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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Gnasher

  1. PS, thanks nige
  2. Haha, true lofty! it was my kayak pb, so I'm over the moon with it. No idea how ho post a pic of it on here via my phone, so posted a pic on my fb page instead!
  3. I can't attach the pic, but I've tagged a few in on a fb pic. Can someone put the bones pic on here?
  4. I had a last minute trip to beaulie river in search of something for tonight's bbq. Started with worm, but had more schoolies than I can handle, so a switch to squid as dark fell resulted in something powerful doing me after one long run. 10 mins later, the sane rod is away and a bass about 4lb comes off at the net. Slightly gutted, and thinking of paddling back, the right hand rod tears off and a pb 8lb bass is landed. On gutting the fish, I opened the sack to see what looked like chicken bones! I guess it's been preying on something other than fish! Anyone else found large bones in a basses stomach?
  5. Afternoon guys. My first post for a couple of years as I have been concentrating hard on my carp fishing, but an impulse buy has seen me buy a yak. I've not been out afloat on anything for a few years so it will be nice to try the mudflats and harbours over the next few months after a variety of species. Enjoy the weather Regards Danny
  6. Lol, yes a whack of the hammer often works! Didnt try this time though! Lol. Well, today it's like there has never been a problem. Started first flick.weird!
  7. Cheers dave. I'l see if I can work out what is where and will give it a bash.
  8. Hey,I tried starting my old johnson 60hp this morning (usually a good runner), but wen I try and turning her over, I was just getting a clicking sound. Occasionally it would fire but mostly just clicking. The battery is fully charged. Would this be the starter motor?
  9. Secondly ensure your anchor line is longer than the depth! ( yes i did once connect a brand new anchor to 20ft of roap in 100 meters doh!) I remember being invited out by a kind club member on his brand new boat 2 years back with the plan to fish the needles car park. Anyway, he found 85feet of water then to my shock I watched as he tried to anchor with 80 feet of warp, no chain and a 2.5kg fold up anchor. Needless to say it didn't even reach the bottom. Lol. He doesn't use the forum these days so I can post this without embarrassment. Lol
  10. Got 300ft of 12mm warp, 5kg Bruce, with about 45ft of chain. That's on my 17ft Wilson
  11. I was only looking at the youtube footage last week and actually tjought of this thread! Strange that a week after, it appears on the forum.
  12. pm
  13. And Friday to. I'l be out then if I can sort crew
  14. oh, and I got some new stainless snag ears for my delks The carp anglers amongst you will understand. haha
  15. a book of fishing jokes of which none are funny
  16. thanks guys
  17. Hey guys, as we can't seem to any settled weather, I am starting to think of having a little dabble after the flounders. It hasn't really ever appealed to me, but I need to get out at some point or i'l end up going mad. I'm thinking of going out of mudeford, but as I've never fished the harbour for them before, I will be fishing blind. Has anyone any idea what areas of the harbour are best? Favourable tides?? And also how much effect this extra rain coming down the stour has on them? Any help would be great. Cheers Dan
  18. Now have the manual. Thanks nige.
  19. I have a navman trackfish 6500, but although I have the manual, I'm extremely confused with how to use it, having only had basic gps units in my previous boats. I have a few marks that I want to input and have no idea how. Anyone local to the hordle/new milton area that would mind spending half an hour with me going through the basics? I'm not around this weekend unfortunately. If anyone can help, let me know, Cheers Dan
  20. Sounds like a dogfish!
  21. Gnasher


    Lol, I think I'm just tired of trailing, launching etc. And can't afford a mooring. Lol
  22. Gnasher


    I'l be chasing barbel instead ;-) I'm only tempted to take the boat out these days if it's flat and on neaps! Seem to have lost the passion of being afloat!
  23. Gnasher


    rain! i'm now not tempted!
  24. Gnasher


    looks like a weather window on thursday. Nice tides also. Any one out? im tempted
  25. Spot on. Mine isn't balanced very well at all and I can't get to the engine without the front popping up.....Luckily no damage yet, but I have done a couple of high speed wheelies!
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