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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. I'm a little confused, are bearing savers original equipment or can they be retro-fit?
  2. Newboy

    Alderney ring

    Thank you everyone, it's of great help, just need to put that into practice when I go out.
  3. Newboy

    Aux Engine Bracket

    Can't you just use large seld tapping screws? The fixing at the top is 'tension' and the fixing at the bottom is 'compression', it doesn't have a large pulling force on them. If you really want large locking typed bolt, just trade fixing suppliers they have all sorts of plasterboard type but much larger.
  4. Go down to the garden centre and see if they sell the tap for water butt seperately, or down to a plumbing centre abd see what they have. If you don't fancy that, you can use the bilge pump to empty the drum.
  5. Newboy

    Alderney ring

    I had an alderney ring on my old boat it was round, but that went with the boat. I had to order something from Crayside so I bought a set from them too ( to save on postage). However, this one come with a stopper in the shape of a triangle How do I connect this one up? On the old one was easy, clip ring to bouy, and rope thru the ring.
  6. Best regards from me too, Bob.
  7. 16 hands Mad Mike He wasn't carrying, was he .....
  8. What's the weigh?
  9. Depending what live bait he Adam wants to keep in the tank, here are some suggestions: 1) missus' stocking problem is that it will get clod up quickly due to mesh being too fine 2) a piece of wire bend into a ball sharp, cheap and won't get clod up. 3) kettle de-scaler, a small wire mesh thing about 2cm d by 3cm long, use in kettle to keep scale down. Cost about
  10. Just plain fat or fat and short?
  11. Ther e should be a warning message attached to this thread .....
  12. Bob's right, the water will circulate by itself plus the fish's swimming action help to move the water. I would put the inlet higher than the outlet, first it won't have the back plow problem and it will put more oxygen into the water, i.e., you won't have to have the bilge pump working as often.
  13. link not working ......
  14. Why is one quoting oneself .......
  15. Drums rolling ......... Here's the finished product. Before anyone asked, the rubbery semi flexible wotsit is on the inside. Once again big thank you to Marc
  16. Thank you Marc, thingy arrived safely yesterday.
  17. Newboy

    Fuel lines

    Anyone know how can I connect these 2 hoses of different sizes? From the outboard to the fuel filter, and from the filter out is the larger hose, sod's law, sprouts at both of my tanks are of the smaller type. Rang a couple of chandlers but they haven't got anything.
  18. Flipping 'eck, what's going wrong? Another speedboat went up in smoke in Hayling Island yesterday.
  19. Newboy

    Outboard Oil

    The answer is pretty simple. What brand oil do you (plan to ) use for your Rav 4?If you take it to a Toyota garage, they will properly use Castrol or Durnham or something which they buy in @ 100 litre drum. Then, you may ask, why are there so many brand of oils and the costs can vary between
  20. Thanks Martin, printed and posted. Lets hope I get my licence before I get 'Sweet Honey' to sea.
  21. Anyone got the contact number/detail of getting a boat radio licence? Isn't it the wireless telecommunication something?! It should be at the back of your current licence disk. Thanks.
  22. Try all gadgets, they are pretty good on prices. http://www.allgadgets.co.uk/default.asp
  23. Aladins has a website, but it's less than useless!
  24. What about that dingy/inflatable which collided with a bouy in the solent on Saturday? How the hell can you not see a buoy?
  25. You don't need everyone to come and look at your boat before a quote, you should be able to get a quote (reasonably close) with just measurements and drawings (better still if you can find photos of boats which has it done) of what you want. Once you have agree the price, then the detail can be taken on board. Just try the phone book under fabrication, try to avoid anything related to marine as they put a premium on top of everything else.
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