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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. I don't think I'm the only one, Simon, but I always dispatch mackerel before consigning them to the cool box. I make no distinction between species. I know some do just chuck them in a bucket and let them gasp their life away but would like to think it's not the majority. Terry.
  2. In which case I will make use of it and vote with my pen (or keyboard). It's not quite as bad as the channel 5 programme (thankfully on very late) that I saw some time ago that followed a cow through an abbatoir, no holds barred. But that at least followed the 'codes' of humanity which society puts on such places. I suppose we can be thankful that Robson Green's budding angling pundit career will be short lived. He's really shot himself in the foot with this one. I'm rather upset that I treated last weeks offering with such open mindedness. Perhaps it will get better (there I go again, sorry). Terry.
  3. I have to agree with the consensus that last night's offering was indeed dire. Perhaps when it leaves the USA, things will get more acceptable (until they reach China). One point, however, is the shock at the content; my grouse would be showing it on mainstream UK TV. As someone who has hunted and fished in the Southern USA for over 45 years, it comes as no surprise to me to see the cavalier way in which quarry species are treated. I don't include the big game resorts and boats/skippers in this as others have a lot more experience than I. I have, however, spent a lot of time with 'redneck' hunters and fishermen and speak from a lot of experience. A quite large percentage of the American 'sportsmen' have this attitude and see nothing wrong in it. I have seen deer and wild hogs gralloched before being finished off and fish being filleted without being dispatched. I have also seen a hog dog having it's insides pushed back in and sewn up with needle and thread after tangling with a large boar hog (and it survived). They have all the hunter/killer instincts of the British sportsmen but without the culture of humanity and respect for one's quarry. Outside of the towns and cities, culture is not something the majority hold in great esteem so it is not surprising it hasn't rubbed off on them. Yes, I know this is a big generalisation but, in the Southern states, it is, regrettably, pretty prevalent. And the programme was featuring Louisiana. Show the same in Massachusetts and an entirely different picture would emerge. I wish the other forum luck with their petition; they may influence what is shown on our TV (although I doubt it) but they won't stop this attitude as nobody there will see it. News is very parochial in those areas. They would do better writing to Channel 5 and suggest a warning of content, at least. Terry.
  4. Many happy returns, Ricardo. May all your prezzies be useful toys. Terry.
  5. If you still read the posts, many happy returns, Mike. If not, why not. Terry.
  6. As a little adendum to all this, some good news for a change. I launched from Wick last weekend and the car park charges have changed. It goes from 4 - 8 hours, 8 - 12 hours and up to 24 hours. The up to 12 hours which generally suits me was only
  7. plaicemat


    The best knot for that job is the Albright Knot. See the link to Animated Knots Animated Knots It's easy. Terry.
  8. What the hell have we started here. We appear to have released a lust monster. You all need to get out fishing more. Down boy! Down! I agree though, she looks as though she'd be very interesting to chat to. Heh, heh! Terry.
  9. Now you're being silly! Go to your room! Terry.
  10. I always knew you liked a challenge, Tom. Now, performing standing up in a hammock I'd like to see. I think we could have a winner here. Extreme Nooky! Hmm, I'll have to go away and think a bit more on this. Terry.
  11. Now you're talking. All we then need is a celebrity who's dulcet tones people recognise to do the voiceover. I have no delusions regarding being appealing to the general public! Terry.
  12. Each to his own, Tom. I haven't the benefit of having ever met the bloke so can only judge through my eyes what I see on the screen. And I still find him an annoying tit! And I was using Paul Young as an example in the ilk of 'even he is better than Robson bl@@dy Green'. However, again not having your insight, I purely see the finished product which I think for entertainment value is an advantage. Paul Young, IMHO, is an easy to watch, unassuming presenter with no ego who tries to show the viewer what he sees. This is not to say that I think him any better or worse than others, I just want to be entertained. Let's face it, what television isn't rigged; that's what editors are for. I don't know anyone in the angling celebrity world but do have several friends who are directors/producers/presenters (in mainstream TV) and have visited sets many times and am aware of the chicanery involved in the production process. This does not, however, detract from the entertainment value. Sometimes one can know too much. And so we don't get involved in another heated discussion, I was giving my opinion of the programme, not your views, your right to which I would defend to the death (well, perhaps not quite that far but, you know what I mean). Terry.
  13. Main stream television is for the masses, not single interest groups. If it is going to continue showing the opportunities for fishing in interesting places around the world and featuring the local characters, it is fulfilling it's remit. And giving a bit of PR to the sport of angling. I don't think Robson Green would claim to be a great angler, just someone who enjoys his sport; very much like the majority of us, I should imagine. Only a few of our number are selected to be the chosen ones and many of them would probably make lousy presenters; look at that annoying tit Gilbey! I really do wish, however, that he would remember he is British, damn it! That mid Atlantic enthusiasm is very grating. Come back Paul Young, everything is forgiven. Terry
  14. So, what did I do wrong? Terry.
  15. plaicemat


