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Leicester Fisheagle

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Everything posted by Leicester Fisheagle

  1. Thanks every one. Getting there! Allan.
  2. Not too long ago I seem to remember a thread where someone suggested an alternative to the cool boxes a lot seem to use. Possibly looking for a largish one which is strong enough to double up as a seat if necessary. Seem to be plenty out there but are there any recommendations and can someone direct me to the thread? Many thanks. Allan.
  3. Really pleased. It still doesn't make up for all the aggro and stress you have had to endure plus loss of boat etc. I was very concerned about cut backs in the Marine Police and it's possible demise which was hinted at during the last Club Meeting. Surely, given the importance of boats and boating to the local economy and the Marine Industry as well as Tourism etc. this should be something all local stakeholders should be fighting to support and retain?
  4. My trusty MF 635 "Kind Of Magic", has now moved to her temporary new home at PBY as a trade in against a new Merry Fisher 755 Marlin as Ann and I want to do a bit of cruisng as well as fishing. After much shopping around and a visit to the London Boat Show 2013 to talk to dealers, a plug for Tom Bettle who is once again our local Jeanneau Dealer but now based at PBY. He is certainly worth a visit if you are interested in a Merry Fisher. Allan.
  5. Another quality report. I fished the area around there both on a boat and on the beach for several years. Cod were quite plentifull then.
  6. Be interested to know what you settle on as I am looking for an inegrated plug and play system for the new boat with radar/ais/plotter/sounder (3D) and radio and am also seeing Matt at the show, but on Wednesday. Allan.
  7. Great start to 2013. A suberb fish well done. Allan
  8. What a great start. Bet you are glad that you stayed in the harbour. Allan.
  9. Happy New Year John and good luck with the sale. Perhaps see you up at Cobbs sometime. Allan.
  10. Leicester Fisheagle


    Looks a lovely boat.I'm sure you you will have plenty of fun. See you out there. Allan.
  11. Hoping to make it out this Friday if the weather holds with Coddy and Rich will be off Swanage listening on Ch6. if anyone is about. Allan.
  12. Also saw one for sea fish ID, but cannot remember any details. Allan.
  13. A good watch and very professional with the wide angles and overhead shots. Allan.
  14. Where are the fish? Similar story for ourselves. Between us we managed loads of Dogs, half a dozen sizeable Whiting, Pouting and a very small Spotted Ray. What a great day to be out and about. Well done to Sparky on his Ray and to those who caught Cod. Allan.
  15. What a superb read, really inspirational, the gargantuan effort involved and the pictures indicate a dedication and determination that memories are made of. Allan.
  16. 1 Court Jester - Neal Sturt and crew TBA 2/Wishin Too-Nigel Allen,Martin Cherrett,Mike Toms 3, Kingfisher - Chris Witheford and crew TBA 4. Alfresco - Charlie, Sam, Dan?? plus others TBC 5/ Wight Magic Dave Evans and crew TBA 6. Serenity - Tony , Martin and room for one more 7. Kind of Magic-Allan, Dave S. +possibly one other.
  17. Hoping to leave Cobbs around 9.30 am. tomorrow and heading out with Rich S. to the SW around 4/6 miles in search of some winter species. Will be on Ch 6 if anyone else is out. Allan.
  18. Well done Steve-a cracking fish. Still waiting for mine. Allan.
  19. Many thanks to Rob and his helpers as well as those unseen who always work behind the scenes to make things such a great success.. Allan.
  20. Happy Birthday Stuie-hope I look as well in four years time (No comments please!) Saw that Sea Dream back in the water this afternoon see you out there soon. Allan.
  21. Neal, not that it makes a great deal of difference, but our results were- Dave -Undulate 12ozs. Allan- Small Eyed 6lb 2ozs and Blonde 2lbs. Thanks. Allan.
  22. After a fairly late start, we left Cobbs to try for a flounder on one of my "banker" marks. The water level in the top of the harbour was well above what I expected, too much fresh water and a neap tide resulted in a blank. After an hour we headed almost south out of the Harbour to find Alfresco right where we had wanted to fish. After about 5 minutes of checking the bottom we anchored a few hundred yards away on a promising bank. We were soon into a wide variety of fish including some good size mackerel, the largest to Dave at 1lb 2oz, a good number of red gurnard around a pound to both of us and on tub to Dave. The inevitable dog fish were also caught in numbers with the largest just over 2lbs. As far as Rays were concerned Dave had a mini undulate of 12oz and I had a nice small eyed of 6lb. 2oz and what we suspect was a small blonde of 2lb but I am open to suggestions as to what it was (large number of spots, spot colour), Dave may put up a few more pictures. Allan
  23. Have you changed your mobile no? Tried to get you on a number of occasions. Totally dead didn't even go to voice mail. Allan.
  24. Neal - Court Jester plus crew TBA MegaBytre - Brian, Mark, + junior members Thomas and Tamzin (weather permitting) Alfresco - Charlie Dan and crew TBA Kind of Magic-Allan and Coddy (weather permitting).
  25. Why do we have to cowdown to such a situation?
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