choose between the 29th and 30th. Both of those are looking very unlikely so Ill make my call now that I wont be joining you I'm afraid. (I've never caught a cod from my own boat anyway so I doubt I would have been any competition anyway).
  8. I popped out last Sunday in a little window. There was still lots of swell left over from the previous days and wind against tide made it a quite uncomfortable (and short) trip
  9. if anyone can catch a cod my money would be on you Nigel
  10. Im hoping to be out on Samoya probably the 29th (Ill confirm before I go)
  11. have fun guys. Unfortunately work is getting in the way of my fishing
  12. This is good to know. I have a few reels that could be doing with a look at. I wasnt sure whether to get them fixed or not. Ill look them out and give you a message to see if you think they are worth fixing.
  13. It's yours if you want it Jerry. My number is 07710911921, I'll be trying to make the next club meeting on Tuesday if you're there or we can arrange something else.
  14. I have 60 met of 16mm rope taking up space in my garage. Available to anyone who can use it, for a donation to the charity of your choice
  15. I hope it's on, I've spent this afternoon renewing my line on my reels with heavier line after losing three heavy fish last weekend.
  16. I think it was the smell of the bacon that enticed the doggies over to you :-)
  17. I took a mate out today and anchored up close to alfresco on the banks a few miles out. A doggie joined us within minutes. We didn't have to wait too long for the rays to join in. We ended up having a cracking day with rays to 19lb, a couple of doggies and eels (landed) up to 10lb with a few very heavy and very grumpy fish being lost on the way up.
  18. what sort of area are you likely to be Charlie? I may pop out myself too.
  19. They're the new dogfish!
  20. I did go out Sunday, about 6 or 7 miles out. There were three or 4 other boats there too. It was "do-able" but not particularly comfortable and certainly not productive. I gave it about 3 hours, one doggie and a conger and headed back to the shelter of the harbour. That produced crabs, crabs and more crabs. Roll on the 28th.
  21. Forecast is improving a little, so Graham with two non members (son Wayne and grandson Ashton) will be out there somewhere. Ive never caught a cod before (apart from while drifting over a wreck on Alfresco many years ago). Is the general opinion that anchoring or drifting is the way to fish for cod? I personally prefer anchoring (but as mentioned, have never caught a cod, maybe thats why?).
  22. the weekend is looking less promising as it gets closer.
  23. It would seem that the vote went 265 to 202 against the amendment. 265 conservative MPs rejected the amendment and only 22 were for it. The difference was 63 votes, however 85 MPs were absent or abstained. There will be a second vote on Wednesday this week. There's a list of the MPs who didn't vote in the following link and instructions on what to do (if you feel strongly enough about it) https://www.change.org/p/uk-parliament-make-reducing-sewage-pollution-a-legal-requirement-in-the-uk/u/29757972
  24. Graham Nash


    It certainly does the rounds does that hoist. Superb bit of kit
  25. done
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