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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Gnasher

  1. Adam, Pro tackle tries to trades under Lonis but it isnt actually owned by Paul Lonnigan who ownes the New Milton shop, but his brother who tries to trade using the Lonis name. Ive worked in the NewMilton shop on and off and the bait is great, but the peelers are pricey. Dan (p.s, the two Loni brothers seriousley dont get on, although Paul is now very sick and you wont see him in the shop no more, A top bloke)
  2. Gnasher


    A man says to a horse, "why the long face" Thanks for the acceptance Jack
  3. Did you sell him that james from your tropical fish section? Lol
  4. Cheers Kam
  5. How short has the shaft got to be to be classified as a short shaft engine? If someone wants the length of the shaft where does the measurements come from? Top or bottom of prop etc? Dan
  6. Welcome to our site, enjoy. Dan
  7. Gnasher


    im going to be untouchable at this 127 PB, haha
  8. Gnasher


    A Prawn goes into a club.......and pulls a muscle
  9. I second that
  10. Gnasher


    Hail the Carp Boys (167 x 20lb+ and 6 x 30lb+ carp ...... maybe if I drop a fish meal Boilie then I may have more chance of catching a cod next Dec/Jan) If you use PVA when the when the water has warmed up a bit then it will disolve in around 10 second, dependind on the manufacturer. Defo wouldnt be any good for this kind, if the groundbait is slightly damp aswel it will go through the bag before youve had time to tape/string the top of the bag. Dan
  11. Theres a decent artical on bream fishing in this months Boat Fishing Monthly. It should give you a few pointers aswel as a good read. Theres also another artical in the same mag about a session in the solent on Greggs boat, they are mainly fishing for the smoothies but also target bream to. Dan
  12. Gnasher


    Similer to that, but you need them much bigger. Just for my barbel fishing my dropper drops about 1/2 pint at a time. The bigger the better, you can probabbly make one anyway that would drop a big chunk though. im just going to try moulding bait around my lead though.
  13. Gnasher


    If anyone needs the freezer, pick up from newmilton. If you need it wedger, let me know. I will try and fix up the wire at the back.
  14. Gnasher


    Depending on breakdown speed, you could mould it around the lead and fish it 'method stlye'
  15. Gnasher


    I have a fridge freezer that I used for my bait last year. I am just going to dump it. A wire came out the back so I will need to fix it up. If i can get it working and anyone needs a old fridge freezer to store bait then let me know. Dan. BRING ON THE BREAM!!!!!!!!
  16. Gnasher

    Level wind

    Hi., as i mentioned before, i have got hold of a Shimano Tritton Mk1 which is one of the best looking reels I have ever seen, but it dosnt have a level wind. Is there a way of having one put on and what do you think it would cost? Dan
  17. signed Dan
  18. Wahoooo!!!!!!! As some of you read, I tried to flog my little day boat in here for
  19. Gnasher

    New Seats

    Paul Do you know what the old seats retailed for when they were new? Dan
  20. Hey Gazza Glad you got over your pneumonia. Say hi to Chris Evans and Billie for me. Dan
  21. On the subject of small rods, I have a one piece 6ft Berkley bait casting rod that goes with my baby bait casting multiplyer. I havnt used it much but I had a 6lb2oz Brown Trout and an 8lb 8oz Salmon last boxing day when plug fishing for pike(both went back). Great fun although there wasn't much control when they powered down stream in the flow. Im out pikeing tommorrow at Throop so may give the baitcasting rod another go just for a laugh.
  23. You are far better off with a 12ft rod because it will give you much better distance than a 9ft model. For my spinning i use one of my Harrison Carp rods, but there are some cheaper alternatives such as the new Wychwood range, Fox Rangemaster etc. Nash even do some top quality carp rods for just under 50quid. They have enough backbone for bass and pollock and a 2.5lb Test Curve can still pump a 3oz lead 100 yards. I use a Harrison Ballister 2lb TC for my plug fishing. A longer Rod is a bit more difficult for boat fishing, but i wouldnt use a shorter rod for rock/beach fishing. Dan
  24. oh dear. We put 60 quid in my tank(still only slightly filled it) when it went in the mooring in Sep. She came back out 2 weeks later and its still all in the tank. I hope I havnt wasted it then.
  25. Shes now on ebay. ref num 454543867. At last I know I can finally get rid of her.
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