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  1. Birthday greetings Steve.....
  2. Welcome to your Sea Newsletter Angling Trust meets Environment Minister over Highly Protected Marine Area concerns Last month the Angling Trust’s CEO, Jamie Cook, held a face to face meeting with the Environment Minister, Rebecca Pow, over the concerns of many sea anglers to the blanket proposal to prevent angling in High Protected Marine Areas. Thank you to all those Angling Trust members who have supported the Angling Trust’s campaign by writing to their MPs calling for changes to the review on HPMAs. If you haven’t written to your MP yet please do so today and help protect your fishing for the future. Angling Trust supports Hopes Nose action Five fixed penalty notices have been handed out following unlawful activity involving non-local and migrant anglers at Hopes Nose, an old coastal quarry site at Torbay in South Devon, which has been blighted this summer by illegal camping and littering. Two of the £80 penalties were for taking more than the daily 20-fish limit. Nevin Hunter, the Angling Trust Marine Regions Coordinator, has been working with local clubs and Wyvern Marine Region to help find a solution and arranged for the Angling Trust Building Bridges team to visit the site to support enforcement action by the Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust. Nevin said: “We have been working hard to ensure that all anglers can enjoy fishing at the location without anyone or the site impacted upon in a negative way. We will definitely support similar action in the future.” New report unveils sea anglers' attitudes New research published last week funded by Defra, has provided insight into what recreational sea anglers value most when considering fisheries management. The report found that in order to retain the support of recreational sea anglers, improvements to environmental conditions must be made a priority. The report also found an overwhelming majority urged for a greater balance between the interests of recreational sea anglers and the commercial fishing industry. Read the full report HERE End of red diesel? Do you use red diesel in your fishing boat? The government is consulting on proposals to end the use of red diesel for private pleasure craft for the purposes of propulsion. The measure is set to come into force from April 2022. The consultation seeks to gather evidence as to whether sectors, including recreational boating, should be allowed to maintain use of the fuel beyond April 2022. The Angling Trust will be responding to the consultation on behalf of our members who may be affected. For more details on the proposals and to respond to the consultation yourself CLICK HERE. Hopes raised for 2021 tuna tagging project amid angler anger over 2020 Hopes of an angler-lead catch and release bluefin tuna tagging project in 2021 have been raised after the Angling Trust and Bluefin Tuna UK were recently informed that Defra would be employing a senior scientist this September to work with anglers and other stakeholders to examine what a possible future 2021 bluefin research program might look like. Our hope is that this will lead to a ‘CHART’ style catch and release tagging protect in 2021. However, trust needs to be rebuilt after our proposals for one in 2020 were rejected by Defra leading to angler and frustration from anglers, charter skippers and angling organisation. Watch: Sussex anglers enjoy free mullet fishing masterclass Sussex anglers of all types took advantage of a free mullet fishing masterclass day at Shoreham Harbour in West Sussex last month. The event, run by the Angling Trust’s Sussex Marine Region, in partnership with the National Mullet Club, saw experienced and novice anglers meet like-minded individuals and learn new skills and techniques during this enjoyable event, as this film of the day shows. Record coastguard callouts prompt advice to stay safe The recent news of a four-year high in coastguard callouts due to the heatwave has highlighted how important it is to stay safe when fishing at or on the sea. Angling Trust members can take advantage of a special offer on the Harveys range of lifejackets – designed with anglers in mind these British-made lifejackets are a must have for all anglers. Find out more Take part in September's big clean Next month is the Great British September Clean ... will you be taking part? It's Keep Britain Tidy’s biggest environment campaign – and we want anglers, clubs and fisheries to help collect litter from beaches, rivers, lakes and canals. To find out more and register your litter pick CLICK HERE Fish of the month: Gilthead Bream Gilthead bream are a southern Mediterranean species which established themselves in some of the warmer estuaries of Devon and Cornwall over recent decades. In more recent years – perhaps due to rising sea temperatures – these feisty fish have migrated east along the English Channel and are now being caught regularly from Hampshire and Sussex with individuals even appearing as far east as the Kent and even Essex coasts. Unlike their cousins the black bream, giltheads have large mouths, are voracious feeders, and can be found in shallow brackish water and over sandy ground. Crab and worm baits work well as does grilling these tasty fish on a barbecue. Typically, fish are between a pound and two pounds with the British record at over 12lb caught in 2017 from the Kingsbridge Estuary in Devon (above) NOT YET A MEMBER? JOIN THE ANGLING TRUST AND CLAIM A FREE GIFT! The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more. WWW.ANGLINGTRUST.NET
