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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Neal

  1. So far it looks like the winner is.............. 1st Place - Gordon Elder 2lb 7oz 2nd Place - Will Summerell 2lb 3oz 3rd Place - Chris Witheford 2lb 2oz Please let me know if any other fish were recorded
  2. Results! Kind of Magic Black Bream 1lb 11oz - Dave Samuel Court Jester Black Bream 2lb - Neal Sturt
  3. I have been watching the forecasts change on an almost hourly basis The competition is on..........the wind is going to be about force 4 and Northerly It shouldn't be too bad inshore which fortunately is where the Bream are? but take care. Neal
  4. I have room for 1 or 2 people for the Bream Comp this Sunday Neal
  5. Beat me to it! - I hadn't forgotten it 1) Allan Green. Crew Dave Samuels and one other on Kind of Magic subject to weather and crew confirmation 2) Graham on Mistress with 2 non members crew (weather, crew and boat dependent) 3] Alfresco, Charlie, Dan, Stuart and Will [Possibly Gordon Moore as well] 4) Neal Sturt - crew tba
  6. Now sorted.........just hope we can find some fish!
  7. I am planning to go out looking for a few Bream this Sunday Anyone want to join me please PM It is likely that the Ledge will be rather full of Boats as it is the Lymington / Loni's Bream comp - so I may look elsewhere ready for next weekends Poole Sea Angling Centre and our club Bream comp. Neal
  8. Due to the forecast and the lack of enthusiasm! I am cancelling this particular event - we do however have another species hunt planned for the middle of the drought...........err I mean summer. I am taking a couple of the Kayak guys round to Swanage Bay to do a bit of a species hunt prior to their comp next weekend. Followed by a try for some Bream off Ballard So if anyone else manager to get out - Good Luck Neal
  9. Better bring him along this evening as well!!! Neal
  10. Happy Birthday Charlie Enjoy your day Neal
  11. Happy Birthday Dave I hope you have a good one Neal
  12. Fish of the month winner for January 1st Place Alun Jones - Bass 13lb 8oz - 142% Specimen 2nd Place Stuart Cooper - Undulate Ray - 17lb 10oz - 126% Specimen 3rd Place Alun Jones - Flounder - 2lb 8oz - 100% Specimen. Fish of the month winner for February 1st Place Charlie Chapman - Undulate Ray - 22lb 1oz - 157% Specimen 2nd Place Alun Jones - Flounder - 2lb 6oz - 95% Specimen 3rd Place Alun Jones - Flounder - 2lb 6oz - 95% Specimen Fish of the month winner for March 1st Place James Parker - Turbot - 17lb 6oz - 116% Specimen 2nd place Alun Jones - Bass - 10lb - 105% Specimen 3rd Place Phil Vivian - Plaice - 3lb 15oz - 87.5% Specimen Fish of the month winner for April 1st place Alun Jones - Brill - 8lb 4oz - 165% Specimen 2nd place Chris Enstone - Bass - 13lb - 137% Specimen 3rd place Martin Burt - Black Bream - 4lb 2oz - 118% Specimen
  13. Dont do it Jim!
  14. Neal

    Bead Blasting

    Dave, There is a place on the Nuffield Estate I have used in the past and they were not expensive. Somewhere between Nigel and the Post Office! Neal
  15. The weekend weather is looking a bit better, so we should be able to get out at last! Sunday 6th May - new date for species comp 1) Neal Sturt 2)Allan Green on Kind of Magic with Bill (Ferret).
  16. Below is a summary of Prizes and Trophy's awarded at the Dinner Dance Congratulations to all Competition Winners 2011 Fish of the Month January Adam Franklin Flounder 3lb 5oz 132.5% February Alun Jones Flounder 2lb 4oz 90% March Nigel Allen Blonde Ray 21lb 11oz 94.29% April Ian Jones Black Bream 4lb 4oz 121.43% May Neal Sturt Undulate Ray 14lb 4oz 101.79% June James Parker Bass 13lb 3oz 138.82% July Martin Burt Plaice 6lb 11oz 148.61% Club Record August Mike Toms Garfish 1lb 9oz 125% September Bobi Francis Undulate Ray 18lb 12oz 133.93% October Neal Sturt Brill 6lb 3oz 123.75% November Nigel Allen Cod 30lb 4oz 151.25% December Kev Couzens Flounder 4lb 12oz 190% Club Record Competition / Trophy Winners Plaice Chase Mike Bridges Plaice 1lb 9oz Bream Comp Bobi Francis Bream 3lb 0oz 48Hr Comp Allan Green Red Gurnard 1lb 10.5oz Club Record Bass Specimen
  17. Well Done all for getting out............I didn't fancy it at all. Garry - you've got the boat (Wishin) - now you have to join the club. Neal
  18. Neal

    Bait Boards

    Remember this is to raise funds to support our junior members Niggle
  19. Start again Sunday 6th May - new date for species comp - if this drought ever goes away! 1) Neal Sturt
  20. Neal

    Alderney Ring?

    Try Stainless Steve - or failing that, it is the Beaulieu Boat jumble next Sunday Neal
  21. Neal

    The next Wishin

    Well done mate. Look forward to trip real soon - perhaps in better conditions than the Sea Trial!!! Neal
  22. I am re-scheduling the species comp for the May Bank Holiday weekend The proposed date will be Sunday 6th May. This could be used as a final practice for all the Kayak Crews before their National Species Hunt the following weekend. Their are 3 new kayaks up as prizes plus, write up's in all the mags. A great opportunity for the Kayak Section of the Club. Also should give the Alderney adventurers a last shakedown before they go! Neal
  23. Check first with the Marina Office to see if they can spot something on their CCTV They are very keen to stop this kind of thing happening as it is bad publicity Neal
  24. Are those to keep your plant pots in place during strong winds Jim? Neal
  25. Due to adverse weather Competition Postponed new date to follow Neal
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