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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Happy Birthday and have a good one.
  2. I would be the last one to advice you on braid as I've only ever use 2 brand, the first was Spider Fusion, I like it, strong but it was thick. The other is Power Pro which I now use on all my reels. You can pick them up at
  3. Each brand is different and its own characteristics, some are good and some are like cheese...... beware.
  4. A bit early for April fool ......
  5. I like the Navman Range, easy to use and clear, tho colour is defo better......
  6. Apparently the numbers of people who signed equals to people driving their car from Downing Street all the way up the M1, M6 and passed Carlisle.
  7. Doesn't the wrasse move into deeper water in the winter?
  8. You have to go off shore for anything worthwhile, like blonde ray or spurdog.
  9. Maybe there're more money to be made in handcream than anything else......
  10. Happy Birthday. Wishing you a fish 'full' new year.
  11. I have 80lb Penn raid on my Penn International 30s, matched to a Penn Formula 25kg. This is my heavy gear, I use it for big congers (70-100lb) and common skates. All my other reels have 30lb or 20lb power pro. Fixed Spool has 12lb.
  12. Newboy


    Think I will pop out tomorrow and buy a copy to see if it's back to its good old way again.
  13. I can get that at home and costs bugger all.
  14. Newboy

    New Mould

    Just how harmful is lead? I do mine in the kitchen with the extractor on full, it really sucks so not much difference than out door, but even if I brealth in a minimal amount, over time, if I do it long enough I could inhale lots of the stuff.
  15. If you can get it for a few beers, then it must be a bargain.
  16. I seem to remember the first viewing of Maverick is Thursday ......
  17. I think they only want the upmarket millionaire in the show and not the general public.
  18. There's no congestion charges on Sat, but M3 j4-j2 will be busy in the morning (just busy not stationary).
  19. Great tackle in the hands of a novice is no better than a sh*te tackle in the hand of a professional, but same great tackle in the hands of a good angler, the differences are apparent. I use a Saveran Pro something can't rememer the name, I'll have a look later. It's a 3 piece comination rod, use as a 7' downtide or 9.5' uptide, great little rod.
  20. rilliant, got to be the best party trick What's Salt Peter by the way?
  21. Go on Paul, go for it. Sell the X trial and put everything on Mavericks, it'll be worth it.
  22. That is turning out very nicely.
  23. I would like to know how to make the smoke bom, should be fun at a friend's kitchen ......
  24. Happy New Year to everyone.
  25. I think your supplier is trying to wrong foot you. The new gen 2 strokes are here to stay, while the old 2 strokes are illegal, only to make but not for sale or old ones. Yes it might be that one day they will ban even the new 2 stroke (personally I can't see it) but such ban are usually no restrospective, only on newly made engines.
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