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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. I am amazed at all the offfers of a "test drive" that I have received. Many thanks all. I am still gutted that I cant make the 5th, but I will get myself a drysuit and will take one or two of these offers up when convenient with you. Incidentally ..... ZED, how do you find your Moken??
  2. I have just emailed the seller on anglers afloat. Its a little outside what i wanted to pay, and an 8 hour round trip, but if we can agree something ...... you never know :-)
  3. To be honest, I would probably only ever use it for inside Poole Harbour (as I live very near Baiter) unless of course I joined you guys, but I would need to get a little fitter before I tried any of that. As for the one of "anglers afloat", it looks very good but .... the seller is saying he needs something "more manageable" .... if its not manageable for him, it quite possibly wouldnt be manageable for me? Or am I missing something?
  4. or that original caper that i started the thread about was brand new for 450 including seat, back rest and paddle.
  5. The malibu is
  6. Ha Ha, but I cant get a second hand fully loaded P13 immediately!!!! I am a person of impulse and once i want, I buy. If I have to wait then my attention span is such that something else comes along and is the new "must have"
  7. What about a Cobra Tourer? http://www.directboats.com/cotoka.html 15ft of sleek polyethylene beneath me :-) or a maliby pro explorer like this one???? http://www.malibukayaks.com/kayak_explorer.asp
  8. Oh decisions decisions ..... I have some money that is burning a hole in my pocket and I am not sure I will be able to restrain myself till the 3rd.
  9. Thanks for the offer, i will pick up a dry suit and give you a shout soon. I seriously want one (as I used to do lots of canoeing when i was young). Give me a shout if you hear of anyone selling something you rate. Graham
  10. Phew .... that's a distant memory. Thanks anyway :-)
  11. many thanks Zippy, and I will be at the meeting on the 3rd. My young lady however has claimed me for the 5th to take her and the kids up to London to see the lights and Hamleys, so although I tried everything in my power to ba able to come along on the 5th it was obviously not enough to get the better of "er indoors". I must be honest, I am gutted that I wont be able to make it but I suppose I need to keep her sweet for when this blasted wind dies down so I can get out on the boat without too much grief from her. I will keep my hand firmly in my pocket for now and will make sure I set aside a little time to chat to you on the 3rd. Many thanks.
  12. I had a look at an Ocean Kayak "Caper" today, complete with seat/back reat and paddle ....... any comments from you lads that know your stuff??? Thanks Graham
  13. That is absolutely disgusting and barbaric.
  14. I missed the Southampton one so am intending on visiting the London one. I Will probably get busy that week as always but I hope to go.
  15. I will find out for you Bob. Failing that I know a few people that have 2 kayaks.They might be willing to take one down for you to use I have looked at buying one since the demo, but cant see any at the sort of price the guy mentioned ...... Do you know of any of your Kayak guys looking to sell one maybe?
  16. its not looking good for the weekend :-(
  17. I am very rarely in the area on a Saturday owing to my young lady living out of the area (which has up sides as well as down ) but I will be trying to be about for that one. I would love to give one a try. Graham
  18. Agreed, It was very interesting. I was amazed at the weight of the things (or lack of weight to be more precise), and I am thinking that maybe I will be buying myself a little prezzie early in the new year :-)
  19. Graham Nash


  20. The sunshine motivated us to get on with the work, but once it was completed the heavens opened and remained open all summer! Pictures of our progress. http://s513.photobucket.com/albums/t332/graham241060/
  21. Hi, I am making room for my next project so have to clear some space. I have a Fletcher 14ft Speedboat with no trailer, steering or engine that is on ebay and due to finish Saturday evening, I really do just want it gone and am expecting it to go for around
  22. some of the photography was amazing ..... the seals and the sardines looked like a Walt Disney Cartoon.
  23. they have the neoprine and rubber ones up at The Range.
  24. Exactly. The one I use is black!
  25. good idea Rob. I have always been a little reluctant to use a rope between the trailer & car in case some jet skier decides to do their normal "speed around the struggling fishermen trying to retreave their boat" trick. I suppose of it is nice and brightly coloured they shouldnt really miss it. It would also help immensely in trying to pull the boat & trailer back out once she is on there ok. At the moment we have 3 of us pushing & pulling and it moves very very slowly.
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