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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Sometime there are too many forecasts and one cannot be sure which to believe! I was checking weather for next Tuesday and it is anything between a 3-5mph to 20+mph.
  2. If it's the 165, then I think it weighs about 6-700kg boat alone, so a braked trailer is compulsary. Interestingly, Adam have you weight you boat and how much extra weigh have you managed to squeeze in?
  3. Just remind us which boat are you going for, the warrior 165/elite equivalent or the warrior 150/elite equivalent? Cos the 150 doesn't need a braked trailer unless you go really crazy with acc and kits/equipments.
  4. It won't surprise me, if they start on fishing once they finished with hunting ..... . Historically, fishing and hunting always go hand in hand. Originally we thought we were safe since fish don't feel pain and therefore it's not cruel as we are not hurting them, but I read it somewhere that there are studies which show fish do feel pain Just pry the cabbage chumping do-gooders start on msomething else before fishing. BTW saw an excellent car sticker today, Safe a cow today, eat a vegetarian instead.......
  5. Newboy

    Solar Panels

    You can pick (similar) charger up at Ebay for about
  6. Thanks Rich, but I don't think I'll be there till about 9:00, since it will take me 1 1/2 hr to get there and it's low water around 8:00, so I'll wait till a bit later. Good luck with the fishing on Tuesday
  7. There's this bloke who make basic boat trailer down at Sussex and if I remember it right, about
  8. It wouldn't surprise me if an oil change is needed at the 1st service, usually new engine needs much finer oil to lube the components and as it ran it, they change it to a thicker oil. It might be worth while to use the best oil you can afford, full synthetic if they do it, they protect the engine like nothing else.
  9. I want to put my boat to water and see how it preform. Don't supposed anyone want to keep me company and show me a few tricks? It's just that I'd never handled anything this big. I am launching from Lymington in the morning and if everything go well, will do a bit of fishing around the ledge.
  10. Newboy

    Boat Show

    The Arvor 25 is a very nice boat. Roomy yet very manovurable. Been out fishing on John Shegg's Arvor 25 from Lymington, a bit of a squeeze for 6 but lovely for 5 including skipper.
  11. I would expect all 3 boats behave very similarly, as the shape of the hull is basicly the same. The only major difference is the weigh. Obviously, a lighter boat will get blow about abit in strong wind, but just how windy wouldn't you go out? Doesn't Warrior gives a 10 yrs guarantee on thir hull?
  12. 8 days at sea? either they are very lucky or they are very prepared. http://www.ntlworld.com/partners/itn/britain/1882778.php
  13. Newboy

    Explorer Elite

    Just realised, most of these companies are up north. What's wrong with us southerners? I supposed it's not unlike cars' chasiss. Manufactourers spent millions on a floorpan and naturally they would want the most out of it. So we see many models from one manufacturer as well as from different manufacturers, think, Audi A3, VW Golf and Seat Octavia. I read it somewhere Raider's hull is based on the Shetland family 4, not sure how true it is. As with Quicksilver and Jenneave, and all the European makes with a 'q' in their names, based their boats on the same mould.
  14. Welcome Marc.
  15. Just close your eyes and think of the fishing ...... A lovely outboard matched to a lovely boat.
  16. Newboy

    Boat Show

    When I worked with perspex years ago, I had to use really fine saws, whether hand or band. Any thing too course will just rips it apart. If you use a router, I would suggest doing it a little at a time, better still try one on a piece of off cut (the sample they sent you).
  17. Newboy


    I was thinking maybe a 50 lb line tie to the squid and let it do the fishing ......
  18. Cool net .........
  19. Thanks again. I actually thought one of them meant the 'watermark'.
  20. Thanks
  21. Which is beam and which is draft?
  22. Newboy

    Explorer Elite

    I've always thought they are very much alike. So how much do they share?
  23. Newboy


    On Channel 5 now. All about big squids. They are about the size of small topedos ......
  24. Both sunday should be fine with me. Sweet Honey will also need crew. Mike has first shout if his shoulder is better by then.
  25. Fitting another Mariner will keep the cost down, since all the cables/connections are the same, all you change is the outboard itself, ie, no drilling, no threading thru cables etc. I can't see it being more than 2 hours of work. On the other hand, fitting a different brand could mean laying new cables etc and can cost
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