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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Gnasher

  1. Hi Solent Hushpuppy Remember if you catch alot, dont keep Hush (boom boom), i wanna know all your tips coz i catch nothing. Dan
  2. Welcome aboard Scot. Dan
  3. Gnasher

    F.A.O Dan

    P.S if anyone else has heard of a Tailor Spanola I would welcome a response. It was bought off an Italian bloke and was also harboured in spain at some point of its life. I know so much about my boat!!! NOT!!!!!!!!
  4. Gnasher

    F.A.O Dan

    Barry, Its a 22ft cruiser, sleeps 2 at the front, but with a large fishing area at the back. On recent purchess I asked exactley what the make of the boat is and it was apparentley a Tailor Spanola 22, something I have never heard of and Its a name I cant find on the net. Thats the spelling thats on the reciept anyway. Its powered by a 285hp Volvo Penta inboard. Why you ask? Dan
  5. i agree sam, very sad, I just couldnt resist it though.
  6. OK lads, heres the answer................ 1. Killer Shark 2. Kwick save boil in the bag haddock 3. Kilmarnock (its a PLAICE in scotland)
  7. Heres one for you, but theres gonna be a few know it alls out there that are going to know. Q. Name 3 fish that begin and end in a K. Correct answers win a gold star.
  8. Gnasher

    Stupid jokes

    Whats the fastest fish? Motor Pike Whats the 2nd fastet fish? Side Carp What fish always sleeps? Kipper Oh boy, I am a sado (i should be the Joke master that does lolly stick jokes!!!)
  9. Gnasher

    wed crew

    I havn't checked the weather but if anyone needs any crew on Wed let me know as I have a day off. The conger are still biting and it could be a laugh. If not I will do my usual pike fishing on the stour or avon. Dan
  10. Gnasher

    Bass Rod

    Hey bud, whats the chances of getting the same rod again? If its a rod you trust then spend a bit of time looking round for the same model. If not, im sure the others will have some ideas to help. Dan
  11. Hey Paul, she looks a beauty, hope she brings u plenty of luck
  12. Bonjour, ou est la welcome da la PBSBAC, la maison of da haulers. ?????? Merci beacoup dan
  13. There maybe Bass in Weymouth, but we got Tuna in Barton!!!!!!
  14. The joys of fluff chucking. Paul is right, clay pool is great, but if he ever wants to treat himself than the christchurch bridge pool is full of trout, a bit pricey but you dont need a Christchurch permit to fish it. You pay for the pool, punt etc and it allows two people to catch a lot of fish. I have taken sea trout when they run at Sturt pond, a brackish bit of water behind the milford shingle bank, loads of fish there but they can be tough, mullet galore though. Dont cost anything though. Royalty fishery, day permits in davis tackle or available on xchurch book. Good fishing and quite easy. I catch loads when after chub and barbel. The trout even eat a lump of luncheon meet so a fly there should do really well. Make sure he has a rod licence that covers game fishing though if hes on the river.
  15. Gnasher

    Packing a reel

    Back to the loading of braid, chuck the spool of braid/line in a bucket of water then wind it on. Goes on much better. load as duncon says, with wool, but whatever you decide, wind it on tight coz the braid will just bed into the backing and cause problems
  16. i need a st tropez tan. Am i gonna get one in Poole??
  17. My 7ft Diawa Vertice 8lb, finished in burgendy not only looks beautiful but is a dream to use. Complete with my shimano tritton m1. the combo looks greeat. Just need to have it bent in half by the smoothies in the summer.
  18. Welcome aboard gazza
  19. A lunker of a bass gets my vote, allthough i only catch checkers.
  20. You lucky sods, they call me into work on sat as a one off so that rules me out Paul. Im off Fri instead and just for a change im going to Launch from Wick and head up the stour and try for the Pike around Tuckton.
  21. Gnasher


    Completley knackered, but i will keep trying. I will try the number shytalk but if i dont get anywhere i will try charlies option Ta lads
  22. oh no, not another junior to be showing us all up!!!! Welcome and happy hauling
  23. Gnasher


    Well then, the list goes on and i may get my vessel back in one day!!! The engine has been stripped down after all the salt water made a meal of it, but the question is, where can i get a cheap 2nd hand alternator???? I have been quoted 250 quid for a recon one from a place in Lymington but i would of thought they would of been cheaper than that. I have tried Trents but they didnt have anything in. Does other alternators fit?? Its for a 4.3L Volvo penta V6 petrol inboard. I dont wanna be stung coz im skint........the bank loan will hopefully put all the never ending problems im getting right............i sure hope so coz moral is very low as i havnt even been out in it since i bought the boat. Dan P.S thanks for the wheel chris, shes the right size
  24. i can even see my boat, lol
  25. Gnasher

    Hello Hoggy

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