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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Gnasher

  1. Your only as young as the women you feel :-) luckily for me, jades only 21. Lol
  2. Nice plaice. Well done on the blonde rays, I've never landed a ray from the ledge, but just along, I've had plenty of thornies, undulates and spotties. Good angling anyway.
  3. Need a like button
  4. This eve.....Solent stingers. Tucked in close so out of the tide. Lymo launch, then head to Sowley. If anyone wants to buddy, let me know. Late afternoon launch.
  5. Hey cam, good to see u involved in the forum. I'm awaiting the delivery of my kayak, so will hopefully see you out there some time. I see si also had a beauty. Great angling chaps! Dan
  6. I was told in my local shop that the rules had just been applied to pbsbac. Thought it was odd as I've never read anything suggesting it. I'l update him and tell him he's been told boll***s.
  7. Hey, I've been told today in the tackle shop that to fish the comps, you must produce your certificate to gain entry. Can you confirm?
  8. Lofty, my mate Gavin also had a stinger from his yak a few days ago along with a load of smut. He was a few hundred yards off Sowley Boom
  9. I laid a mooring a few years back and it was pretty easy. I just took 3 small car tyres and filled them all with concrete. Before it was set, I weaves in some very heavy duty chain that not only linked all the tyres together but also enough to reach the surface on the highest spring (and a bit more for heavy swell/chop as in mudeford harbour). It was then suspended on the surface with an over sized bouy. Well that's how I done it anyway. Lol
  10. cracking session. Try a little paddle along to sowley next time. A second rod down on a large worm bait or fish bait will give you a chance of a stinger. Fish to around the 40lb mark landed from both sowley and parkshore already this month by beach anglers. Now that would be fun on a 'yak'
  11. harbour? thought you said it was two rivers
  12. So launch from wick but we must have a boundary. I thought clay pool was perfect to snare a mullet from that would qualify! I'm in Ringwood but day tickets for stanpit etc can be bought. Looks like i'l just target them from the quay!
  13. Rob, out of interest, where is the cut off then?
  14. Club record mullet :-)
  15. just watched on youtube. Those guys popped them out pretty easily.
  16. Well i'm not suprised that it was called off! I had a mullet plan, but conditions should still look fine a harbour trip. Hopefully I will still get amongst a few.
  17. I took the time to take a look....oiled up plug. A quick clean and she runs perfect. I am now keeping Looks like a bargain was missed
  18. Not mechanically minded! Lol.
  19. Merc 3.5hp outboard. Pretty old but looks in ok condition. It ran fine last week, but now it doesn't seem to work (old fuel? Plugs?). I've no idea what's up as I'm Mechanically minded so I thought I'd flog it. Advertised elsewhere for
  20. Please register your intention to fish the comp by adding your name below 1) Neal Sturt 2] Charlie Chapman [weather permitting] 3) Danny Taylor [weather permitting]
  21. All brill info. I've numbers for these wrecks so will give a go. Many thanks lads :-)
  22. Hey, I'm thinking of doing a bit of wrecking for pollack with a couple of mates, but un-sure what wrecks to try. I have marks for pretty much every wreck out there, but if anyone can suggest one or two of the better ones mid channel I would appreciate. Also, anyone got any numbers for southbourne rough for general fishing at anchor for a mixed bag? Pm me if anyone can help. I'l happily trade some of my Christchurch marks. (ps for wrecking, we will be heading out from lymo. Cheers. Dan
  23. I'm looking to change my gearbox oil on my Johnson 60, but I'm wondering if there are any recommendations as I'm not sure what oil to use. I'm not sure what size 'tube' to get. Also, any views on decent oil for my trim n tilt? Also how much would I use? Any links to a website would be good as I'd rather buy online as time is minimal as working 24/7 Cheers
  24. Lol dom, we ain't members. But I have the bug again after not really getting out for a couple of years. But, i'l be re-joining this weekend on a family membership. Thanks for everyone's help. Looking forward to seeing you lot out there again.
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