  3. Campaigns Update Monday 10th August 2020 Tributes to Dr Stephen Marsh, Angling Trust co-founder and river conservationist Tributes have been paid to Dr Stephen Marsh-Smith, one of our founding members and the first Chairman of the Angling Trust, who has died at the age of 69. Stephen, described as “one of the giants of the world of angling and river conservation”, was passionate about protecting the environment and was awarded an OBE in 2011 for services to conservation, particularly on the rivers Wye and Usk. Read More Here Angling Trust takes the HPMA campaign to the Environment Minister Jamie Cook, CEO of the Angling Trust, held a face to face meeting with the Environment Minister, Rebecca Pow on Tuesday 14th July. This was an opportunity to take the concerns of many sea anglers, over the blanket proposal to prevent angling in High Protected Marine Areas, right to the Minister’s desk. Read More The Latest From The Campaign Trail What's the rush, Minister? Decision that beavers can stay on the River Otter taken too early 06/08/2020 Rebecca Pow, the Environment Minister, has announced that beavers on the River Otter can remain. Originally released illegally, they have been subject to a study looking at their impact on the river and the species that depend on it. When it comes to the impact on fish, that study was too narrow and flawed in a number of aspects. Read More ▶︎ Anglers anger at Defra's refusal to support UK programme on tuna 04/08/2020 Bluefin Tuna UK, the Angling Trust, and over 70 charter boat skippers have expressed their anger at Defra’s rejection of a “citizens science” programme based on a catch and release bluefin tuna fishery, called UK CHART. Learn More Angling Trust calls for well-resourced enforcement and monitoring in response to Defra's consultation on the Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS) 05/08/2020 For over forty years, the EU Commons Agricultural Policy (CAP) has directed how land is farmed and managed in the UK. The departure from the EU and CAP gives us the opportunity to redesign agricultural policy to ensure farming practices continue to produce food for the table, but put in place practices that will protect and enhance the environment and provide ‘public goods’. Find Out More Environment Agency and Natural England condemned over Norfolk Broads Plan 03/08/2020 Leading fisheries scientists and angling representatives have jointly condemned last week’s decision by the Environment Agency (EA) in East Anglia to grant Natural England (NE) a permit to block off the major spawning site for fish at Hoveton Great Broad in the northern Norfolk Broads in order to combat turbidity and promote better weed growth. Learn More Statement regarding members of the Missing Salmon Alliance 17/07/2020 After discussion and detailed consideration of the tactical approach, the Missing Salmon Alliance has decided to pursue an advocacy course by engaging with the Scottish government with respect to future regulation of the aquaculture sector. The Angling Trust, Game Wildlife Conservation Trust, and the Atlantic Salmon Trust support this approach. Salmon and Trout Conservation (S&TC) has decided to withdraw from the Alliance to pursue an alternative approach. Read More Covid-19 Angling Support Hub The Angling Trust's dedicated Angling Support Hub is packed with our latest COVID-19 guidance and information for anglers, clubs, fisheries and other organisations. We also have three dedicated support lines if you need to speak to us during this time. News, views, tips, videos and more ... on Fishing Buzz! Fishing Buzz - our new website - is keeping anglers and their families entertained during the COVID-19 lockdown. New content is added daily – don’t forget to let all your friends know about Fishing Buzz! The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more. WWW.ANGLINGTRUST.NET Angling Tru
  4. Went out with Geoff at 9am and trierd the haven with rubbers but no joy - probably because of no tide. Then tried trolling the training bank - again no joy so it was to Swanage Bay and dropped the hook for a lazy session. Many small bream with ther occasional keeper was all we could muster before we opted to go in early as we were sizzling in the heat. After cleaning down we went in for a pint of doombar shandy - it didn't touch the sides - if you know what I mean.🍺
  5. looks a little scary Chris...Glad it wasn't me....
