Oooooh bad luck Mick ......
I had a great day out there, started off from Baiter about 9.30 and picked up some bait at Poole Patch ..... with no real plan where to head we decided to try over towards Christchurch Ledge, however as the Needles got closer their pull seemed stronger so we detoured over there. Saw bassncodformeplease and decided to anchor about half a mile from the needles rather than drift.
We were badgered by bream non stop, occasionally leaving us alone long enough for another species to have a go. Lots of mackeral and bream boated along with a small bull huss, smooth hound, pout, doggies and a small pollock. Really enjoyable sport until the tide turned and the wind picked up making the return journey slightly less comfortable.
Cant wait for the next trip out after that.