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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. I see there was a fire at Sunseekers this morning.
  2. Graham Nash


    Is the best chance we have of seeing him in the water
  3. And you have obviously been doing a wind dance since you have been out of the water too Nigel, it has hardly stopped blowing!!
  4. I may make it over one of the days to join you but doubt I would stay there overnight (is only hour and half from home for me). I have no marks over that way but the shambles is fairly obvious owing to the two large markers showing West & East limits (plus the 30 or so ather boats in the same spot ) I believe there is the lulworth banks over that side and there is a large deep gully off St Albans that I hear good reports about but I have yet to catch anything other than Mackerel from!
  5. Could it be that we are always "in a hurry" Adam? Maybe we cruise too near to the maximum speed too often? I know I probably do.
  6. I admire the fact you are still smiling and joking Nigel. I would have been right down in the dumps if it was me.
  7. I am not sure about the fuel comparison Tomo as I seem to use MUCH more than the diesel boys. But having seen the problems people have had with their relatively new inboards I dont think I would change.
  8. There's always checkers in the harbour but I personally get wound up when I keep bringing in mounds of weed
  9. I am hoping to be out tomorrow too. Not sure of the exact distance but would suggest around 15 miles. More important are the races at st Albans if its windy and strong tides.
  10. I am with them Neil. Thanks for the heads up, I will shop around come the time (and hope I dont need them in the mean time).
  11. I find it very worrying that all of these "known" faults are still occurring. Surely these manufacturers should be doing something to sort out these "known" faults. Nigel, I am sure you will be back out there very soon (although I seem to remember you saying you are out on Shogun soon anyway). At least some one might get a chance to get close to you on the species hunt in the mean time.
  12. I recently bought a SONIX 12lb. Is very light and quite sensitive. I like it.
  13. I have some keel rollers left over from my visit to trailertek I am sure they are 175mm. The brackets were
  14. I have a raider 18 and find it can sometimes land quite hard on the waves, sometimes jarring you right through to the bones but its all part of the fun . It rarely makes me slow down I would also agree with Mikes comments above .... a couple of weeks ago we headed over to the shambles in a reasonable sea, at 15 knots it was uncomfortable and not much fun, at 24 knots it was uncomfortable but GREAT fun
  15. I tried that place in Christchurch a couple of years ago and they didnt do much in the way of boat trailer bits. I ended up at Trailertek out Winchester way. If they dont have it, it doesnt exist!
  16. Owing to my disappointment at having to drop out of the Alderney trip and the fact I had actually BOOKED time off work for it I am hoping to go out either Wednesday May 11th or Thursday May 12th mid channel and see if we can have our own "mini" trip (but without the booze and sleepovers ) I am looking for buddy boat/ boats that would be about mid week that fancy a trip out (weather permitting of course ) I know most will be at work or joining the flotilla South but anyone about and interested give me a shout.
  17. To be fair.... lots of mail order companies are not as large as they seem, often being run from a spare room or shed in the garden. Looking at his website, he has a forum and allsorts so i cant imagine that everyone is unhappy with his service. You can please some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time but you CANT please all of the people all of the time. Paypal are likely to refund you Tomo, that said poor customer service and the hag you are having to go through is not good enough.
  18. If only Martin I would love to join you but alas work is calling Its beautiful out there and we just couldnt go wrong on Tuesday when we were out.
  19. It does sound like something someone has made up for a laugh tho Paul
  20. Its always nice to treat ones self every now and then :-)
  21. My first love is Rugby, second Football (Stoke City) and third is fishing ...... Would you believe that Stoke have only gone and got themselves into th FA Cup final at Wembley on May 14th!!! for the first time in their 130 odd year history!!! So it is almost certain that (with a heavy heart) I will have to pull out of the first planned trip as, if I am able to get tickets for the match I am afraid that my 40 years of following their results on TV will hopefully come to a massive climax by watching them lift a trophy at Wembley.
  22. Good luck with the sale. I looked at that boat before you bought her but the owner would not budge on 11 1/2 grand
  23. well .... didnt head East or West.... popped out to the Patch for a couple of hours and dispite a massive shoal on the fishfinder we only managed one whiting and one herring (on feathers) .. moved out to one of the banks and after manouvering to get between the nets we drifted and managed plenty more whiting. Fantastic to be out.
  24. i am out tomorrow. was going to head east but might head over west and see what its all about over there.
  25. The forecast is looking very favourable for that Adam ..... I am thinking of taking a day out tomorrow and trying something similar.
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