  6. Welcome to your Sea Newsletter Write to your MP and help halt ban in marine protection areas The Angling Trust has launched a campaign in response to the June 2020 Benyon Review on Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs). We are asking anglers to write to their MP in support of our campaign, and to send the clear message that as anglers it is vital we are central to any future consideration on which sites will become HPMAs. While welcoming the establishment of HPMAs as one of a number of effective ways we can protect and manage our seas and fish stocks, we strongly object to the Panel’s recommendation for recreational angling to be banned within all HPMAs automatically. How you can help - see our Campaign Defra backs down over 'illogical' charter boat ban The government have withdrawn guidance issued on June 11th which specifically prohibited skippered charter boats in England from operating under the COVID-19 regulations. The decision became effective from July 4th. It follows a campaign by the Angling Trust and the Professional Boatman’s Association, which attracted support from diving groups, challenging the "illogical and absurd" Defra guidance which ran contrary to that issued earlier on behalf of the government which allows up to six people from different households to meet outside. More information on our Support Hub £5,000 grants available to 'kick-start' tourism businesses New funding has been announced to help small tourism businesses reopen following the easing of restrictions across the UK. Businesses in tourist destinations - which could include tackle shops in seaside towns - will be able to access support of up to £5,000 to help them adapt their businesses following the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds can be used to pay for specialist advice such as help with human resources, legal or financial expertise or to adopt new technology and systems, and is part of the Government’s £10 million package to ‘kick-start’ the tourism industry. Find out more Bluefin tuna 'endangered' status removed by MMO Despite all the evidence of a substantial recovery in stocks over the last ten years, many organisations continue to promote the outdated 2011 International Union for Conservation of Nature 'endangered' status for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. The Angling Trust, in association with Bluefin Tuna UK, are pleased to report that the Marine Management Organisation have withdrawn their misleading, outdated reference to Bluefin tuna from their website and replaced it with a more accurate, up to date reflection of the situation. Read more Fish Legal call on Secretary of State to 'reject Sussex netting byelaw' Fish Legal has asked for the Secretary of State to reject a new netting byelaw drafted by the Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Coastal Authority because it does not protect sea trout, is unenforceable and has been brought in without proper consultation. The controversial new “Netting Permit Byelaw and Flexible Conditions” is intended to control fixed nets in sensitive nearshore coastal waters and was approved by the Sussex IFCA committee in January 2020. Full story Fishing's newcomers urged to protect wildlife from angling litter New anglers who have taken up the sport since lockdown are being reminded about the dangers to wildlife from angling litter. With more people out on the bank or beach, the Angling Trust and the RSPCA are reminding anglers to discard of litter responsibly to protect wildlife from harm and keep the outdoors clean and safe for all to enjoy. Read more Mullet Masterclass this Saturday The Angling Trust Sussex Marine Region and the National Mullet Club have organised a Mullet Masterclass Day to show anglers how to target grey mullet in Sussex. It will be held at the north bank inside Shoreham Harbour situated on the A259 coast road roughly 300 metres east of the Schooner Inn, 146 Albion St, Southwick, this Saturday, 18th July, starting at 9am. Places are limited to 25 anglers. For more information and to register email Reg Phillips at reg.anglingtrustsmr@gmail.com Fish of the month: Smooth hound The start of summer sees smooth hound fishing really take off around much of the UK coastline. Once limited to the south of the UK the distribution of this small but powerful shark species has increased over recent decades. The smooth hound and starry smooth hound, a separate species with white spots, have incredible stamina. Crab and squid baits work best from both shore and boat. Hounds hunt in packs and once located the fishing can be fast and furious with powerful runs stripping line from your reel. As with all shark species, most anglers return this highly prized sporting fish to fight another day. News, views, tips, videos and more! We've created a new website called Fishing Buzz. packed with news, views, tips, videos, advice and more! It will help keep you entertained when you're not fishing. Visit Fishing Buzz now! Species Hunt now open for entries! The new round of Species Hunt is now open for entries. To enter please email specieshunt@anglingtrust.net with the following: Full Name Date of birth or Age Postal address Please state if you are a new member and require a Tronixpro tape measure. Join the Facebook group Follow us on Instagram NOT YET A MEMBER? JOIN THE ANGLING TRUST AND CLAIM A FREE GIFT! The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more. WWW.ANGLINGTRUST.NET
