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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. Samoya on 13th if this weather clears up ...... although i doubt that very much!
  2. im sure that makes him feel better :-)
  3. Graham Nash

    Fish ID help.

    I didnt see the blue on the fins using my phone but yes I agree, its much more evident on my laptop. In fact its a completely different colour on my laptop 😂😂
  4. Graham Nash

    Fish ID help.

    I'd have said it was a red .... But there are far more experienced and knowledgeable people on here than me.
  5. Ive been finding them at the back of Dolphin Sands in Poole Bay. Not huge, but lots of them. Great for the youngster. (having said that, i completely blanked there last weekend :-) )
  6. Samoya is out tomorrow. Is their an official weigh in or is it a photo/trust comp? I'll be out with a non member but might be lucky enough to hook a flatty.
  7. I should think so at that price!
  8. yes, bargain at that. Unfortunately there seems to be lots of uncertainty at the moment which is making lots keep their money in their pockets. I cant see you struggling at that price.
  9. It's a no from me too!
  10. Will the weather play ball? 😶
  11. I've sent a pm lofty
  12. I bet you were expecting much more expense when this thread started. Id say that sounds like a great result!
  13. Graham Nash

    Sea shanty

  14. Im hoping to be out Sunday on Samoya with a non member. We were not necessarily going to target Bream but we might now :-)
  15. To be fair, that was a good price for a boat with such a new motor. I see them advertised for anything up to 2 or 3 grand more than that. (Doesnt mean they actually get that price tho).
  16. i remember you buying it. Nice little boat for someone.
  17. I have it purely for a couple of groups im a member of. I kept getting into arguments so deleted all "friends" and all groups that have idiots in them. I must be honest i manage to get much more work done when im not stuck to facebook all day :-)
  18. TBF if theres a "swell" Im normally at home watching the TV 😁 But we reverse away from the buoy so that I can see it before motoring off too.
  19. Ive always had this sort of length (and it was easier to splice with plenty of spare :-) ) I have another one that was supplied to me by someone else and that is around half the length of this one although ive never used it.
  20. I had something similar with my Raymarine when motoring. It was perfect when stationary. it was a loose transducer.
  21. I use a 5kg plus chain. I believe this will lift much more but I've had it a long time and it fits my hatch (just).
  22. My dad was ex navy. He used to sit at home tying knots and splicing ropes just to keep his hand in. He will be turning in his urn at my poor attempts! 😊😊
  23. I've spent the last couple of months tidying my boat up (new deck and bits n bobs) and will be putting everything back on it soon. My anchor retrieval rope was a big loop with knots and kinks all over (an accident waiting to happen really) so I decided to watch a "YouTube" video and have a go at splicing it. I know that self praise is no praise at all, but I think it's pretty good 👍🤣
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