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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. Oooooh bad luck Mick ...... I had a great day out there, started off from Baiter about 9.30 and picked up some bait at Poole Patch ..... with no real plan where to head we decided to try over towards Christchurch Ledge, however as the Needles got closer their pull seemed stronger so we detoured over there. Saw bassncodformeplease and decided to anchor about half a mile from the needles rather than drift. We were badgered by bream non stop, occasionally leaving us alone long enough for another species to have a go. Lots of mackeral and bream boated along with a small bull huss, smooth hound, pout, doggies and a small pollock. Really enjoyable sport until the tide turned and the wind picked up making the return journey slightly less comfortable. Cant wait for the next trip out after that.
  2. "Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught" How very true. Some real crackers there Paul. Made me smile. Thanks.
  3. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I have my boat locked up in my yard. Yesterday when i got home i realised someone had been playing with my lock so checked my CCTV to see a large white van pull up behind my place twice within a minute (my back yard is down an access road so there is rarely any need for anyone to drive down there). 10 minutes later someone was trying to fathom out the code on my barrel lock on my gates. Unfortunately the angle of my CCTV did not give a view of the van number plates nor was it able to recognise the face of the person attempting to get in, but beware everyone out there. There are scum bags about!
  4. I let Little sal go a few weeks ago Dave, It's a bittersweet feeling. I knew she had to go but I didn't like seeing her being towed away. Two consolations were the wedge of money in my pocket (albeit a loss of about 5 grand) and the fact that the new owner has kept me informed on his exploits and it sounds like he is looking after her. I hope you get yourself sorted soon, can you not "sub let" your mooring?
  5. I hope you get it back but as you say, it's probably further afield and for that reason I hope you had insurance. I have mine locked up in my locked yard with cctv all over it, but if the scumbags wanted it I am sure they would get it.
  6. Tom, I opened a photobucket account. I put my pictures in there then a link can be put to the photobucket site. Its dead easy (and free)
  7. you have a pm (or 3) Graham
  8. Keep me informed Tom, I rarely catch anything worth keeping so most of mine go back. If I could give them a helping hand towards survival it has to be worth it. Considering the expense we have all gone to already (with all sorts of electronics to help us locate the fish) i cant imagine this sort of additional kit would break the bank, and if it results in more fish being returned alive it is in our best interests as well as the fish.
  9. Although I have obviously dragged fish up and thrown them back with bulging eyes etc. I didn't realise there was something that could be done to help them. I will definately look into this. After seeing the above link, I watched other videos on youtube and one of them showed the fish being put into a crab pot and lowered down, it simply swam out when it got to the bottom. Pretty basic stuff but it must be worth it if it helps to save unwanted fish.
  10. I personally have never had any difficulties with jet skiers, (they tend to stay off the slipway while their trailer is being returned or retrieved from their car, but weekend small speed-boaters can be a little bit inconsiderate at times when they stand in the middle of the slip waiting for their trailer to be returned or retrieved from the car. I will be there early Sunday morning, but cant make Saturday.
  11. Ok, I have been back down there and it DEFINITELY says 6am Wed 13th July and 9am Thurs 14th July ..... so ..... as these dates don't even exist until 2011, maybe they are giving us lots of notice ?? Now I am completely confused!!
  12. i will look again tomorrow (with my specks on this time) but i was sure it was wed 13th & thurs 14th
  13. I have just come back from walking my hounds and see a notice informing that urgent repairs are to be carried out on the slip between 6am Wed 13th and 6am Thursday 14th. I didnt actually see anything saying it would be closed, but I assume that was the idea of the notice.
  14. forecast not looking great for Sunday again!!! oops, just checked again and they've changed it to much better!!
  15. Little Sal is not about Friday or Saturday and intended on popping round Sunday morning. but it would seem that most will be on their way back by then so I will quite possibly make other plans.
  16. so the boat jumble at Tichfield it is then :-)
  17. My old "Little Sal" (Plymouth Pilot) has gone back home to South Devon too :-)
  18. well done John.
  19. what a good Idea Adam ...... and a great excuse to get a day out too :-)
  20. Good for you Rob, as I said he was not budging when i spoke with him. I have since bought one (although paid considerably more than the prices you mention) with a new evinrude 90 and am well happy. Tight lines :-) Graham
  21. i can see why Martin ..... two or three 350 Suzuki's with that is it sir??
  22. i will be hoping to motor down on the Sunday only. Graham.
  23. the person videoing it didnt sound very sympathetic
  24. Hi Rob, I went and looked at that boat but at the time the price was a bit higher and the owner was adamant that he would not move on the price. Enjoy it :-) Graham
  25. That was us Martin. I would not have been there if there had been any lumps in the water
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