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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Gnasher

  1. Right, I had someone come and look at the engine, but he said that we had run the fuel/oil mix wrong. My paper work says 20:1 and i have used this ratio since I had the boat. He said that the type of engine I have should be ran at 50 for x amount of hours when new then changed to 100:1. I drained the carb, then put through a 100:1 mix and it started first time . I cut the engine and then the thing wouldn't start again. It briefly fires then dies. There is thick oil/fuel comming from the middle of the prop. Its 2 cylinder and its a 94 model Any thoughts chaps?
  2. engine has packed in again. Awaiting for the engineer to come out tomoz. Trip aborted
  3. What time you out James? I plan on bassing then dropping down for an eel. I'l see if I can find ya out there. I suspect i'l fish 6pm-11pm ish
  4. or a stinger in the solent
  5. Bassing on the drift Mon Evening from Christchurch. Possibly anchor into the night for an hour or two for an eel. Windguru is looking decent if anyone wants to buddy up (hopefully engine is now ok )
  6. His Brother used to. He had a stroke a few years back and its now owned and solely run by Garry Mann. It is still called Loni's (there on facebook)
  7. but its on tmobile kam
  8. signed. I know Trevor and Hugh as are both members of the Sway Lakes syndicate. A great job there doing.
  9. Sorry guys, I didnt get to the boat. Thinking about it, it is most likely fuel lealing out. I just presumed it was oil as it was dark, but as its a strong 2 stroke mix, the fuel would also be pretty much black. The leak looked like it was coming from the side of the prop
  10. cheers guys, I will find out the info. I know the log says 20:1 mix. I will try and post tonight or tomorrow with an update. Cheers
  11. hi mate, I think its a 95 model. It isn't pre-mix. 20-1. cheers pal
  12. the engine is a mariner 40 2stroke
  13. i launced for a bass trip yesterday, but the pull start engine failed to fire. It was running fine the previous day (as it always does). I had plenty of compression, and it nearly fired first pull, but that was as good as it got. I left it for a bit as i thought i may have flooded it, re-tired. Replaced the lugs, no joy. Checked the hoses, carb, HT leads, etc, and everything looked fine. I then noticed oil pi$$ing out of leg, and dripping off the prop. Not a happy outing!
  14. Gnasher


    Hey chaps. I'm out on my first basing trip of the year on Monday. Weather looks spot on. Anyone wanna buddy up? Launching from mudeford or Christchurch about 8.30am. I've been out of the loop a bit of late so I don't know if many spikeys are getting caught, but it's gotta be worth a try.
  15. looking at Sunday or Monday. If I go Monday, no crew is sorted, so will be looking. Sunday looks a little bumpy early afternoon. Christchurch launch for bass.
  16. Gnasher

    Pond Builder

    if you want any advice on keeping/breeding koi, pm dom. He worked for New Forest Koi for about 7 years and has plenty of knowledge
  17. Gnasher

    Wishin update

    and with your luck, get nicked by the EA for fishing out of season lol
  18. Gnasher


    pretty much impossible to police. the only solution is to give each angler a seasons quota of fish they can take (maybe 50 bream per person per season) but that would be a non starter and impossible to manage properly. It's more about changing peoples attitudes.
  19. Gnasher


    a local charter skipper took a few mates out a couple of weeks back. They had 150+ bream and they took home the lot
  20. Gnasher


    I still have the old vhf from Peachy. Not used in a 2 years (big, old white/cream type vhf). i presume it still works, but sold as spares or repair as i havent used it in so long.
  21. well done lardy great pics......very envious maye.......what ever happened to your old partner in crime? ive not heard from rich in ages. Hope your well mate. Dan
  22. dan, 3ft hook length maximum as you need the bait nailed to the deck. it also doesnt get in the way when casting, and also helps avoid snagging other lines especially when on a charter. i use 100lb mono if theres a few about, as you will land 90% of fish on it with only minimal bite offs.....if targeting them spefically, then step it up a bit. if your certain theres no eels, then 4olb is perfectl as it helps with presentation
  23. Gnasher


    i was out in the bay today on Dat Dam Boat and it was crap, with only whiting and LSD, but i have found this pic from another forum from a cod that was landed on shogan today....there playing guess the weight, so no idea how big it is (could be clever photography making it look bigger than it is) but it still looks massive. Dan
  24. heading out thurs or fri or both......anyone else out?
  25. Those two fish looked massive.....decent 30's to i would guess!
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