    Thanks for that, Alun, a bit reassuring I guess. Still rather off putting though. Terry.
  16. plaicemat


    Here's one, possibly for Alun J. Filetting some of the mackerel from yesterday's catch, I noticed something moving on the cutting board. It turned out to be a type of thread worm which, when touched, coils itself up like a snake (only much smaller!). It turns out that at least a couple of the fish were infested with them and they were actually in the flesh of them between the 'flakes' (I only know what the segments are called in a cullinary connotation). Questions. What are they? Is this normal? Are they harmful? Does cooking render them harmless? To be on the safe side, I consigned this batch to the freezer for bait. Shame, really, we do enjoy fresh mackerel. Terry.
  17. Thank's Simon, that worked. Terry.
  18. For those of you who are interested in aircarft stuff, you will be impressed with this. It's only physics, energy has to go somewhere. The passenger jets that hit the WTC towers and Pentagon were doing over 500 mph!!! Watch this video: An F-4 phantom jet VS. a solid, reinforced concrete wall, at 500 mph. When you view this video, you'll see what actually happens to an airplane when it hits a concrete wall. Many of you may have seen the web site that asks the question; 'If it's true that a Boeing airliner hit the Pentagon, what happened to all the parts of it? Why'd we only find very few pieces of the aircraft? Where did all the mass of that entire 737 GO? Watch this clip. It's an Air Force engineering test: A section of a concrete barrier that was to surround a nuclear reactor dome, to test if it would indeed survive an aerial attack. With the high speed cameras rolling, they attached an F- 4 Phantom to a sled on a tract, and then accelerated the jets speed up to 500 mph. What happens when a 'seemingly unstoppable force', meets a 'Stationary, Immovable Object?' Now, in slow motion, an F-4 collides with a wall. . Where do all the 'flying parts' go? The fact is, the entire plane is instantly atomized. The only parts that were even remotely recognizable were the very tips of the jet wings, that barely cleared the edge of the concrete structure. That's why NO pieces larger than 3 centimeters were located at the Pentagon, or the World Trade Center Towers. And, because nothing in the planes
  19. I have a very interesting video clip of an aeronatical nature on my hard drive that I would like to post on the forum. How do I do it? It tells me that I can't download files of this nature. Terry.
  20. plaicemat

    flaked ice

    I seem to have misplaced my invitation, Martin! Terry.
  21. When you see Prop. Revolutions, Les, ask about the Turning Point option. I changed to that and they are good props and a lot cheaper to change in the event of damage as you don't have to replace the whole thing. Terry.
  22. Gordon and I enjoyed our day on Enticer although it deteriorated in the afternoon when things got a bit lumpy. Mackerel were not really a problem and we finished the day with 3 bass, 1 to Gordon and 2 to me. SORRY. We also had a few dropped fish, all of which were huge! Final result: Gordon 3lb 9oz, Terry 5lb 1oz and 5lb 9oz. They may not win but they will taste good. And thank you for your hospitality last night, Gordon and Boss. It meant I didn't have to get up at 03.30 and actually made it through the day without falling asleep. Terry.
  23. Gordon and Terry will be fishing on Enticer so please book us in. My German people are not now coming over to look at the Sunseeker as it is not ready so I am unexpectedly free. Tight lines, everyone, but not as tight as mine! Terry.
  24. If anyone is interested, Gerry's of Morcambe are doing Shimano TLD15's for
  25. You have sadistic tendencies, Mr.Chapman. Terry.
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