  7. Good luck all - Steve that sounds amazing.
  8. Planning to go out with No.1 son on Saturday - will monitor ch.16
  9. That will have been Mary.....
  10. Campaigns Update Friday 10th July 2020 Angling Trust Launches Response to Benyon Review on Highly Protected Marine Areas Review Last week the Angling Trust launched our campaign in response to the June 2020 Benyon Review on Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs). We are asking anglers to write to their MP in support of our campaign, and to send the clear message, that as anglers it is vital we are central to any future consideration on which sites will become HPMAs. For more information on the campaign and how you can support our response please click the button below. Take Part Now The Latest From The Campaign Trail What A S**t Show! Time for Natural Resource Wales to Take Action 01/07/2020 Angling Trust's sister organisation, Fish Legal, has put the environmental regulator in Wales on notice that phosphate inputs linked to waste from free-range poultry farming have caused massive environmental damage on the River Wye. Read More ▶︎ Grey Mullet: Why Are They Threatened 01/06/2020 In this next instalment, Andy Burt, Chairman of the National Mullet Club, talks about why grey mullet species are threatened, not least by targeted netting. Learn More Defra backs down over 'absurd and illogical Charter Boat ban 01/07/2020 Following a campaign by the Angling Trust and the Professional Boatman's Association the government have decided to withdraw guidance issued on June 11th which specifically prohibited skippered charter boats in England from operating under the COVID-19 regulations. Find Out More Technology Solutions in Embracing the 'New Normal' 03/06/2020 Nevin Hunter, Marine Coordinator for the Angling Trust, discusses the role of technology in communicating with sea anglers as we explore life under the new normal. Learn More Grey Mullet: Justification for Management 15/06/2020 Andy Burt, Chairman of the National Mullet Club, discusses the need for better management of grey mullet species in the third instalment in the series. Read More Covid-19 Angling Support Hub The Angling Trust's dedicated Angling Support Hub is packed with our latest COVID-19 guidance and information for anglers, clubs, fisheries and other organisations. We also have three dedicated support lines if you need to speak to us during this time. News, views, tips, videos and more ... on Fishing Buzz! Fishing Buzz - our new website - is keeping anglers and their families entertained during the COVID-19 lockdown. New content is added daily – don’t forget to let all your friends know about Fishing Buzz! The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more.
  11. Best of luck Alan. There are one or two good sized sole around - had a couple off Southbourne Beach a couple of weeks ago - shore fishing.
  12. Members Update Take a Friend Fishing – free one-day licence for a pal The Angling Trust in partnership with the Angling Trades Association and Environment Agency are pleased to announce the return of Take a Friend Fishing (TAFF). Until 19th July, anglers will be able to register for a free one-day fishing licence to take a friend, family member or colleague fishing. All anglers need to do is go to Take a Friend Fishing website and provide some basic details and the date you want to go. Your friend will get an email asking them to confirm and as soon as that’s done you’ll receive their free licence. The good thing is that you can take a copy on your phone to show any Environment Agency Fisheries Officer on the day! Take a Friend Fishing is a brilliant way of introducing a new person to angling and you can still do it while maintaining social distance. For more information visit the Take a Friend Fishing website Defra backs down over 'illogical' charter boat ban The government have withdrawn guidance issued on June 11th which specifically prohibited skippered charter boats in England from operating under the COVID-19 regulations. The decision became effective from July 4th. It follows a campaign by the Angling Trust and the Professional Boatman’s Association, which attracted support from diving groups, challenging the "illogical and absurd" Defra guidance which ran contrary to that issued earlier on behalf of the government which allows up to six people from different households to meet outside. More information on our Support Hub Write to MP and help halt ban in marine protection areas The Angling Trust has launched a campaign in response to the June 2020 Benyon Review on Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs). We are asking anglers to write to their MP in support of our campaign, and to send the clear message that as anglers it is vital we are central to any future consideration on which sites will become HPMAs. While welcoming the establishment of HPMAs as one of a number of effective ways we can protect and manage our seas and fish stocks, we strongly object to the Panel’s recommendation for recreational angling to be banned within all HPMAs automatically. How you can help - see our Campaign Enjoy your fishing - but stay safe and stick to the guidelines! With the coarse river fishing season well underway, it's important anglers continue to follow the Angling