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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Hope they are insured .....
  2. All my gas ones are auto + manual pull cords. Don't know if any of you have noticed, you can pick up a decent adult auto gas for
  3. Also, make sure everyone on board knows how to operate one manually shall the auto device fail to work. I've taught my kids (everytime we go on my boat) how to use the pull cord if they fall into the water. I have 4 gas and 2 buoyancy vests (to 50N) as spare/backup. However, all auto inflate jackets worry me. How do I know they WILL work when it is needed? Sod's law the only time you need it and it doesn't work ......
  4. The question is, 'Have they been told there's a giant anchor in the harbour?' and most importantly, can anyone proof they had been told if it is the case.
  5. No one hit the anchor in all these time?
  6. You're not my old school master, are you ......
  7. Many thanks in advance. Owe you one.
  8. Newboy


    I bought a set from Martin in the boat jumble. I was going to put them on when the marine guy who did my engine said he didn't think much of them, his word:'I'm sure if outboards are meant to have them, manufacturers will put them on in the factories....'
  9. Newboy


    Travel insurance will cover these sort of things, if Rich had already set off. Otherwise they might pay for curtailment if it's unsafe for them to go.
  10. Newboy


    Do they work or are they gimmick?
  11. It wouldn't be a Ford Mondeo ......
  12. The hole is about 65x65mm and the drag link is about say 50x20cm.
  13. to cover one of these
  14. Rubber cone sharped concertina thingy.
  15. Not one of those F1 racer is it? Only problem is that there's no space to land any conger ......
  16. Just one word: Retribution! Ain't you going to Antigua in Oct?
  17. You aftering a seat on Maverick on Sunday?!
  18. Newboy


    Go easy mate.
  19. Adam, have you thought about those drums for collecting rainwater in garden? They are rigid enOugh and comes already with a tap at the bottom to let the water out.
  20. Adam, thanks for asking, but the missus is away this 2 weeks and I'm left with the kids. Will definitely try to make the next one tho.
  21. I saw some suitable containers on the back of truck collecting waste veg oil from a chip shop. Unfortunately I didn't have time to stop and try to relieve him of one!! If anyone knows where they come from, I am after one as well. We used to use oil from A&B (I think it's the one you saw). The oil come in 20 litre plastic drums. They are fine if the lid is shut, but once it's left open, the drum doesn't retain its shape very well. I also have 20 litre metal drum, however, you'll have to roll the edge down with pliers/hammer as it's very sharp. They are rigid enough tho.
  22. Thanks Mike.
  23. Just been told by an auto electrician that I should protect my circurtaries with fuse on -ve as well as the +ve side. Also, does it matter which side (before or after an acc) a switch is positioned?
  24. Tried the Boatinsure website, is a fishing boat a cabin cruiser or a speedboat?
  25. Not another impiluse buying, Adam?
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