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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. I dont think he is saying the verdict is unfair or accurate ... I think it's the reaction he is referring to. I am sure most are only referring to the inconsistancies in our judicial system .... I doubt anyone is comparing it to others.
  2. I was wondering if anyone is intending on attending any of the meetings concerning this? http://www.enecowindoffshore.co.uk/news-de...aspx?newsID=317
  3. I am out to play with my new electronics on Sunday.... but if the weather is good I might see if I can find a fish as well.
  4. I would just like to add to this thread ..... I checked out the "boat cover" threads on here before contacting one of the names recommended ..... I waited for his quote then contacted him again and waited .... and waited. I returned to this thread last Thursday and spoke to Wayne at Cut n Cover. He was at my boat the same day and gave me a quote there and then. A small amount of haggling later we agreed a price and he promised to have it done by Friday of this week (within a week). I was down there today doing some finishing touches to the electrics and Wayne turned up with my new cover. He fitted it and it looks a treat. He then removed it to take it away and add a couple of bits of reinforcing where the rod holders touch the cover a little. He has promised to drop it back to me on Friday as originally promised. Credit where credit is due .... First class friendly service and a reasonable price. I will put a couple of pictures up once it's back on Friday. Graham.
  5. TBH Newboy, I have an "agreement" with the local ones ..... I leave them all my scrap and they leave my doors and windows intact .... it seems to work well
  6. well done peter
  7. Forty gypsies arrive at the Pearly Gates in their Transit vans and caravans. St Peter goes into the gatehouse and phones up GOD, saying: 'I've got 40 travellers here. Can I let them in?' GOD replies 'We are over our quota on Pikeys. Go back out to the Pearly Gates and tell them to choose among them which are the 12 most worthy, and I will let just the dozen in.' Less than a minute later St Peter is on the phone to GOD again. 'They've gone', he tells GOD. 'What?' says GOD, 'All 40 of them?' 'No, the Pearly Gates'.
  8. its coming into the warmer weather so the boiler can wait Clive You wont go far wrong with any new outboard but the evinrudes do seem to be one of the favourites.
  9. first of many i would think Clive. I have an etech 90. I have had a few issues most of which have been external electrical faults (batteries and connectors etc) but have had those sorted now by South Coast Outboards (the maintenance side of SCMarine) I had a full service a little while ago (4 years with 54 hours on it) the service cost me around
  10. A man calls home to his wife and says, "Honey, I have been asked to fly to the Channel Islands with my boss and several of his friends for fishing.. We'll be gone for a long weekend. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting. So could you please pack enough clothes for a 3 day weekend... And also would you get out my rod and tackle box from the attic? We're leaving at 4:30 pm from the office and I will swing by the house to pick my things up.. 'Oh! And please pack my new navy blue silk pajamas..' The wife thinks this sounds a bit odd, but, being the good wife, She does exactly what her husband asked. Following the long weekend he came home a little tired, but, otherwise, looking good. The wife welcomes him home and asks if he caught many fish? He says, 'Yes! Lots of Flatties, some Bass, and a few Rays. He said but why didn't you pack my new blue silk pajamas like I asked you to do? You'll love the answer. The wife replies, "I did, they're in your tackle box". Never, Never, Never try to outsmart a woman!!!
  11. Is that going to be permanently or presumably just while it is being built and cables are being laid ? Where is this information ? http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/business...ief/sb02-88.pdf see page 17 Is the only reference i can find to an exclusion zone AFTER the build of an offshore windfarm. I know this is a different area, but I would think the rules will be the same.
  12. but how long would it take till the fish returned after all the disruption ... and how long would the disruption/build last in the first place. I would think that a fair few of us will have seen our best fishing days long gone by the time this is settled enough to fish from.
  13. i have a little stealth boat in my factory .... I knew it would come in handy for something
  14. surely there will be an exclusion zone around them.
  15. i seem to remember there are lots of them off the Norfolk coast. they looked like they were quite an attraction tbh and the Cornish countryside has them dotted all over the place. i can imagine the rich people who have paid well over the odds for their sea view may be pretty peeved but no matter where they go, someone will feel/be justified in complaining.
  16. Many thanks for the chain Mike. Hope to see you out there soon (once the weather warms up a little)
  17. A good advert for the boat or a poor advert for the British Navy?
  18. Mine literally drops out at about 5 knots.
  19. our company uses Protyre any time we need a mobile repair/fit. http://www.protyre.co.uk/mobile.aspx http://www.protyre.co.uk/outletsdesc.aspx?id=11059
  20. I will look at that during the week Peter. If I can get my existing setup as well as it should I would be happy to keep it as a back up or sell it. I would be reluctant to sell it as it is, cos it's pants!
  21. Fair play to the photograher for not dropping his gear. That must have been pretty scarey!
  22. I had my transom mounted one fitted professionally Duncan but to be honest I have found it to be totally useless once moving. I am guessing it is faulty or it wasnt fitted properly but I dont know how to sort it so have bought a whole new setup.
  23. I was all geared up to do that Chris, but as my boat is retreived onto a trailer at the boatyard I can see nowhere on any single skinned part of the hull that would not get run over by the rollers on the trailer. I doubt that would do the unit (nor the seal) much good. I have today spoken with MES who are going to take my transducer back and get me a nice new "in hull" one. I think i will feel happier with that. :-). I also find that the skimmer one i have on my transom gives me no reading at all at anything over displacement speed so am hoping that an in hull one will keep contact with the water at higher speeds than my existing setup.
  24. I recent purchased a Garmin 750s radar/GPS/Sonar setup and ordered a "Thru the Hull" transducer believing in my ignorance that this would sit inside the boat and look "through the hull". I have heard that having an internal transducer is about 10% less efficient than having an external one but I was happy to accept the reduction in performance over the hag of fitting another external one. When it arrived I read the instructions (which is most unlike me) and it would seem that i need to drill a 3" hole in the bottom of the boat and fix this thing "Through the Hull" . I must be honest, this does not sound like the sort of thing i feel comfortable doing on a hull that is potentially keeping me on the dry side of a couple of hundred feet of water! Reading through the old posts & threads it would seem a fair few of you are using internal transducers (some even sound like they may be skimmer transducers actually inside rather than hanging off the transome). Do any of you know if my "thru the hull" transducer can be fitted inside the hull in a way that it will work, or do i need a specific type of transducer for fitting internally? Thanks in advance.
  25. are you saying that Shogun is going over the same week as the club Nigel?
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