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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. agreed about the prices at Parkway. The prices they are quoting for 4 year old stuff is about the same as extreme are suggesting for brand new, but to be fair it may not be "like for like" so i will pop down and have a look and see if there is any room to haggle :-)
  2. I will definately be interested in having a look Gordon.
  3. I have just popped down there but they were shut. I will nip down first thing tomorrow, although I am intending on having a look at a couple of warriors too. Graham
  4. Grakam Like Jim, not sure when MegaByte will be out next, but if Jim's not available, you're welcome to take a look (Upton). I'm around most days. I had a look at yours Brian, I popped up and picked up an anchor from you a little while ago and you showed me round your baby then :-).,...... Jim, I would be very grateful to have a look at yours and hear your opinions and Gordon .... Thank you very much for the offer and I have a feeling that a trip out on yours may end up costing me very dearly :-) but I will check my diary for the weekend and get back to you ...... where and when are you thinking??
  5. I already have one for each foot Zippy :-)
  6. Ok ..... I think I have decided to sell my displacement hull Plymouth Pilot (that I find too slow and heavy, although very cheap to run) and buy a 15 / 18ft fast fisher. I have a budget of up to about
  7. Sounds excellent. Is good to hear someone actually catching something for a change. Well done.
  8. probably padlock the launching trolley to the bumper of the van..... Silly I know, but as Brian says, it would be the councils way of preventing missuse of the car park by local workers. I have just thought, this post could quite easily relate to me when I am in the car park having launched my kayak ...... Mmmmmm??
  9. I think you will see that the signs do actually say that if you park in the slipway bit you MUST have a trailer attached. I would be interested whether you were actually in the trailer bit or the normal car park bit??
  10. Are you saying that you used more fuel at slower speed in choppy weather Wedger?
  11. pure drop is right in centre of Poole, Skinner Street or Lagland Street i think.
  12. theres always the boat jumble tomorrow.
  13. I have just come off the phone with "Mr Hubduck" and it is 11.50 with free postage.
  14. but most aint Americans .... fortunately.
  15. I actually bought my trailer from the people selling that hubduck in Staines and it was supposed to have a flushing kit included. It wasn't till I uses it the first time I realised it wasn't there, but by that time i was nearly 100 miles away with a ton and a half of boat on it!
  16. My whole trailer is steel . In all seriousness, the hub duck kits look like brass but the flush kit does look like a much better job. I think I have tried the cheap route enough already with this boat set up so will probably spend the extra and get the ones that have been tried and tested by members.
  17. if you scroll down to the bottom of the advert on ebay you will see it says FREE UK DELIVERY. I am about to order one and see
  18. Thank you Duncan and Adam for your views. I asked for opinions and that is exactly what I got. Once Duncan mentioned the Aladin tec 2g i did a search of the review sites and it seemed to be about even with the suunto in preference. Some swore by the aladin, others preferred the suunto. The cost at
  19. ha ha, too late Adam . I took delivery of a nice shiny Aladin tec 2g yesterday. It was only a couple of hundred quid so if i dive regularly and find its not quite right I will stick it on ebay, get most of my money back and get a different one. Really and truly I dont expect to be diving that often anyway cos i struggle getting time to do all my other hobbies already without trying to fit another one in! Thanks for the info/help everyone.
  20. Becky M ...... I caught my best ever fish on Becky M. Got my picture on the first page of the gallery on his website. It was that trip that inspired me to buy my own boat and take up drowning bait on a more regular basis.
  21. I am going to order one of those Aladin Tec 2g's tomorrow.
  22. That is exactly the info I wanted thanks Duncan, Thank you very much. I looked at loads of wrist computers today ranging between
  23. Hi, I know some of you guys are divers and I could be doing with a bit of advice please. I have booked myself a little jolly to Egypt in a couple of weeks time to do my advanced dive course and am on the lookout for advice on a relatively inexpensive dive camera and dive computer. I don't want charity, It is advice I am looking for. I dont want to spend upwards of a grand to get a computer that will be used occasionally if you experienced divers think a
  24. I intended on drowning a couple of worms while I was out but when i popped to Wessex angling to get a few at about 1.30 they were shut Grrrrr .... i could have started my year off today too. Oh well, theres always next week.
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