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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Newboy

    Boat wanted

    Usually when a chartered is cancelled, it's due to weather being too rough/unsafe. If a big boat is deemed unsafe, a small boat would have even less chance. However your own boat does offer the chance of a snap decision to fish where there may not be any charters spaces available. Good luck with your search. Start with something small and easily handled.
  2. If no one has the answer, best bet would be going to the RYA website, they must have contact details there.
  3. Thank you all, didn't go on a charter today, spent it with the kids, but I did go yesterday for a long day wrecking.
  4. can't imagine that'd be fun so far out.... luckily it's quite a calm day. Just hope he has everything sorted out quickly.
  5. Diving plugs as pictured plus a silvery/blue/green one
  6. it looks I've more than I thought, I have 5 each of the 2 types. I'm down at Poole next tuesday with Silver Spray, if anyone interested let me know.
  7. The skipper reported the incident to the CG afterwards and will submit a claimed for damaged rope and lost anchor. The morale of the story is..... if a trawler is heading straight for you don't assume the skipper is trying tp play a game of chicken with you, he might actually be be asleep
  8. Yes he was, the only thing he did wrong was not realising the trawler skipper was asleep, up anchor and moved ealier. We all thought the trawler skipper was being a c*nt trying to intimidate us, but no he generally was asleep. Even after he'd collected us, it took our skipper 6 times on the radio to rise the other skipper. We were the only boat there for miles, and he'd to pick us, why doesn't he try one of those bigger tankers or something?
  9. The winner is ........ Charlieannear. We were anchored not far from Nab Tower, we could see the trawler heading straight for us having passed us a couple of time beforehand, this time we noticed they were very close and we waited, and waited and waited but still they didn't change course, the skipper blasted the horn and quickly putting the boat in reverse with the anchor still down, managed to avoid getting hit, otherwise we would have to teat out the new EU approved liftraft . To cut a long story short, we then got towed a mile of so south before we came to a stop. they then spent the next 20 mins freeing the anchor rope. Lucky it was dead calm yesterday, wouldn't fancy it in a rough sea. Some angry explicit word were said (mostly from the angling skipper) and the skipper from the trawler came out with a excellent quote...... "Sorry mate, I didn't see you....... I felt asleep "
  10. I'll have a look on wednesday how many of these I have, working tonight and going fishing tomorrow How many and which type do you want?
  11. Having read in the last 2 months rods going over the gunnels, I have a few what I'd call 'rod saver/wrist line' lines. Saw them when in HK, they are mainly used by spinners to keep rods to hand, but I can't see why can't they be used on boat either. There are 2 versions the deluxe (the purple one), clip one end to your wrist the other to the rod using the attach vecrow(?) and the middle one where both ends are clips. just clip one end to any rail/anchor point, the other to the rod (just above the reel seating), the beauty of this line is that you can still play a fish with it still attached to your rod, it's more than 5' at maximum length. If interested let me know, (I thinkk I have 2 each,) at
  12. Newboy

    Ann Summers

    Anyonw we know
  13. Yes and no, depending who you got it from, if from an interenet direct insurer, where you pay
  14. If any of you have annual multi trip insurance for either the family or as a couple, you may want to check that it will also cover trip make by only you, as most will not cover. The logic behind is that premium is calculated as a family and you are less likely to do dangerous things while holidaying as a family.
  15. CI is outside the EU, so allowance is like rest of the world, eg 200 cigarettes etc.
  16. Newboy

    Spam email

    Thanks Paul, at least I guess my comp is secure(ish)
  17. Newboy

    Spam email

    It's kam.chan@ntlworld.com.... my email address, so was the email sent by my computer or somewhere else? But as I've said, my ntlworld address wasn't set up to send emails.......
  18. Newboy

    Spam email

    Just got a spam mail from myself (my ntlworld.com email account), when I reply to it (the sender) using my hotmail acc, my ntlworld account picks up the mail too, but I haven't been able to send anything out via this account for months. So is my computer infected ot not? I'm up to date with AVG and Zone alarm updates.
  19. Newboy


    I have only ever saw a little one which was at 25lb, and that was difficult to hold bare hand.
  20. I guess I can see me in Robson Green.... maybe with a little more hair ..... a lot less money......
  21. I must be one of the few who actually enjoyed his last series. He wasn't much of a fisherman like Wilson or Henry etc, but he was quite real, the average Joe, didn't know much but thoroughly enjoys his fishing.
  22. Apparently he doesn't even have a skipper licence.....
  23. I think the Australian has it suzzed, they have bag limit in whole, not trip. You are allowed so many fish in procession, so all fish you have including one in your freezer count.
  24. My local Tesco garage has notices up saying you have to show the staff your container brfore filing them up.
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