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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. All I can say is don't follow me coz wherever I am the fish aint!!
  2. doh .... sorry. Wrong specs on
  3. it would seem, so am I
  4. I would nomally say "at least you were out" but I'm sure the by the end of your day you would rather NOT have been out.
  5. Graham Nash


    Good evening Mark and welcome aboard.
  6. Well who's fishing the plaice comp? Small boat big boat kayaks! Book in here: 1) Martin & Dean on "AWOL" 2) Brian (cabin boy) and Stuart on Sea Dream 3) Brian and Mark Osborne (new member) on "MegaByte" 4) Graham & Steve (non member) on Little Sal
  7. I cringe when I see photographs of loads and loads of dead fish with a couple of smiling fishermen holding them up for everyone to see. While I agree that it is "each to their own" and the fact that many deep water fish probably won't survive so IMHO alternative species should be targeted once you have your "lot", I find it hypocritical that we complain about professional fishermen (who are not doing this for fun, they are making a living from catching fish) when they fish too close to shore, or use ungentlemanly means, yet some recreational fishermen are happy to stockpile fish on their deck for a photograph!
  8. I have just ordered a new van and this one has to go. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VW-T5-Transporter-/1...=item230f99baeb Happy to do a deal with a member. Towed my boat perfectly till i bought my 4X4. Please note the VAT bit, sorry I have no choice on that bit. Graham Sold already ..... sorry.
  9. 30?!?! I can't even remember that far back. Have a good one Adam.
  10. Mine is 9 1/2 LB
  11. I will almost certainly be out somewhere. Not decided where yet.
  12. Totally agree Peter (however I fish for sport, not for food) I generally try to return everything I catch.
  13. A Portsmouth fan & a Southampton fan were unaware they were driving head on one night, when suddenly their cars collide. To their amazement, neither is hurt, but both cars are destroyed. In celebration of their good luck they agree to put their differences aside from that moment on. The Southampton fan then goes to the boot of his car & fetches a 12yr old bottle of whisky. He hands it to the Pompey fan, who exclaims, "may Southampton & Portsmouth fans live together forever in peace and harmony" and then gulps down half the bottle. He goes to hand the bottle back to the Southampton fan, who replies ..... "no thanks, I'll just wait til the police get here!"
  14. and good luck with yours Timbo
  15. Have a look at the "home page" Lofty. "We hold regular club meetings, competitions, social events and an annual open boat competition usually held during November. Club meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at the Parkstone Trades and Labour Club Ashley Road, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset." Join the club proper and get yourself along to some meetings.
  16. c'mon Mike and Rory ..... dont keep us dangling in suspense
  17. i feel gutted for you! Unfortunately even if the scumbags get caught they will get a gentle tap on the back of the hand and asked nicely not to do it again.
  18. Graham Nash

    Stolen Reels

    my thoughts have been said by others before me. I hope you get reimbursed one way or other Neal.
  19. I tried the banks, the ledge and the swash last weekend without a sniff! Unfortunately work has got the better of any ideas I had of getting out this weekend so good luck Mike, I look forward to reading your catch report.
  20. I will possibly be over that way Sunday Mike. Am out Sat night for my sons birthday tho so might not make it. I will give you a shout if I do.
  21. 10.00 leave Rockley sounds good to me too :-)
  22. If anything happens to prevent me going on the first dates I would be interested but those first dates are inscribed in my diary.
  23. it looks prehistoric!
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