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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by boybilly

  1. Not knowing the linear measurement of the picture makes it difficult but from a personal point of view I would be looking to anchor centrally so that I can fish downtide and flick it uptide to find fish if necessary. Sometimes when you downtide you can bounce over depressions. Flicking it uptide means you can drop in to every nook and cranny. You need to use a tad heavier lead fior this but it can be really productive. BB
  2. boybilly

    Up tiding

    Inches away from his end tackle. HHHUUUMMMM
  3. Charlie, I think you will find that it is called a Palomar. I did post the ultimate leader knot a while ago which is almost 100%. It is called the Sig knot and is a doddle to tie. Type Sig Knot into Google and it will come up. This joins to a loop in the braid,4 turn Nail knot, and you have 100% join and very neat too. BB
  4. Head and heart both in the right place Rich, and I agree 100% BB
  5. What is the run on the screen? By this I mean what distance does it cover from left to right? BB
  6. Great stuff Adam, Wait till comp day if you like mate. BB PS Unless you are coming for a squid session.
  7. Guess what? My doorbell just rang and it was Trad and his son, prospective members (Martin, could you Email Trad the membership details please?) " Do you want some squid mate" Him and his son, Ryan, caught 15 about 150 yds off the pier. One of them is nearly 4ft long. Best you lads that are going to fish for them get down here quick. BB
  8. Don,t believe a word of it lads, he will lull you into a false sense of security then boooooff. I fished with him for a week and after talking to Rich realised he certainly knows a thing or two, Like a sponge our Rich, Asking and soaking it all up. His day will come. Wrassing is dead easy Rich, its getting the buggers in that is the hard bit. Good luck with the plastic surgery mate (Ooops, let the cat out of the bag mate) and looking forward to having you back fishing.. BB
  9. One for me please Adam, 25k if any left. If not then 12.5, Regards, BB
  10. I have got to warn you Paul J that your record is under severe pressure. We had a wrasse comp today, after a bit of bassing, and we had 3 fish over the club record on our boat. The other boat had two. Biggest went 6lb. the winner was the combined weight of their three biggest fish, Ivan had nearly 16lb. Unfortunately it was charter boat but we were less than 50 yds from the shore near Church Ope, well within the clubs boundaries. Cannot wait to get there in Hands Off, maybe this weekend if possible. My biggest only went 4.5 but we ran out of hermits and had to use worm, not good for the lunkers. I lost three fish that felt huge but will never know. Every fish went back so they are there for the taking. As a by product while we waited for the tide to ease we went shadding for bass. I had three fish, 8lb, 7lb and 5lb. Not bad for an hours fishing. I have some pics so I will try to post them. Regards, BB
  11. Dead simple mate, Just a prawn jig with a luminous bead or starlight. Cast off the wall and retrieve at snails pace. It is quite an experience watching these creatures zoom in on the lure from behind, like aliens in the water. To be honest I have caught most of them just jigging straight down the side. It isnt on the end of the pier that they fish, it is under the tall lights as you walk onto the pier. You will know the right spot by the number of anglers there lads. After 8,o,clock you wont get a place. You need a rising tide with a high about 10ish. This will give you a bit of water in front of you as it is only 8-10 ft at top of tide. If you need more info call me or pm. BB
  12. I know its a boat fishing club but just a line about last night. I decided that squid was going to be for supper tonight so prawn in hand I went to the Pleasure Pier. Perfect conditions, hardly any wind, rising tide, clear water, what more could one ask? 3lb squid second cast, loads showing in the shallow water then off they scoot at 50mph. Very puzzling. Big black shadow on the bottom then up it comes, squid in mouth. 5 foot seal just lying on the surface munching a lovely squid. It was completely oblivious to all the anglers along the wall. What a superb site seeing these magnificent pinipeds in their own environment. Not the same at the Sea Life is it? He stayed around for 1 hour or so picking up bits of mackerel thrown by anglers then went off on a jolly. The tide went in that time and only had one more squid. Still a most memorable night, not only for me but for all the kids that fish the pier at weekends. You can tell the sight of that seal really impressed those kids as there was not a sound for ages as they watched it cruise up and down the wall. Not all ruffians are they? BB
  13. Top remark Mike, If it aint for feed leave it in the weed. One of the reasons I joined your club is for that very reason, results on trust. If you need to fish for the glory you are in the wrong sport. BB
  14. Many Happy Returns. Keep up the good work lads. BB
  15. OK Adam, Thanks for that. On December 6th we have an open night at WAS headquaters for the kids that want to learn knots, rigs etc. I have been asked to do a presentation on boat fishing. I intend to knock up a corkboard and pin the various rigs to that. I could photo that and download for you guys to look at. Any advice will be kindly accepted. Regards, BB
  16. How do you post drawings of rigs lads? Cannot see how you can do it apart from photos ( Theres an idea ). BB
  17. Another one of those pheremone loaded anglers that always beat the guys. Welcome to the club Rose. BB
  18. All the best for the op Rich mate, I bet the fishing will be buzzing while you are off. BB
  19. Martin, Tried your home no. Left my no. with your son(?) I have got a prize for the comp. Since phoning you I have spoken to Mark Bessant ( Loyal Royal ) and he is coming to Weymouth tonight so I will give it to him to bring back. It is a brand new(still boxed ) Maxximus 3/0. Very nice reels mate. About
  20. Glad to see a few of you got some dangling in this weekend lads. Just a little addition to my earlier report. Plenty of whiting on the Adamant at the moment and filling out fast, plus a guy on the boat yesterday caught a 15lb cod off Portland. BB
  21. He may be barking (Never met the man so dont know) but there is a lot of sense in that little ditty. There are basically only three rigs. On the bottom, Paternoster and surface rigs. All that matters is your personal interpretation of each rig and match hook sizes to the fish. Sounds easy but you learn every trip. I fished all day yesterday with three rigs. Thrre hook trailer with size 6,s, three hook trailer with 2,s and baited shrimp rigs. All the dogs and bull huss came on the 6,s and my biggest pollack went just double on shrimp rig. Small hooks, with a bit of care, can land most fish. This goes back to the light tackle issue and the guys yesterday couldnt believe how fine myself and a couple of others were fishing. BB
  22. Sorry ladsa, its was me fished the comp, not Sam (He wishes). BB
  23. thanks lads but dad says no.
  24. I am out on Saturday but it is a pairs comp in aid of RNLI. All proceeds go in the pot as the skippers donate their time and vessel free. There are a lot of decent fish showing after the blow of late. Rays, tope, whiting,cod and a late run of spurdog. I will let you know how it goes. Tight lines to all fishing this weekend. I need to get some items to the club for 28th comp. so hopefully I will be coming to Poole soon. Regards, BB
  25. Adam, Good to hear you had a decent day out. What make of cicle do you use? I have found the Mustad are very heavy in the wire. Try owner as they are very good. Good point about the Grinner Knot as it allows the hook to swivel but a better knot is to whip the hook down the shank. Once tied slide a short length of shrink tube over the knot and presto, nice and neat. The shrink tube also acts as a half decent biter, not that you need it with circles. The Streamer Hooks from UK are excellant also, the longer shank really helps bait presentation. Regards, BB
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