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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Newboy


    When out with Silver Spray today, caught quite a few whitings, biggest on the boat is just over 3 1/2lb. All were caught a few miles outside the poole harbour entrance. Tried 2 other places but neither produced any cods or whiting (or congers fro that matters)
  2. Hi Matt if the size 8 is still available, I'll have it
  3. Norway doesn't use Euro I think ( like Sweden ) and in fact I think Norway might not even be in the EU ? Norway uses Krona (?) and it's not part of the eu but is part of the european economy region oe something, so although not part of europe but still have good dutyfree allowance. So the weaking pound might not have the devastated effect as the euro land.
  4. Newboy


    opps what?
  5. Oh.... if you decide to do the Oban in your own boat, don't forget the water is something 400+ deep, make sure you have a long enough rope.
  6. Don't think there are any self drive boat in Oban, but Coddy has some friends who fish Oban every year, he maybe about to get you some marks. It's a long drive up to Oban tho, It takes me 6 hours to Glasgow from Andover and it's best part of 2 hours to Oban from Glasgow by car. Give John a ring and see if he can organise an individual day around the time you are up there. Either way it won't be cheap.
  7. If you want to go skate fishing in Oban, speak to John Keggie, he used to be down at Poole (before that he was at Oban), he books the hotel in the marina he uses and it's a quiet little place just 10 minutes from Oban itself. Other than skate, he also does stopover trip round the top of Ireland for other species. If you want to do Norway, I think the biggest fish come in at Spring time, but I could be wrong, Tom will be the bloke you wanna ask, his mate Dave does a lot of Norway trips. If someone is paying for the trip and money is no objest I would defo go Norway (plus also remember the euro is more or less 1 to 1 for the pound, and I think it will go lower in 2009, making any euro trip expensive).
  8. Also did you guys see the dolphin? It popped up twice near our boat
  9. Hi AJ, I was aboard Silver Spray, 2 cods was caught, one 11-12lb the other about five, plus a conger about 35-40. Some whitings to keep the rest of us codless busy. But 'Our Gemma' which stayed in the bay apparently caught 6 cods, maybe they all moved to poole bay?!
  10. Newboy

    bag limits

  11. Newboy

    bag limits

    I think Shytalk's (Peter Senior?) objection is based on the fact that they are (trying to) introduce limits on us recreational anglers while nothing is being done on the commercial boats netting/trawling up and down our coast who are really doing the damage to the fish stock. Fair is when both sides play to the rules, not one side subsidising the other.
  12. No excuse for it, all criminal activities must be stopped. It doesn't take many bad people to give the rest a bad name, but I must stress, most are law abiding people. I have never taken any under sized fish, and all skippers I went out with stick to the law. I have known people who keep all their fish, but end of the day, as the skipper say, if they caught it they are entitle to keep it, as long as they are not sold on.
  13. Not trying to tell you what to do with your boat. However as someone who had been there before, this is what I did. As owner we all know whay our boat is worth. But if as you said, you don't get to use the boat, all it's doing is losing money day after day, both thru depreciation and maintenence. Wouldn't the money be better off working somewhere else to earn you money? For example, if you know your boat is worth
  14. I had a 90 Tohatsi and even I have to admit the Etec(75) is quieter, the smoke and smell wasn't that much of an issue as it's light years better than the 2 stroke I had before. As Tom said, it all depends on what you want it for, without knowing how much they cost (the Etec 90 was over
  15. Lymington market is selling the 8' solid c for
  16. Apparently a cod each of double figure had been caught behind the light house and nab tower last week already.
  17. Newboy

    Winter Fishing

    Think Winter fishing is the only thing I can look forward to, all my summer planned trips have been cancelled due to bad weather.
  18. Yes, that's was what I meant. The logic in the petition itself isn't sound. He is pitching all anglers against the commercial boats rather than people who wants to look after the fish stock against the commercial netters/trawlers.
  19. Agree, what damage can an open boat line catching mackies or bass down Cornwall do to the fish stock? Sorry, will not sign.
  20. Lots of works to do mate... 1) chasing sponsors 2) advertising a) posters flyers 3) liason with the council 4) On the day, a) someone to man the tent, registration c) weighing in d) calculating the % e) presentation f) tidying up need I go on?
  21. I myself had only fished the open comp once ( and maybe other comp a couple of times more) as I work weekend and fri, sat and Sun are my busiest days, I don't get the chance to fish them. I thoroughly enjoyed them and I would fish them all if I get the chance. When Martin was chairman, he had to do the manning (is it a right word?) and never had the chance to fish the full allocation time, ie., go out late and come back early. Why should they have to give up their time so other members and outsider can have fun?
  22. Newboy


    When I had Sweethoney, I used the lazy line and I loved it, well maybe except the one time when I tried to hook it up with a potter bouy and forgot the line was on the wrong side of the boat ( my previous boat was an open boat and it didn't matter which side the line was on) and the boat nearly got turned over by the running tide,.
  23. The comp is down graded to just a club comp from this year. The reason being not enough members are willing to man the comp. A shame really, it has been very succeessful over the years, but if you haven't got enough ppl willing to help, we can't expect the same members (the chairman, secretary etc ) to do all the hard work.
  24. Newboy


    Sorry Honestly, if you look (or feel) carefully, you will find the storm lure and the worm type (I guess it's the worm or eel type lures) are made from different plastics. These 2 will react and melts together. Keep them seperate.
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