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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. How Sad...obviously a tragic accident...Give respect to the sea...we all abuse our luck at one time or another!! Tomo
  2. Nige, Alderney is nice...lol Tomo
  3. Hi Lads, I'm up for the proposed new date of the 26th May and have room for additional crew.. You know it makes sense to postpone..... Tomo
  4. Hi Lads, Have made the call to cancel, as the window to get there and back is a bit small to say the least, especially as I can't depart until AM Saturday... apologise to my crew, but they all agreed it was best solution. Tomo
  5. Hi Lads, I have availability for 6 crew for the coming trip to Alderney on Manta Ray, if anyone's interested PM me or contact me on my mobile 07966051421. I will be departing early Saturday 12th. May from Lymington. and returning on the Tuesday 15 th. Only approx 2.5 hr trip across Channel..... Tomo
  6. Great for the fish....it'll be like 100 wrecks all in a row......and it stops the trawlers... Tomo
  7. Tomo

    Alderney Ring?

    The Christchurch Boat Shop sells them....not sure of price..but they have them made locally.. Tomo
  8. Tomo

    The next Wishin

    Well done mate...you deserve it.....will pop down for a nose shortly...just to see how they have changed or not ..since I had a very early model some 15/20 years ago......it was a great boat then.... Tomo
  9. Tomo

    Shake down

    Well done Trev...at that economy ....maybe you could give me a tow Tomo
  10. The picture is thanks to Dave Barham, Owner / editor of Boat Fishing Monthly. Tomo
  11. Adam, Manta is coded for 12 people. Tomo
  12. At Last....Sea trials complete.......just bait tanks to fit, and then off fishing.... Tomo:
  13. Nige, Come out for a spin on Manta Ray....and get the feel....they build them from 8 metres upwards...and depending on what fit out and engines you want..... you might be pleasantly surprised at the cost.....its like shopping in a Big Boys toy shop.... Tomo
  14. No more than me Nigel, but hats of to the designer, it took me a day on the sea trials to believe it.....I kept saying that the Yamaha computer was wrong, but then when we dipped the tank....the proof was there to be seen... Tomo
  15. Consumption in a good way I assume Alan!? Be good to see how she flies in a good old chop! Rob Averaging between 2.5 and 3 litres per nm...@ 30 kts. or 90 to 100 ltrs per hour.... The Hydra foils are worth their weight in gold!! Tomo
  16. Manta Ray....Kicking some Arse... in a bit of a chop at 30kts.. ..Top speed so far 43.6 kts ....can't wait for the 4 blade props.. Tomo
  17. Manta Ray ....turning at 40 kts... Tomo [Manta Ray]
  18. Thanks PJ for your assistance on the way home.........Now all home safe and sound... a little knackered...but happy as a pig in S"""t ...started at 4am ..... What a performance,,,consumption and speed far in excess than calculated...All down to hull design and the hydra foils. Wot 51 mph....... 27 kts average cruise speed over 185 mile trip... Tomo
  19. Word on the street in Essex is that they are going to build the moulds for an Aqua Cat once they have sold the old moulds .... It seems that's the way all the commercial builders are going... If they do, that it'll make 4 builders of Cats in and around Colchester.. Tomo
  20. Tomo

    Mudeford Run

    I'm keeping Manta at Lymo untill I see whats what....but have got a mooring in the river when needed, cos despite the Run...I love the XChurch as my base.... Tomo
  21. Thanks Charlie, I have already introduced Annie to her early birthday present....and I've bought a new hoover as well...not so impressed with that though. I'm sure we will have great times ahead : Manta is coming home to local waters next week, as we need to fully sea trial her with regards to props etc......but so far so good with some very pleasing results.....all down to the foils me thinks. Tomo
  22. FYI>>>>> Manta Ray is registered as 10.6 metres long... with the addition of outboard engine pods. 10.6 metres = 34.7769029 feet (34 feet 921⁄64 inches) Tomo
  23. I think you have got your knickers in a twist Rob... I will use my boat as and when I see fit. I will also be taking my fishing buddies out as before, with the same rules as to contributing to fuel costs that were in place on my previous boat. Being retired I can schedule my trips around any possible charter bookings....Oh, and bye the way....Rob Thompson is not the only skipper who will be utilising the boat for me. As for the club rules relating to me personally being excluded from the club comps and fish of the month catches, I would note that I have yet to enter a comp or record a capture for the fish of the month during my time as a member......so it is of little relevance. When club members come out on fishing trips with me as the skipper, I would expect that their captures be eligible for entering the fish of the month, if they so wish.....but Hey Ho...what will be will be. Tomo
  24. Rob, Your a braver man than me I will tell her your suggestion tomorrow ! Tomo
  25. Boys Toys............. [/img] [/img] Best get the wife a good present for her birthday..... Tomo
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