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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Newboy

    cool boxes

    With regard to the coleman ice box, I have a 30" long blue one. Out of curiosity I did an experiement last summer when it was in the high 20's outside during the day. I filled the box half full of ice cube, covered the ice with a dry table cloth. Shut lid and left box in garage for 3 days. On the fourth day, I opened the box, drained the water and found with 1/3 of the original ice left. I guess it ain't too bad. However, if you have to keep opening and shutting the lid a dozen times during the day, I don't believe the ice will last more than 2 days (depending on the outside temp of cos).
  2. 2.5-4.0 Lots of sizes, lots of colour, and lots and lots
  3. Just clearing some space from the garage. All new ones, 10 for
  4. Newboy

    Solent help

    Dan if you are in the solent, keep a look out for a groups of black (well black and white) gulls sitting in the water, if in time, you can pick up free cuttle fish.
  5. The bream aren't here yet. Went out yesterday and had 3 breams, 2 pollocks and 40+ dogs. Other chartered boat didn't do too well either. I think southern star had one bream by 1:00, and Rob Thomson has 2 breams. The morning was lovely by in the afternoon the wind picked up and it was freezing.
  6. Newboy


    As Tom said Northern Norway is probably best bet if you fancy the bigger fish. From the Tromso airport to Skervey (?) we passed hundreds of fishing lodges with small boats, so I guess the location and choice won't be a problem. If you go for the bigger boat (extra charge) you can travel further afield but that's extra cost on top of you trip. Then again you don't need to go far to net a 40lb+ cod, 30 mins steaming will see you in 2-300 (even 400) depth. Make sure you get all you need here as the prices over there are a little on the 'ooch... how much' side.
  7. Newboy

    Tues 8 April

    Hope you have a good day. Out next tues and lets hope the bread are in by then.
  8. Just out of interest.... What's a bottle anchor?
  9. Plenty of spurdogs, rays and congers about.
  10. Thanks Martin, I'm about and I do 'cd-rom' the forum a lot, but I only ever fish about once a month nowadays. Maybe when the summer come I will be around a bit more.
  11. The boat rods are indeed very good too. When I went to Norway, the group of doctors from London were using them. They caught cods upto 40lbs......
  12. Newboy

    Light rod

  13. Newboy

    Ship Sinks

    Surely you are not suggesting the islanders are a bunch of thiefing b**tard......
  14. Out on Tomkat 2 and had 40+bass between 4 of us. Largest just over 13 lbs (not me). Good day, my largest was 7 1/2.
  15. Newboy

    Drug testing.

    Something to help keep your rod pointing skyward Jack?
  16. Paul, I know fish caught on chartered does not count in fish of the month, but can you remind me whether it counted as record (not the RECORD) of fish caught.
  17. Newboy

    Fake Bait

    The fake baits are great.......... the mice in my garage love them.
  18. Sh*te !!!!!!! Just send me the money instead and you will at least get a thank you card from me...... Had one 2 years ago, locked up after 1 use. Before anyone ask, I wash my reels after each use and none of my other reels have fell apart like this one, even a Okuma 30l lasted me nearly 2 years before I decided the drag wasn't as smooth as it used to be.
  19. Are you offering? Happy Birthday Mad mad Mike.
  20. Thank you Mike for the kind words. My father passed away on the 18th of June after a brave fight with Lung Cancer. He was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer back in Jan 06, the treatment was going rather well until this May when he was hospitalised from another cause, that in turn delayed his cancer treatment and during that time the cancer spread to his bone. Once his condition had improved enough to start the treatment again, his body was too weak and he died of pnemonia. Probably back fishing in a couple of weeks once everything had settled down and after I'd gone thru the mountain of paperwork. Kam
  21. I would love to take all the kind offers to go fishing but having just got back from Hong Kong with my mother, after spending 10 weeks there and left my poor wife to run our business as well as looking after the kids, I felt I owed it to her to spend some time with her.
  22. Kam Clearly you have never been Big Game fishing becuase
  23. Even I have to say, 4k for 10 days fishing, that's bloody expensive. I might be mad, but I'm sure my other half will be even madder if I consider mentioning it ....
  24. Even if you get the winch from Mike, do change the cable to strap. When cable goes, you tend to know about it and it can happen quite fast.
  25. Nothing wrong with dressing up in ladies' clothes in the privacy of your pwn home..... but do worry if he's found dressed up and walking around Southampton docks in the small hours of the morning .....
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