I think you have got your knickers in a twist Rob...
I will use my boat as and when I see fit.
I will also be taking my fishing buddies out as before, with the same rules as to contributing to fuel costs that were in place on my previous boat.
Being retired I can schedule my trips around any possible charter bookings....Oh, and bye the way....Rob Thompson is not the only skipper who will be utilising the boat for me.
As for the club rules relating to me personally being excluded from the club comps and fish of the month catches, I would note that I have yet to enter a comp or record a capture for the fish of the month during my time as a member......so it is of little relevance.
When club members come out on fishing trips with me as the skipper, I would expect that their captures be eligible for entering the fish of the month, if they so wish.....but Hey Ho...what will be will be.