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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Hi kam any idea which wrecks and how far off land were you You have me interested now I don't know the names of the wrecks as I was on a charter. All I know is the wrecks where we caught lots of big congers and breams were on the french side of the channel. Sorry.
  2. I've fished couple of these channel trip, one to fecamp and one to cherbourg. The wrecks fish very well for pollocks, lings and BIG congers (over 100lb). If you go over at the end of summer, the breams are plate sized, most are in the 3-5lbs range.
  3. Wishing you a happy birthday.
  4. Can I salt ragworm the same way?
  5. Thank you, Peter, I may try salting away some for the holiday.
  6. Have seen on ebay ppl selling preserved lug, rag, squid, sandeels etc..... No refrigeration required it says on the description, anyone used them and are they any good? Thinking of taking a packet or 2 for my summer holiday where bait is very difficult to come by.
  7. Newboy

    Wessex Angling

    The problem with the tackle shop is 2 fold. First they always have competition from web based outlet, who usually can do it cheaper, but more importantly, everyone can do it on a dark windy day where fishing is not possible and surf thru hundreds of pages tackles. Secondly, the economy is far from certain, there are definitely far less ppl fishing on any given day (just ask the skippers) less ppl fishing, less lost tackles, and therefore less ppl buying replacement tackles.
  8. This time of year you can pick up blondes, congers and spurdogs on the 9 miles banks. They are great fun on 10-20 class tackle, caught blondes out there upto 20lb and congers upto 45lb.
  9. So much things have been said about discards, but what's the alternatives? We can make the fisherman keep everything they catch and oncew they reach their quota tonnage, they stop fishing, But the problems are 1) the fish they catch is low value, so they can't afford to be on the water or 2) the fish they catch are of low value they have to raise these prices so that they can stay in business. Either ways, it is going to push the fish prices up, will consumers pay these extra? It was demonstrated when HFW did the chicken thingy and some people didn't/wouldn't pay the extra needed for those chicken to have a decent life, so will these people pay extra to save our fishstocK?
  10. I have to agree with Rup on this one, simply superb! Trev I second that, when I was still with the missus, she loved this place, the veiw is magnificent out on the deck (might be a bit cold in the winter)
  11. Newboy

    light bulbs

    What's a dusk to dawn lamp? The problem with the cost of energy, even an energy saving light bulb will probably costs a bit in energy cost, it may well be more cost effective to start again and get a LED bulb, they use about 10-20% of an equvalent wattage energy saving light bulb.
  12. You said it right
  13. So out of interest, what would be the 'correct' procedure in this situation? Anchoring would be no good presuming he was in the shipping channel.
  14. Ooooo.... do I detect a slight negetive vibe about this skipper.....
  15. Newboy

    Cod rigs

    I snell my top hook in a different way. I first cut out a required length of mono, then make a loop along the hook shank, thread the top end in the loop wrapping the loop and shank 5+ times and then pull it thru the eye, moisten then tighten. So the line only go thru the eye once and not twice as it is in the snimation.
  16. I've heard from one of the skipper there were about 15 cod caught all day, rumour has it Paul Smith (from Poole?) has the largest of the day.
  17. They definitely need luck, the weather's been bad and they are all confined to the Solent on day 1.
  18. Was supposed to be whiting bashing on Malaki out of Portsmouth today, but was informed that the new engine blew up last week (well, at least it's still under warranty), so a last minute trip on Top Cat lll out of Weymouth instead, the plan was breaming in the morning and bassing in the afternoon. There are still some nice sized bream in weymouth, caught 5, all but one were above 2 lb, the largest a touch under 3lb. The bassing were really slow to start with, sidewinder, savage gear sandeel, delta wotsit even my trusted ribbed 'guaranteed to catch a bass lure' were used and non were catching. I then found an old packet of 6" green Storm sandeel and I thought "tried everything else and might as well try this", not having much confidence since I'd stopped using them about 3 years ago when various lures came on the market and it was old news. How wrong was I? On the day nothing else will catch, I caught 5 bass (nothing big) and accounted for 7 out of 10 bass that was caught on the boat today. Everyone were really suprised they worked when other didn't. So just because something is old it doesn't mean it doesn't work anymore
  19. What can I say? Women just don't understand our needs........
  20. Newboy


    One of the chartered boat I go on has a microwave as well as a freezeer, what size of inverter it must have?!
  21. Try this: Saturday 27th November 1/WEDGER trev 2/ Pirky.....Dave Saturday 4 th December 1/ Dave Samuel 2/WEDGER trev 3/ Pirky.....Dave 4/ Bill Smith Sunday 5 th December 1/ Nigel 2/WEDGER trev 3/ bassncodformeplease.. Mike 4/ Pirky.....Dave
  22. Newboy

    Maxximus Rods

    Anyone know if it's the solid-c or not? I think it's worth a short drive to Salisbury 2mrw just in case they are. I love the solid--c, have mine for the last 4 years and only needed one replacement ring. Not for wrecks but great great fun for conger on the open ground, best conger was about 45lb on my 10-20lb solid-c.
  23. Newboy

    Maxximus Rods

    Are they the solid -c rods? Where about in Salisbury is In-excess?
  24. Newboy

    Air show

    Any good today? What's the weather like? We're thinking of going tomorrow, but the forecast isn't too great.
  25. Newboy

    Air show

    What would be the best location for the display.... anyone know?
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