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Everything posted by biggcol

  1. Thanks for the good wishes just had a curry so I expect the wind will be up again soon. Colin
  2. Thanks for all the hard work Rob and Charlie I'm off to Dorchester casting now to try and use the wind to my advantage. New date is not good for me so here's hoping for a very windy 9th Oct Colin
  3. Oh yes Graham I always cast with wind
  4. Bad weather for boats means good weather for casting, so I shall head to Dorchester and chuck some lead at the Weymouth casting clubs tournament. Colin
  5. Well done Rob the right decision made. I know we can take Boblin out in almost any sea which is an unfair advantage in an open comp. There is always someone who might push just a little bit too hard in bad conditions. Safety first every time. Colin
  6. Bobi and Colin will be out as you know Nige see you all out there somewhere Colin
  7. No Bass on Boblin but did see the rarely sighted "Small Fry". Colin
  8. We know how you feel it makes you sick that even when caught nothing much ever happens to them. Bring back the BIRCH I say!!!! Colin
  9. 1. Alfresco Charlie + crew TBC 2. Graham (Little Sal) + one crew TBC 3. Alun J. with Rob F. .....boat t.b.c. Skipper +boat available (hint) 4. Boblin Colin + Bobi
  10. biggcol

    Nice One!

    As far as I am concerned this was a very serious case!!!! Colin
  11. Yes Nige at least 2 have Honda 50's and the cheeky b****rds were dredging only feet from the pontoon at north haven the other day. It's not illegal to dredge in the moorings but it is if they damage them. Colin
  12. Yeah still got the night vision thingies. All ready contacted the sea fisheries and the harbour board and the echo if you think of any one else who should know let me know Colin
  13. Well done George a great fish. Colin and Bobi
  14. We are still nervous about our boat security, so we went down to check her on the mooring this evening. We have a night watch at North Haven and they fill out a log. On reading last nights log it transpires that a cockle boat was in the moorings without nav lights at midnight last night. The night watch reported this to the coast guard who in turn notified the Marine Police who in their wisdom turned up not as you would expect by boat but by road. They used a loudhailer to tell the said cockle boat to come in, on the second call the cockle boat throttled up and p**sed off. What a surprise!!!!! With the amount of thefts that are happening from boats at the moment why are we not seeing more police patrols on the water. These scrotes just seem to be left to get on with helping themselves to what ever they want. There is no way this git was cockling at midnight in the moorings. We now have security bolts fitted to our remaining gearbox but we are still finding very unsettling. Colin
  15. We are hoping to get out but with only one engine we wont be going very far. Might see you out there some where Stue. Colin
  16. We fish while watching the air show there is plenty of fish to be had out there. Colin
  17. If you go close to the end of the pier look out for anyone fishing on the end and give them room and look out for the trip boats too. Colin
  18. Well done Martin a cracking red spot, you wont be beating that pb for a while. Colin
  19. THE AUSTRALIAN APPROACH A young Aussie lad moved to London and went to Harrods looking for a job. The manager asked 'Do you have any sales experience?' The young man answered 'Yeah, I was a salesman back home in Dubbo.' The manager liked the Aussie so he gave him the job. His first day was challenging and busy, but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the manager came down and asked, 'OK, so how many sales did you make today?' The Aussie said 'One!' The manager groaned and continued, 'Just one? Our sales people average 20 or 30 sales a day. How much was the sale for?' '124,237pounds & 64 pence.' The manager choked and exclaimed '124,237.64!! What the hell did you sell him?' 'Well, first I sold him a small fish hook, then a medium fish hook and then I sold him a new fishing rod.' 'Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down at the coast, so I told him he would need a boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him that twin-engine Power Cat.' 'Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to car sales and I sold him the 4 x4
  20. You have picked one of the best. Colin
  21. Unlucky Charlie. Really good job Dave was with you and pleased you all got back ok. I was gonna ask you a few things about anchoring wrecks hummmm!!!!! ?????? Colin
  22. Don't forget it's the round island race on Sat, more yachties around than usual. Colin
  23. Well done Rob and Jo was it the music???? Colin and Bobi
  24. We managed lots of fish and several species but nothing special well done those that found some decent fish Colin
  25. 1) Adam F - JV 2) Alun J - JV 3) Paul F - JV 4) Tom B - Mrs Sea 5) Greg C - Mrs Sea 6) Terry B - Mrs Sea 7) Martin - AWOL 8) Dean - AWOL 9) Dave- Wight Magic 10) John W - Rosie One 11) Allan Green- Kind of Magic 12} Charlie Alfresco 13) Sam Alfresco 14) Graham Alfresco 15] Will TBC Alfresco 16, Alfie, Dream Drifter 17, Sally, Dream Drifter 18)Nigel,Wishin(inshore) 19) Simon, Island Girl 20) Colin, Boblin 21) Bobi, Boblin
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