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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. I was at Hong Kong. I didn't dare take my fishing gear, but I did catch a few small squids for supper. Bought some fishing gear, dirt cheap, like the bullet type trolling lead only $7, about 50p, a small tackle box for hooks and swivels $38 (
  2. Personally, I didn't think it would catch anything, but it did regularly. From what I can make out, it's a weighted emtpy mineral water bottle (2 top halves taped together) with hooks attached thru the bottle onto the swivel at the top.
  3. I suppose I'm like other fathers, I make my kids wear the jackets, but will wear it only sometimes myself.
  4. If Adam can post a pic' of his squeeze with a fish I can bloody do it too!! Mad Mike Where is the bikini? Coddy Where's the clev........
  5. If you have insurance (which I hope you do or will do) it sets a limit, some will be a few miles out and some can be 20+, so ask. Also when you are out, make sure you have enough petrol to last the journey there and back plus a good amount of reserve. Play it safe is all I can say
  6. Congratulation on your new boat. Just go easy, we don't want any boy racer, do we guys?
  7. I don't mean me leaving one behind at the slip, but the technology itself. I look at my Honda 600cc and can't but wonder why outboard engines are so cumbersome. It produce a tad under 100hp but is only 600cc, while most 100hp outboards are around 1400cc. Yes I know hp aren't the yardstick as torque which is what needed to push the boat/bike along, but if bike manufacturer do built something small and powerful, why can't the outboards? Also why is there no gear (other than f-n-r) on outboard? Maybe it's unrealistic to have 5 forward gears , but 3 even 2 would be nice.
  8. Would love to come, but we're due to get on a plane on sunday evening for HK, so any mishaps and missed departure will mean certain death for me
  9. Newboy

    Hi Gary

    Welcome Gary. What's biting around the east? p.s how come you still have '0' posts?!
  10. Newboy

    new to this

    Here some more info on the 535 http://www.shetlandboats.co.uk/shetland535.htm Here's the 536's, http://www.shetlandboats.co.uk/shetland536.htm you will note although the 2 boats are similar in dimension, but they are infact totally different. The 535 is very light, single handed launch is no problems, whereas the 536 is more than 200kg heavier. The extra weigh is due to the 536 is a double skinned hull filled with poly..wotit, ie, unsinkable. However, the extra has push it over the 750kg mark and requires a braked trailer. The hulls are also different, 535 has the same hull as sheltie (a V ) whereas the 536 is same as the family 4 or 4+2, a gull wing design (must be a good one, cos the Raider boat uses the same design).
  11. Newboy

    new to this

    To add to what the others have said. A 3rd party insurance would be very helpful, as some of the yaghts/boats can cost
  12. Newboy

    A Few Newbies!!

    Welcome and have lots of fun.
  13. Newboy


    you'd better watch, if your other half catch you doing more than fishing with the receptionist.... you're a dead man Have a nice holiday, and take some photos of what you'd caught.
  14. Are you absolutely sure you wanted a samurai? I'm sure most of us have been there like you have, 6 against 1/2 dozon
  15. What are you planning to do with the 2' squid? Wack it across the face of a cod?
  16. As adam suggests, look thru http://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/pages/fishing.php they have 100's of boats of all prices, many with photos so you can see whichever takes your fancy. All depending on where you want to fish, newer outboard is obviously more desirable, but can add 100's of
  17. It doesn't look good at the moment All forecasts are pointing to 4+ Maybe it's not to be.....
  18. Welcome onboard.
  19. Adam, this thread spoke in plain english how to repair chip in grp hull. Might be of interest to you. http://www.ybw.com/cgi-bin/forums/showthre...vc=1#Post564722
  20. Newboy


    The cods are in, all we need is a bit of settled weather. All the forecasts for the last few days have been woefully inaccurate.
  21. Was down at Sammi's (tackle shop in Soton) a few cods have been caught at Needle and Nab tower, one is around 12lbs. Also Codlings from beeches.
  22. I would REALY like to catch a winter cod and some whiting so this year I must buy som proper winter gear. Trouble is when your short and fat it is difficult to get stuff that fits. Mad Mike Try motor bike shops, they have good thermo under garments, if they are good for bikers in winter doing 80+, they shouldn't have problems with fisherman.
  23. Well, big fat cheque? in that case, anyone know any divers .......
  24. Newboy

    Auxiliary bracket

    Well, worth a try .........
  25. Weather permitting. The forecast is 50/50, anything from a f2-f5 southernly forecasted. If it gets too rough for the needle, I may try the portsmouth side, codlings and cods caught a few weeks ago in Hayling bay. I'll probably launch from Lymington if Needle is an option, anyone know what Town quay is like, is it as steep as Bath Road which we used last time?
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