Hi, I advertised this little boat a while ago but had no interest, It really does need to go so someone make me a silly offer.
I bought this 17ft boat with the intention of using it on my own in the evenings but as my main boat can be launched at any time by the boatyard I doubt I will use this one enough to keep it so it might as well go.
I am pretty sure it was a microplus 501 in its earlier days but the cabin was cut back by the previous owners giving MUCH more deck space but probably much less strength. (Having said that, I have used it a few times and it seems perfectly ok to me). I used it last year as a "safety boat" when the kayak lads went for a paddle to Old Harry.
I put a large engine on it when I first got it but the transom started creaking so I removed the engine and re-inforced the transome. There is no engine with the boat, but I used a 15hp that pushed it along fine for one or two of us.
I have a fibreglass thing in the middle that I used as my cutting board/seat but it can be removed very easily if required. There is a heavy duty auxillary bracket, very small fold away anchor with about 80m rope and a couple of buoyancy aid jackets.
Trailer looks and tows perfect and the whole setup can easily be launched and retrieved by one person at Baiter.
I really could be doing with my factory back so offers around