Trust's Covid-19 guidance and adhere to Government guidelines on social distancing and hygiene. We are regularly updating our advice to individual anglers, clubs, fisheries, coaches, charter boat skippers and other angling organisations on our Angling Support Hub. We've also published Best Practice guidelines for the safe return of angling competitions - for coarse, sea, game and lure match anglers. So enjoy the summer - but make sure you enjoy it safely. Tight lines! Visit the Angling Support Hub Zenia joins our Ambassadors Zenia Drury-Gregorek, angling presenter and Shakespeare Ambassador, has joined the Angling Trust’s team of Ambassadors to help our work to protect fish and fishing. Zenia, a well-known face on social media, said: "I want to spread the word about fishing as widely as possible and encourage other mum's out there like me to take up fishing and enjoy the countless benefits angling brings to families nationwide.” Read more Get Fishing events to return in September Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we have cancelled or postponed our Get Fishing events until the end of August. We've already started planning events from September - check them out on the Get Fishing website. Dry weather advice for fisheries Prolonged dry weather can have a detrimental effect on both river and stillwater fisheries. When we get a long period without normal levels or rainfall a decrease in water levels can often lead to low dissolved oxygen levels putting fish at risk, especially during warm weather and where there is a lot of weed growth. Understanding how fish are affected by this is key to running a fishery so we have worked with both the Institute of Fisheries Management and the Environment Agency to put together a short guide. Read our Lines On The Water blog Tributes to icon Len Arbery Tributes have been paid to carp angling icon and all-round specimen hunter Len Arbery, whose death was announced last month. The former Drennan Cup winner was part of the early Redmire Pool syndicate and wrote numerous books on carp, tench, barbel and general angling. A life well fished - tributes to Len Arbery Club guide to stocking fish One of the most exciting parts of running a fishery is stocking fish, but it can also be one of the biggest risks any fishery manager or club committee will take. This is the time when disease, non-native species and unwanted fish can easily make it on to your site. Working with Paul Coulson from the Institute of Fisheries Management, we've produced a detailed guide to making sure you get things right. See our Lines on the Water blog Take 5 and recycle: how to help the environment during pandemic Covid-19 presents unprecedented times for us all, but while we are all doing our bit to keep us, our families and others safe, there are also things you can do at home or out for your daily exercise to help the environment. Find out more: Anglers Against Litter Fishing's newcomers urged to protect wildlife from angling litter New anglers who have taken up the sport since lockdown are being reminded about the dangers to wildlife from angling litter. With more people out on the bank or beach, the Angling Trust and the RSPCA are reminding anglers to discard of litter responsibly to protect wildlife from harm and keep the outdoors clean and safe for all to enjoy. Read more 18 volunteers receive Excellence Awards The Angling Trust marked this year’s National Volunteers’ Week by awarding Volunteering Excellence Awards to 18 volunteers in recognition of their continued commitment. The volunteers, members of the Angling Trust’s Voluntary Bailiff Service or Building Bridges Project, have shown outstanding dedication to protecting fish and fisheries and educating and integrating migrant anglers. Read more Fish Legal NRW told to take action over poultry farms pollution of Wye Acting on behalf of its member the Ross-on-Wye Angling Club, Fish Legal has put the environmental regulator in Wales on notice that phosphate inputs into the River Wye linked to waste from free-range poultry farming have caused environmental damage. Following the notification, Natural Resources Wales needs to investigate and ensure that the farms in question put in place proposals to prevent further damage from occurring. Read the full story Anglers tell Secretary of State: 'Reject Sussex netting byelaw' Fish Legal has asked for the Secretary of State to reject a new netting byelaw drafted by the Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Coastal Authority because it does not protect sea trout, is unenforceable and has been brought in without proper consultation. The controversial new “Netting Permit Byelaw and Flexible Conditions” is intended to control fixed nets in sensitive nearshore coastal waters and was approved by the Sussex IFCA committee in January 2020. Full story News, views, tips, videos and more! We've created a new website called Fishing Buzz. packed with news, views, tips, videos, advice and more! It will help keep you entertained when you're not fishing and help relieve some of the stress and worries we’re all experiencing right now. Visit Fishing Buzz now! NOT YET A MEMBER? JOIN THE ANGLING TRUST AND CLAIM A FREE GIFT! The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more. WWW.ANGLINGTRUST.NET
