I was hoping for something that along that line. Something not too old, around 5/6 years and well mainteained.
I didn't get the Bayliner, it was too big, I was seriously tempted tho!!!!! Over 45mph, inboard 5.0l omc.
I bought the Cormoran instead, I was budgeting 3k for a outboard, but the Cormoran is more or less bare. I will need to add lights, rodholders, anchors, rope, chains, batteries, wiring, fishfinder,gps, ..... list longer than my arm not to metion there's a small repair which need fabre glassing.
I'll also have to sell my old boat, it's money I don't have at the moment. At a stretch I may be able to come up with just over 2k, but not much more.
Anyone wants to buy a healthy kidney?