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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by gaffa

  1. gaffa

    Newbie here

    Doing any fishing
  2. gaffa

    New for me.

    Wow thats calm
  3. Brilliant job Adam and the Guys She looks better than new I'd take my hat off to you if I wore one Masssive committment and superb skills and craftsmanship from all involved ...Almost time to go fishing
  4. Cor some big mackerel there
  5. gaffa

    Anchor Trip

    Anyone use these or have any comments?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYuUksj0L3c They are available on Ebay for £12.99 if someone wants to give them a go http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171752779941?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  6. Happy birthday Charlie Don't forget today is your Conservation Day
  7. Oli Forward and back buttons now working fine for me on Firefox Light Didn't yesterday though Have you made any changes? Pete
  8. The latest catches pics auto update ok but the forward and back buttons don't seem to function "Work in Progress" showing Progress... Great News
  9. Happy Birthday Tev Peteg
  10. I thought Panasonic were getting out of the TV business
  11. I can confirm Ryds are very well constructed boats. I have a 16 year old Ryds 600ac which has served me very well over the last 8 years and I'm sure the next 8 years as well as It does everything I want .......for now. Sounds like a good deal for inshore use Peteg
  12. Yes it would...when you jumped overboard
  13. Happy Birthday Guys
  14. Nah....Like lots of things.... Tried it Once...Not Impressed...Give up....or try something else
  15. Happy Birthday Kam Hope you have a good day
  16. gaffa

    VHF Problems

    Was out yesterday and received a friendly call on the VHF from plaicemat so pressed the transmit and replied as you do but he couldn't receive the response which was pretty serious as he was only about 100m away. Anyway to cut a long story short I fixed the problem today prior to going out again it took about an hour overall. And lesson learn't get a radio check before leaving on every trip I suspected the problem was aerial based so got the ohmeter out and sure enough there was a short circuit between the inner connector pin and the outer casing(screen) There is a lot of misinformation on the net and one site stated that there should be an open circuit between the coax inner and screen and that a short circuit indicates a fault...Be carefull it could be a great way of beefing up his aerial sales but could also be valid on aerials without ground planes so you need to know which type of aerial you have. Mine definitely had a ground plane. The fibre glass aerial is simply a shroud covering a loop of wire with the coax inner soldered to one side of the loop and the screen/braid to the other side of the loop so at dc (0 hz) the metal loop short circuits the cable connections. However at its tuned radio frequency (156-162Mhz) it is no longer a short circuit as it has inductance and capacitance which is frequency related and exhibits an impedance of around 50 ohms which allows the transmitter to function. So to fix the problem I made the assumption that the cable connections needed re-soldering and the coax braid redressed in the connector so it made a firm connection and did not touch the inner. To make sure I got this right I un-soldered the coax inner connection from the loop (needed to slide the fibreglass forward a couple of feet to get access) and made sure it couldn't touch it or the braid connection By doing this i could ensure i was not shorting out at the connector and when happy i re-soldered the connection on the loop and reassembled the lot. I got a radio check with the marina to ensure i was transmitting and then another when i got to around the end of the Swash at Old Harry and the received transmission at this distance was a little crackly which I could imagine was due to poor aerial performance....The coax cable is dated 1996 so maybe the aerial is too. I think it maybe time I invested in a new one
  17. I was out in the bay today .Blanked Not a pleasant experience it seemed much windier than forecast with the southerly wind making for white horses and lumpy and fast drifts. Got even worse when the fog hit .....much colder and visibility down to about 50m at best. I decided to call it a day early and headed for the harbour where it was a lovely sunny day. As Mal says make sure you put a track on makes it much easier to retrace your steps Must be a sucker for punishment as going out again tomorrow Peteg
  18. Looking to venture out next Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday (or maybe all 3 if weather good) Space available if anyone fancies a trip Boat is dry stacked at Cobbs so easy to get to and parking is ok during week PM me if interested Peteg
  19. And Happy Birthday from me also. Am really enjoying what your doing on the boat.......how do you find the time???
  20. gaffa

    Man Joke

    Some people have a wicked sense of humour
  21. Great range of choices with those veneers Adam but difficult to imagine overall effect with small size samples. You may have to bite the bullet and buy enough for a reasonably large area before finally deciding. ......Sale or Return? Cant get my head around the seat ,wheel and throttle controllers in your previous post pictue. Throttle and wheel don't look to be accessible if sitting on the seat unless you lean forward and have VERY long arms or is it an optical illusion. Seat seems too far away Looks like you can slide it forward quite a way though and stand in front of it to helm so Ireckon you've thought it out
  22. You're on a Roll Martin I like it
  23. gaffa

    Golf trip

    I must remember that one it could come in useful Not that I'm into Golf
  24. Ditto from me ALL the guys have put in a massive effort for an inordinate time. 'Bout time Paul and Dave had a break too
  25. OOPs Now done both
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