  13. Good luck all...
  14. Planning a trip out tomorrow - anyone else going out?
  15. Welcome to your Sea Newsletter Guidelines for Charter Boat fishing during COVID-19 In partnership with the Professional Boatman's Association, the Angling Trust has published guidance for skippers and passengers for the safe resumption of Charter Boat fishing in England under COVID-19 restrictions. Boat skippers should adapt the guidance to suit the special circumstances of their boat, and passengers should follow the skipper's instructions at all times. DOWNLOAD CHARTER BOAT GUIDELINES The Angling Trust has also published best practice guidelines for the safe resumption of shore and boat sea angling competitions now that further lockdown restrictions have been lifted. DOWNLOAD SEA COMPETITION GUIDELINES Our Angling Support Hub contains a wealth of information and advice to support anglers, clubs and other organisations during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is regularly being updated with the latest Government guidance and the impact that has on angling. VISIT THE ANGLING SUPPORT HUB Shoreham Port east and west breakwaters closed to public Shoreham Port breakwaters will remain closed to the general public during the Covid-19 pandemic. Both the east and west breakwaters are very important sea angling venues in Sussex and visited by anglers from as far away as London, Kent and Hampshire, as well as hundreds of Sussex anglers. The port cannot guarantee everyone's safety during the pandemic and have had to make the difficult decision to prohibit all access until such times as the government deem it safe to completely relax the social distancing regulations. Credit: OLU / CC BY-SA Fishing for plaice After weeks of lockdown, it's great to be back fishing again. This time of year is plaice time - to whet your appetitie, Tim Macpherson gives an insight into methods and habits of the plaice. Read more Expert's view of the grey mullet Andy Burt, Chairman of the National Mullet Club, provides his expertise and understanding of grey mullet through this new blog series. In the first two instalments he gives an introduction and talks about the threat from targeted netting. Read Part One Read Part Two Non-Executive Directors wanted The Angling Trust and Fish Legal are seeking applications for the role of Non-Executive Director. The roles are voluntary (10 days a year) although travel expenses will be payable. You can find details of the Angling Trust role HERE and the Fish Legal position HERE. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: how to help the environment during pandemic Covid-19 presents unprecedented times for us all, having to get used to social distancing and other restrictions. But whilst we are all doing our bit to keep us, our families and others safe, there are also things you can do at home or out for your daily exercise to help the environment. Find out how Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: CHART research plan for the UK In our Campaigns blog, Steve Murphy, head of the Bluefin Tuna UK campaign and member of the Angling Trust’s marine advisory group, talks about the introduction of a Catch and Release Tagging (CHART) research programme for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna here in the UK, following the lead of similar successful programmes across Europe. Read more Fish of the month: Turbot Credit: Luc Viato r It's prime time for turbot along the south coast at present. The best destinations are around Weymouth, drifting on the Shambles Bank or for a shore based venue try Chesil Beach. Alternatively, try boat fishing other sand or shell grit banks along the south coast like the Skerries Bank out of Dartmouth. End tackle can vary on location and personal preference, but basic flowing traces are best, between 5 and 10 foot long using 30lb mono and a single size 6/o 'J' hook. Bait should be a long sliver of fresh or frozen mackerel, lance or a whole sandeel fished hard on the bottom. When drifting over banks, make sure your weight maintains contact with the bottom and keep your spool in the free spool holding it with your thumb for a quick release of line when you get a bite. Let the line out for at least 10 sections then click the reel into gear, lift the rod tip and start winding in. News, views, tips, videos and more! We've created a new website called Fishing Buzz. packed with news, views, tips, videos, advice and more! It will help keep you entertained when you're not fishing and help relieve some of the stress and worries we’re all experiencing right now. Visit Fishing Buzz now! Species Hunt now open for entries! The new round of Species Hunt is now open for entries. To enter please email specieshunt@anglingtrust.net with the following: Full Name Date of birth or Age Postal address Please state if you are a new member and require a Tronixpro tape measure. Join the Facebook group Follow us on Instagram NOT YET A MEMBER? JOIN THE ANGLING TRUST AND CLAIM A FREE GIFT! The Angling Trust is the united national representative body for all angling in England and Wales. It is united in a collaborative relationship with Fish Legal, a separate membership association that uses the law to protect fish stocks and the rights of its members throughout the UK. Joint membership packages with Fish Legal are available for individuals, clubs, fisheries, riparian owners and other categories. Please find out more. WWW.ANGLINGTRUST.NET
  16. Best wishes Dave - enjoy.... big seven oh
  17. I hope you both have an enjoyable day.
  18. Belated greetings Trevor.
  19. Birthday greetings Sam - enjoy your celebration.
  20. Birthday greetings Jerry - enjoy your day.
  21. Fished shore at Southbourne last eveningh - 15 tiny plaice two good sole and two undersized bass - a good session
  22. Try Wessex or Castaway Greg
  23. Would like to get out and tomorrow looks doable - is anyone else going out as I can't take a crew due to CV. Would target bream & Plaice - possibly bass.
  24. BBC article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/52420116
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