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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by JIMBOB

  1. Arr change of plan for wed, weather is looking realy good so might have to take tara out for the day .Any one want to crew? May go bass fishing or ray fishing depending on the tides James
  2. Ive have been informed by Mike("Just mary") that the first few cod/codling have been starting to show in the bay and that was last week, roll on winter!!!!
  3. I just hope lady luck is shining And I'll be polishing those golden sphericals all nite!!!
  4. Count me in for either wednesday or friday charlie, Im off all day wed but have to work all day friday,Just let me know if theres space James
  5. Well done sinbad, Im gagging to get out on the ledge again. Thats a stonking bass and theres some bigger lunkers down there too James
  6. Hi martin If im not to late put me down for 6 boxs Thanks James
  7. On the subject of guests.......Who or what is googlebot?
  8. getting a bit lumpy
  9. our veiw as we headed in.
  10. This gives an idea what we were up agaist ,This ones about 3 times!!! the size of "SO"
  11. This was about half our before we came in ,and these realy were the smaller ones, I was hanging on to "BW" to much when it got worse to take any more pickys.
  12. It started to build
  13. on owr way to lulworth banks
  14. Adam they were pulling your legg about pauls 13lb huss it was 10lb to
  15. Just been haveing a closer look at the photos close up on the telly that i took of splash out riding the swell just before we came in, They look huge! and they were the small ones, Il post them on here tomorrow.
  16. "exciteing!" there not the words I would have used,mine wouldn't be printable! ,as paul said I think Adam and bob are best to tell the tale As for the fishing ,not great I had 2 bass biggest went 5lb 4oz a 10lb huss,doggys, pout and pollock, but not a ray to be seen James
  17. Im free tuesday, but suppost to be out sunday and monday bassing with Adam,You still going Adam? I think its best to make the most of any windows in the weather at the moment,so hopefully see you tuesday James
  18. Heres the trigger
  19. Thats not "tara" Theres no mackrel guts sprayed up the side And the skippers not playing a huge bass!
  20. Bar (Breaze block!) of silver
  21. Heres the bass from yesterday
  22. JIMBOB

    Happy Birthday

    happy Birthday Mike I mean "mad" mike James
  23. Forgot to ad she went back alive To get even bigger
  24. Hi all As my mid channel trip with bayzand on sundace was canceld today, I decided to cheer my self up buy takeing tara out, Even in a F6!!! I didnt have much choice with the weather so I planned to hide under the cliffs at st albans. It wasn't a great start with not a touch for most of the day, But I was trying hard for the triggers and after a few missed bites I got one on...Not as big as the fish aluns been hauling on the ledge but a fair size at 2lb 8oz mark also managed 1 just over 2lb. Then I decided for some reason to lob out a free lined mackrel on my carp rod. after letting it waft about for a while on reeling it in it was almost wrenched out my hands! and I was hanging on to a stunning bass after several laps of the boat and a few hart stopping moments. she was in the net she pulled the scales round to 10lb 12oz My biggest bass by actually targeting them With light gear (my last lump bass was on conger gear) Im back out for anouther one tomorrow James
  25. Managed to get out today at the crack of dawn, after a bass or 2 Managed a couple biggest went 5lb 8oz,Then a finaly managed a trigger well 2 , both went 2lbs.I also got a bonus pollock of over 4lb. I was fishing the slack tide at st albans when the triggers struck I was useing 3oz of lead on a spinning rod in 60ft of water .............Great fun!! James
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