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Everything posted by plaicemat

  1. I need to get about 10 to get a good deal so, are there any more for any more? Terry.
  2. There you go then. Thank you, Sir. Terry.
  3. Just been watching Saturday Kitchen on BBC1 when an interesting 'fact' about bass came up. Apparently, they all start off as males up to 1 or 2 matings and then some change sex. Can anyone difinitively confirm this? Seems like the ultimate multi-tasking to me. Terry.
  4. I've had 2 or 3 people ask me if I've got any Berley Bombs left to which the answer is, no. However, if enough people want them, I will do another bulk purchase. If you're interested, stick your name down or pm me. Terry.
  5. Good points, Gary. 1) Anti syphon valve; not needed as the tank is higher than the bilge so the pressure above would be greater than that at the bottom. 2) There is an attachment for the skin fittings which is a plastic cover with holes in to stop any ingress of muck/mackerel. I have 3 or 4 of these which I got in the States so I'm sure they're available here. 3) Yes, the inlet is under the water to a) stop foaming as you say and to maximise the power of the jet to create the anticlockwise vortex. Good point about the washing bag as you will certainly put your baits in the tank between drifts and eventually the hook will become entangled, as you say. Next weekend, possibly Mudeford launch as the ledge is fishing well but undecided yet. Get to work on the tank, the bass will be here soon. Terry.
  6. Gary, you have mail. Possibly down next weekend, haven't checked met and tides yet. I'll let you know. Terry.
  7. plaicemat


    I think possibly all the 'big boys' have been a bit preoccupied of late. You may get some sense after the weekend trip returns. Terry.
  8. Gary, I've plumbed mine in with a skin fitting on the opposite side to my bilge pump outlet so as to give a sort of symmetry. Remember to make your outlet of a bigger bore than your inlet otherwise it may have trouble keeping up with the pumped flow in; the bore of my inlet pipe is
  9. That's the one I got for my transom mount. Terry.
  10. Just because everyone's cleared off and your stuck in Weymouth, doesn't mean you're forgotten, Billy. Many happy returns and get out on the Shambles and show the deserters how it's done. Terry.
  11. Failing that, Harry, Redline in Abingdon do them. Terry.
  12. Alright you smug git! It starts when I get some bass. Can't be long, though. Terry.
  13. Not yet, Martyn. For me, the bream show spring and summer starts officially when the bass turn up. Can't be long, though. Terry.
  14. As I have nowhere to go I will make the effort to wish you birthday greetings chaps, even though only one of you will be able to access them. See what you're missing by clearing off to Alderney, Charlie! Terry.
  15. Likewise, good scheme. Terry.
  16. And to return the compliment, big it up to a local skipper who takes the future of his sport seriously. Terry.
  17. Right, Chris, my 5 pennorth. Rods. A downtide rod is one that you stream over the back of the boat with the tide, i.e., you allow the tide to take your terminal gear away from the boat. An uptide rod is one used to do the opposite; you cast it uptide of the boat and obviously use a gripper weight as, without these, it would eventually become 'downtide'. A downrigger is a piece of kit to get your bait/lure to a determined depth. It is a short rod attached to the boat with a wire line on a large 'reel' with a depth counter. The lure is cast away from the boat and the line in front of the rod tip is then attached to a clip on the end of the downrigger line which has a large weight attached. It is then lowered to the desired depth where one can troll the lure/drift the bait at that depth where you hope the fish will be. when a fish strikes, the line detaches from the clip and the fish is then played in the usual way but without the hindrance of weights, etc. Choice of rods is not something I'm prepared to get involved in as everyone has their own favourites. However, I'm sure you will get plenty of advise from those more brave than myself. Over to you, Tom! Terry.
  18. What make of vehicle? Terry.
  19. Very enigmatic! Terry.
  20. Ha! I've got two downriggers (also obtained at bargain prices) and they're going to be deployed livebaiting for bass this summer; also lure fishing around the Ledge, PJ, you're welcome to join anytime.I have got the technology and the techniques from A Man Who Knows in the States (brother-in-law) so I am keen to put it into practice here. Terry. p.s. Simon, let me have your 'phone number and I'll talk you through the technique for live baiting
  21. plaicemat


    Damn, just when I was beginning to feel safer on the roads! Terry.
  22. plaicemat

    The Middle wife

    Anyone married to a primary or infant teacher will recognise this sort of tale. They really do happen, my wife has come home with some real corkers over the years. Terry.
  23. In many cases, this means the wife is smart and the husband is casual. Terry.
  24. I guess the old adage of 'you pays your money and takes your choice' applies, as in all things. Terry.
  25. Not quite right in my experience, Kam. I have been using these policies for years, with three different companies and they usually say it can be used for couple or single travelling but not two single trips to different places at the same time. Terry.
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