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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. I have smart tabs on my Warrior which have improved the attitude of the boat enormously and are very useful when my larger friend is crewing, keeps things on a level plane, unfortunately not when stationary.
  2. plaicemat

    Hello all

    You won't go far wrong with a Warrior, superb sea boat, strong and very well constructed. Oh! And I've got one.
  3. A very Happy Birthday boyo, hope you had a good 'un. Iechyd da!
  4. plaicemat


    And others who put patches on windscreens that obscure speed signs.
  5. I have been given a Penn Delmar 285M multiplier reel by a gentleman who has given up sea fishing, although an old model, it is in perfect condition and even in it's box. yours for a contribution to our club charity.
  6. Plaice for us tonight with fresh runner beans from the lottie, thanks for the late planting tip, we're again in full production. About another week for broad beans. Looking for my next weather window to try again for the spotties and pleased to be getting out more in the boat. I love it when a plan comes together.
  7. Did well initially although a late start didn't help (crew overslept). Unfortunately, my crew started feeling ill with what showed itself as sea sickness although he has never had it before; we suspect a medication imbalance. So, we had an enforced early finish, back in Poole at 14,45, but I still had 6 nice plaice in the box and a few bonus mackerel, not a complete waste.
  8. Sssshhh, keep it quiet Alun. See you tomorrow. Do you need bait?
  9. Now, you know you've just spoiled it. Never talk about the weather in Wales.
  10. I shall be amongst you all tomorrow trying for some more flatties. Anyone else about?
  11. They're very good to eat, perhaps with the water warming we'll get more.
  12. I also had one on Monday, a first for me. As a matter of interest, how big do these grow?
  13. Yep, I'll take them Dave, I'll let you know when I see a weather window.
  14. I'll take 4 of the rod holders please Dave. Can't make the meeting but should be down next week.
  15. Have a good cake day Dave. I must have missed my invite to the Northney comp 😉😄
  16. They have worked it out but don't have the balls to take on the French fishermen and we all know what happens when they get pissed off. The RSA's don't directly make any money for the governments and, unfortunately, have very little political clout. Do we have enough boats to block ports or harass the bass fishing boats while they are working? Possibly but, of course, if we did, we would be arrested, unlike the other lot.
  17. Have fun and tight lines.
  18. Good advice, Rob.
  19. Doesn't compare to your fjord fun but, good all the same.
  20. See the catch report Pete, a good day.
  21. Yesterday I had a repair to do to a trim tab before I could get out but Cobbs put Stingray on a work stand as soon as I arrived and I was afloat by 09.30. Tried a spot given to me by Stuie where he said I would bag up on mackerel - nadah - not a sign of mackerel; what a difference a day or two makes. Carried on to my favoured spot and enjoyed a very pleasant day with plaice coming along each drift apart from a quiet spell early afternoon when ithe wind got up a bit and it got a little lumpy. I must have had about 18 - 20 fish with only 3 undersize and a nice half dozen over my self imposed keeping size of 15 inches (with Brexit coming up, I'm practicing my Imperial units) for meals this week. Shirt sleeve order so, all in all, a good day.
  22. I know it's a bit late but I've just got a quick job to do on my boat first thing in the morning and am then going after plaice, anyone want to join? Terry.
  23. Always something isn't there Pete. Last trip down I, one of my trim tabs fell apart so will be coming down this week to sort it, hopefully. If it doesn't take long, I will have a run out again, probably Friday.
  24. I used to use Mitchell and Intrepid reels 50 odd years ago for coarse fishing but now mostly go for Shimano Baitrunners, I was just wondering if there is anything with new innovations that I should be looking at. It would appear not so I will probably stick to what I know but thanks for the input.
  25. Oooh! Pedant alert! (I have to say, I find it difficult to resist). 10/10 Brian.
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