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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. Many thanks Charlie ... a trip on Alfresco with the experts sounds great. Lets hope the weather is good .... I will stock up on stugerons just in case
  2. and eventful by the sound of it!! Well done for getting out while most of us were working
  3. Hi, I advertised this little boat a while ago but had no interest, It really does need to go so someone make me a silly offer. I bought this 17ft boat with the intention of using it on my own in the evenings but as my main boat can be launched at any time by the boatyard I doubt I will use this one enough to keep it so it might as well go. I am pretty sure it was a microplus 501 in its earlier days but the cabin was cut back by the previous owners giving MUCH more deck space but probably much less strength. (Having said that, I have used it a few times and it seems perfectly ok to me). I used it last year as a "safety boat" when the kayak lads went for a paddle to Old Harry. I put a large engine on it when I first got it but the transom started creaking so I removed the engine and re-inforced the transome. There is no engine with the boat, but I used a 15hp that pushed it along fine for one or two of us. I have a fibreglass thing in the middle that I used as my cutting board/seat but it can be removed very easily if required. There is a heavy duty auxillary bracket, very small fold away anchor with about 80m rope and a couple of buoyancy aid jackets. Trailer looks and tows perfect and the whole setup can easily be launched and retrieved by one person at Baiter. I really could be doing with my factory back so offers around
  4. As I saw the fuel requirements for a similar sized petrol boat I think I will pass on taking my boat over there. If anyone is looking for crew to share the workload, costs and the experience with I would love to join you. I am not really a drinker, but would be happy to join in the nights out (although I would probably sit on one or two pints all evening) I also dont have the fishing experience of most but I am looking to learn and I do make a pretty good cup of tea! Keep me in mind will ya. (Stoke wont be getting into any more cup finals that week so there should be no distractions) Graham.
  5. so how much fuel did you use all together?
  6. Graham Nash


    That is pretty poor Mr b!!!!
  7. I am out Saturday .... not sure which way to head yet but might try Southbourne area or head out past the IOW. Depends on the sea state I suppose.
  8. I am out Saturday but might be able to squeeze out for a few hours Friday afternoon too ..... weather (and work) permitting.
  9. That would be very helpful Mike. We also need to get together sometime for my safety check. Rockley is open till 7 or 8 all summer so any early evening would be great. I can do any evening (normally).
  10. Ha Ha Mike .... Were you speaking a foreign language there? Clan ? Xray ? I know Poole Bay I think I tried Dolphin Sands on the way back last Friday but it was full of nets!
  11. Right!!!! Having spent a small fortune going mid channel last week and catching absolutely not a thing I am looking for some advice on where to go and what to use. I have had a couple of great bream trips recently but am looking for something a little different. The tides are big so The Shambles are a no no .... I prefer to anchor rather than drift and would love to catch a ray, tope, spur, pollock or anything a little bigger and different than the normal pout, bream, whiting and doggie that we normally catch. Any advice will be gratefully received
  12. There are variables but the sea is worse if the wind is against the tide. I personally would NOT go out in anything 5 or above. Even with a 4 I would be looking at the sea conditions before venturing out. Having said that, I am sure my boat would take it, i just doubt my tummy would
  13. Well done all for getting back safe and well. Cant wait for the reports and Pictures. Niggle ..... how did your trip on Shogun go?
  14. They're all in peoples freezers!
  15. This is the biggest game in my clubs history ..... I will be sat with my club shirt on, holding the emblem in one hand and a pint of lager in the other :-)
  16. Unfortunately I have to wait till the staff turn up at Rockley before getting afloat but that sounds like a plan .... So long as the water is not too lumpy, I will give you a shout as soon as I am afloat and see where you are.
  17. all those miles on a rough sea would not have been my idea of fun either Greg ..... Last night I was regretting my call to cancel, but this morning I thought I had made the right shout. There's plenty of water out there without making myself too uncomfortable.
  18. congratulations on your new toy ...... You are in good company with your warrior as there seem to be a few of them about :-)
  19. The weather Gods have played up for the past couple of weeks but it looks like they have given us a window tomorrow (for the non superstitious among us). Is anyone else venturing out? I am thinking of getting up early and having a morning and early afternoon afloat.
  20. I walked down to Baiter earlier and it looked a tad lumpy but I have just walked down there again and it is the flattest I have seen it for over 2 weeks. The flags are all hanging and even the sailing dinghy's are going slow so it looks like the wind Gods have come up trumps for you. Have a great trip, I am hoping I will be celebrating in my own way Saturday but I am sure I will still be thinking of you all. Tight lines.
  21. In an attempt to cause less damage I use a wet towel when I handle the fish. One thing I am often unsure about is a completely swallowed hook .... is it better to struggle to get it out or do I cut the line and let the fish dislodge it its self? I must be honest (and I hope people will tell me this is the right course of action) I generally try to get it out but if I am failing I cut the line and release the fish along with my hook.
  22. it has been quite breezy in Poole today too Adam. http://www.pooleyc.co.uk/cms/index.asp?dir...ge=Live+Weather
  23. Mike, There is a large cheetah cat FPO boat tied up in Poole Harbour. I have no doubt it moves at some time or other but I have yet to see it anywhere other than its berth!
  24. I have mentioned before that I cringe when I see a photograph of lots of smiling fishermen holding even more dead fish. I return ALL fish as soon as I unhook them, apart from a few weeks ago when we kept 24 mackerel (as future bait) out of a haul of about 80 in 10 minutes. In My Opinion, if people want to take them home for tonights tea then thats good, but to take them home to stock the freezer is risking future stocks and possibly limiting future catches. I am not a tree hugger nor a do gooder, I just dont see why we have to destroy everything then complain when its gone?
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