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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. The kids and us are going out next tuesday, I'm thinking of Lymington and the Ledge. Anyone got any advice or marks, I'd be most grateful. Thanks in advance.
  2. Newboy

    Wheel bearing

    I'd seen it done, except that time the racer came out in a few bang with a old screwdriver and a mallet. I'll give it another go tomorrow, if it still won't shift then I'll take it to the mechanic. One of the main reason I bought my old boat is that I want to work on it, just to get it out off my system. Everything on the new boat will be professionally done. I've book it in for the crack to be repair next week. I might not be the brightest, but even I won't let myself loose on my new boat .......
  3. I'm tidying up my boat for sale and thought it would sound good to have 'new tyres and new bearings this year'. I got the hob off, the nut, took the bearing (the bevelled bit with coasters), however, I'm unable to take the top half, the bit the coasters is in contact with, off. It seem to be pretty secure and I can match up the bearing with out that part. I tried tapping it with a hammer. Anyone know if there is a trick to get it off or not?
  4. Newboy

    Old fishfinder

    I'm looking for an old one to put into my old boat and keep the new matrix. Most of those on ebay are either new or 'sold as seen, no idea if it works or not....' (usually doesn't).
  5. Newboy

    Hi Dan

    Welcome Dan This is a pleasant and friendly place to talk about small boat fishing.
  6. Newboy

    Old fishfinder

    Don't suppose any of you have an old fishfinder sitting in the garage doing nothing that you wanna rid off?
  7. Newboy

    local marks

    Check out the Catch Section, They've been catching eels left, right and centre on the ledge, which is just outside your doorstep.
  8. Thanks Mike, you are more than welcome to come out with me when it's all together. I will provide bait, food and drinks, the only price you pay is me asking all sorts of question.
  9. Very interesting about 4 and 2 strokes. I was told a 75-4s on my boat will do 30knots (optimum conditions), so will a 75-2s do more or less than 30? Or it isn't as simple as 1+2? Very often a advert will so, 'Just been refurbed' or 'powerhead overhauled', is it good or bad? Thanks in advance, mike.
  10. We are planning to go out next Tuesday with the kids, weather permiting. Not sure when I will be out fishing properly again, I'll have to get the shetland ready for sale first. Is there much difference between various make? Japs better than the Yanks? Regarding compression test, if I'm purchasing an outboard from a proper marine firm, do I trust their test or do I get a different engineer to have a look? P.S what does the compression test tell us?
  11. I was hoping for something that along that line. Something not too old, around 5/6 years and well mainteained. I didn't get the Bayliner, it was too big, I was seriously tempted tho!!!!! Over 45mph, inboard 5.0l omc. I bought the Cormoran instead, I was budgeting 3k for a outboard, but the Cormoran is more or less bare. I will need to add lights, rodholders, anchors, rope, chains, batteries, wiring, fishfinder,gps, ..... list longer than my arm not to metion there's a small repair which need fabre glassing. I'll also have to sell my old boat, it's money I don't have at the moment. At a stretch I may be able to come up with just over 2k, but not much more. Anyone wants to buy a healthy kidney?
  12. Just thinking, it could have been the hitch cable, I did a very very sharp left coming out of a service station carpark and it was more or less after that .... P.S Hitch cable, is it illegal to attached it to the tow ball or any part of the tow bar assembly? I was using the tow eye which is 1' to the right of the tow bar.
  13. Are the brakes shoes the one used in the braked mechenicm? The self braking bit still works fine, in fact a little to well, it jerked me all the way back from Devon. It's the first time I've towed a braked trailer and not used to being 'stabbed' in the back everytime I braked a little too hard.
  14. I presume up is on and down is off, just like in a car? Towed mine back yesterday, I'm sure I put the handbrake down but when I got home the hand brake is the up(ish) position, can the handle be 'bounced' up (handbrake on) on bumpy roads? (The car did feel sluggish, under power on the A303 back). Now the handbrake doesn't seem to work, any suggestions.
  15. Went down to St Austell yesterday to look at the Bayliner. It was a lovely boat, big enough to stay overnight out at sea, but still has a decent deck space, probably as big as Martin's 195, although in 2 level speperated by 6 inches. Felt so in love with it, towed it around Par for about 5 miles with my Passat, struggle a bit on steep slope but managed ok. I was going to do a deal when he told me the price is very good for a 1600kg boat and a 300kg trailer. That is 1900kg and my car's towable limit is only 1600kg!!!!!!!! Had I bought it and try to tow it back to Hants, that would have been fuuny ..... or stupid
  16. Don't have much to spend only 2k. Prefer a MAriner cos the control is Mariner's, but not important if price is right.
  17. But how much does it cost? In my limited experience, anything labeled/associated with marine/boating, it's at least a premium of 100%.
  18. If it is general rust/corrosion, a coating of wd 40 or grease (copper) should slow it down, I've heard of vaseline, but never tried it myself.
  19. Wonder what it would be like if accidentally hooked into one of them?!
  20. OK, trip arranged for tuesday. First stop Kingsbridge then St Austell. Been and had a look at 2 Sealine 18 which we have now ruled out, cos the usable deck space is very little. It's now a straight race to the finish line between the Bayliner and the Cormoron. Cornwall here I come .........
  21. You don't need a lot of sleep when you get to my age...... sorry, I forgot you'd already been to my age ....
  22. Congratulation on your new pb. Not sure how I would react if I even catch a fish that size ....
  23. Almost all of the slipways (20+ if you include those in Gosport) in Soton are free (you pay for parking only), however, some are mud/gravel slips. The best slip is probably Hythe, concrete and not too steep slip, the only down side is it's a fare way out to open sea.
  24. Newboy


    It's worth knowing some providers have a upper limit of download per month.
  25. If it's only for a short time, a cheap air pump with air stone is probably all you'll need.
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