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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Great Lads, Well sussed Charlie......So it's double bubble for Charlie A....well done that man, great result and with no tuition ....at least...I think that's the right statement...... Tomo
  2. Trev I'll be keeping a close eye on which lures you are using..... Tomo....Nudge Nudge
  3. Tomo, Update ) Adam - JV - Ben & Craig crewing 2) TW - Otter - Crew TBC 3) Tomo + Tubby- Just Purfick- Full 4) Wight Magic [but need crew] 5] Charlie -Alfresco + Crew TBC [rude not to at least try] No serious threat to the bass stocks. 6] Imagine - Paul F borrowing AlunJ's bass marks, but not his luck 7) Colin and Bobi (we are refitting our kitchen but will sneak out if we can) 8. Serenity - Tony & Lorraine 9) Frisky Fox - Maybe 10) JoJo - Rob & CharlieA
  4. Now were talking ..... 1) Adam - JV - room for crew 2) TW - Otter - Crew TBC 3) Tomo- Just Purfick- Full Tomo
  5. Earlier in the season we were catching good fish 8lb plus on Joeys.....but last coupled of trips no joy on mackerel but great sucess on the second rod fished with small jellys on a lead head bumping across the ledge.... with the live joeys fishing along side of them. They seem so fussy over the last couple of weeks...........Still off to catch the fish thet cant be mentioned now of Barton....at night..... cos ther'e there!! Tomo
  6. Lad's I was bought up fishing the area for 30 years and it was where I had my first boat , especially the Varne bank..it is fantastic fishing and if the cod are in you only have to be 300 metres from the shore. Deep water very close in....but lots of lead on spring tides. Well worth the trip..... Tomo
  7. Tomo

    Lovely day

    What a great baptisim to sea fishing for him..........T'was nearly his second baptisim of the day!!! Tomo
  8. I'll be out am from Xchurch...... Tomo
  9. Dont worry Charlie.... It'll be .............. "Just Perfick" Tomo
  10. Updated as follows: Alfresco Fri and Sat 3 for restaurant confirmed Awol Fri and Sat 3 for restaurant Confirmed Joint Venture 2 for Restaurant Serenity Fri and Sat 2 for restaurant Wishin Sat 2 for restaurant Abode 2 Fri and Sat 2 for restaurant confirmed by75% Sweet Chariot 2 White magic probably join in the fishing only on Sat Prodigy Fri and Sat 2 for restaurant Just perfick Fri and Sat 6 for restaurant confirmed Moonshine Fri and Sat 2 for restaurant Imagine Fri and Sat - 1+ for Restaurant By Road: R2D2 trail down Jo Jo trail down - Sat - 2 for Resturant Marineboy trail down lady jane
  11. Hi Rob , There is a waiting list to get a mooring anywhere in Christchurch and there is a non refundable
  12. Charlie, Are you booking restaurant for both Friday and Saturday? Tomo
  13. Hope that was only said in jest, as it is not a good advert to anyone who looks at our conservation principals. Tomo
  14. Charlie, I have had the same experience on a number of occasions fishing wrecks...A few years back when I fished out of Dover, we only located the wreck and then switched of sounder as we found exactley what you experienced. I know Rob Thompson on Shogun always used to switch of the sounder once the wreck was located and the drift was set. but as soon as other boats joined the drift the catch rate went down, but as you say combi units are a problem as I can't isolate my sounder. Tomo
  15. I don't believe there is a speciman for Sea Trout as I have asked before......."Game Fish" was the response, just like the Salmon.... as I manage to catch quite a few in club waters during the year... Tomo
  16. Me thinks it's a bit to big to use as livebait on the Ledge Tomo
  17. Just to say they are a great bunch of guys....and I have asked them to sponser the Web Site as they now have started stocking Fishing Kyaks and are keen to get the message out....Not that I would fit in one. Tomo
  18. Hi Lads, Does anybody know what has won the Fish of The Month Awards for the last couple of months? .........or have I just missed the posts. Tomo
  19. Paul To Fish or not to Fish, that is The Question!! To Work or not to Work is the Answer!!!!!!!!!! Tomo
  20. Tomo

    Honda Outboard

    Bian, I dont think you can go wrong with Honda....I've been a convert to Honda for about 10 years.....I use a 225 hp, 10 hp and a 6 hp.......never had an issue with there 5 year gaurantee they have always come up trumps....no matter what agent you use...but a very reliable engine.......a lot of commercial boys get 5 to 6000 hrs out of their engines..... Tomo
  21. Tomo

    New Aquafish

    Dennis I must say a lovley looking boat...means Ive got to do some more cleaning and scrubbing on mine, seeing as we are moored alongside each other If you need any assistance with the fitting of the electrics give me a shout and I will be only to willing to give you a hand. Tomo
  22. I'll second that.... Tomo
  23. Dan, I would back up Wedger as I have a couple of the Penn bait runner Slammers and the clutch system is second to none, and they are built for salt water....Marvelous for live baiting for bass....and great for the cod on the Ripps on a light rod...and what's more you can now purchase them in the UK Tomo
  24. Hi mate, If you are in xchurch I have used these guys at Tuckton tea gardens and they are sound. Bournemouth Boating Services 01202 429119 Tomo
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