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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Gnasher

  1. Happy Birthday Paul Danny Boy
  2. 12.81 santas speedy, the game sucks!!!! haha. i still spent 20 mins trying to beat davids score though!!! (im sad 2) Danny Boy
  3. Gnasher


    Welcome to PBSBAC and happy hauling.
  4. Hi guys, my mate chris is uses the forum name of thats_a_biggun is looking to crew for someone in the cod comp. His computor is playing up so i am posting the message. Hes a top bloke and a decent fisherman. Let me know. Regards Dan P.S i have left a PM for you martin in case you havnt got anyone yet.
  5. After reading the spread on James winning in BFM I now pick up the January Sea Angler mag and see the pic of Sam with the 45lb tope winning the best boat catch in the young rods section. Well done that man!!!
  6. Gnasher

    Taras gone

    A nice new boat??? I'l sell you Sweaty Pollocks for a fiver, now shes a real beauty,haha
  7. Nice comment chris you funny man (thats a biggun) NOT!!!! Thanks for everyones advice and yes i think we will all take a lot from the experience. A learning curve, especially for me. Life jackets were worn by all but clearly we should of made more checks on the weather, state of ide etc.
  8. After an invite of Kam and his other half to fish with them off Sweet Honey, we lanched at 10am off Lymington in what looked like pukka conditions. Headed out past Hurst and it was a bit lumpy but no probs for her as she ploughed through the waves. Reached the needles and spied both Becky M and Tomkat about a mile south so between them both must be a good starting point we thought. Kam then couldnt hold onto the anchor rope in the strong currents and we lost it before we could connect it up. With the spare only having 30 m of chain we had to head for shallower ground in the solent but in seconds the swell went from medium to 6-8feet and when we watched Becky M being chucked from piller to post we started to worry. Sweet Honey got caught side on in a swell and we ploughed through at 45degrees and i thought we were going side on for sure. After somehow pulling through when it looked over we were hit again, not nice and one of the most scary times of my life. We vthen tried getting North of the needles but very hard and Kam done a great job but we had to pick and choose our waves to help us get in. Eventually finding some smaller water to fish Kam then caught bottom and a big bang as the rod snapped. Not good. With the wind and swell picking up we watched as the charters headed back in as even they werent man enough to tackle it and they fished in the calmer solent. As for the fishing, not a lot done really but Kam saved the day with one small Pout that didnt even show a bite. thanks for a good but very scary day Kam and will try again when the weather is better.
  9. Not really sure how salty the water needs to be for them, but on many barbel sessions on both the avon and stour i have seen loads of little flatties miles up river where there is hardly any tidal flow.
  10. Gnasher


    Blimey, i thought i was having my leg pulled!!!! If anyones out tomorrow and brave enough to experiment then post how you got on. I then read in an old BFM of peeler crab sticks, a scented spongy stick that scores well when the going gets tough!!!!! I'l stick to the real thing I think.
  11. Gnasher


    I have been chatting to a couple of lads who claim they have caught a few fish spreying there bait with WD40. Is someone having me on? Dan
  12. Thats sounds good, let me know what i owe you for fuel and launching. Do you need me to pick up any bait or have you got your own sorted? Dan
  13. Well done guys, at least you both had a few fish to show for your efforts!! And as for the squid paul, i thought there was a strange smell driving through walkford yesterday!!!!haha Dan
  14. Nice clean looking fish, I bet it tasted great
  15. No probs, good luck and hope theres a couple of cod going to be hauled aboard when you are both out
  16. Paul, just checked the calander and its my little boys playschool xmas party that I have to help out on so I am not around friday. Sorry to mess you about
  17. Hi Paul, Friday is good for me aswel, let me know if you can get a day off and we can see what we can do. I fancy a bash off the needles, a few lumps have been comming out so might be worth a go. Probabbly best out of Lymington then, but whatever is easiest for you.
  18. Chris Please look her, she is a beauty, haha make sure u have your life jacket, saftey rings, armbands, floaties and any thing else 2 keep u safe. Mate shes as safe as houses but just stay in the harbour because shes only small. So if anybody sees "sweaty Pollocks" floating around in the bay, be sure to give her and chris a wave and wish him luck goby bashing.haha Dan
  19. ok, see what the weather is doing anyway, chris is not available tue so it will just be me.
  20. Hi lads, just to see if anyone needs any crew for next week. It will be me and my mate chris. I will return the favour in a month when the boat is back in. Tight lines Dan
  21. Well the flounder are really in in muddiford harbour, apparentley 2 blokes had 18 in a few hours on baited spoons fishing from a rowing boat a couple of days ago and a few friends were catching them off the wall fishing into the harbour last night. Might be worth considering for the comp??
  22. Thanks Bob, I think its off to Lymington market on saturday and get a Fladen. Dan
  23. *******spelling**** To BUY not BUT the best value rod
  24. A friend of mine has given me 40 quid to but the best value new rod for his dad for xmas. between 12 and 20lb class. anyone got any ideas? As its on a budget does anything beat the fladen range? Dan
  25. RESULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done lads. That beats my pb by 30lb!!!!!
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