Went out today, didn't have much time, so anchored about a mile sse of the Needle, hoping to snare a cod or 2 before the Sunday comp.
There weather was really good, even Mr Sun came out to play for a bit. The sea was a little choppy to start with but settled after lunch. We were closest to the cliffs, around us there must have been at least 15 boats further away.
There were plenty of whitings, not very big tho a few over the lb mark but most under. Then pouts started to make an entrance, big bugger tho, some were as big as the whitings. During hw, caught a few small pouts and remember reading about cod would swallow a pout whole, so put it on a long flowing trace (8', 60 lb mono) and sung it to the bottom with a 1 1/2. After about 10 mins, the rod tip nod, nod [could this be my first cod on board Sweet Honey? I asked myself] Then the tip just bent right down, without thinking, I picked up the rod and 'strike'. It took me between 5-10 mins to land it, when I got it up at the top, it's a conger , not a huge one only a tad under 20 lb, but I felt drained afterward, must have been the adrenalin .....