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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. Windguru have been wrong the past two weekends, I am relying on them getting it wrong this weekend again.
  2. I have every intention of being out Sunday .... I was hoping to get out of the harbour and park near someone who looked like they knew what they were doing :-/
  3. Graham Rarely does the crew let us down, more often the weather and that always scuppers a few individuals / boat plans. I suggest we go with 4 days from 12th May with a back up date of four days from 1st June??? Tom I can understand that the weather is obviously the major deciding factor, but how do you all get on with booking accommodation (or do you sleep on board)?
  4. Ok, if there is anyone with a space I would be happy to crew and obviously share costs. I am the "all the gear and no idea" type, but will be a very attentive learner. When will the dates be decided? I am yet to book next years holidays so dates and accomodation dependent, once I confirm/commit I will not let you down. Graham.
  5. I would love to come (own boat or crew) .... I will start to stock up on stugeron :-)
  6. I have absolutely no doubt something will conspire to scupper my plans but i will endeavour to be there for the crack alone. I will not however be getting wet! It will be good to see you nutters again. Graham
  7. Whether we like it or not, ultimately there must be a demand for this sort of quantity of fish, otherwise it would not be financially viable to the big boys. I don't pretend to know the answer, but if one is wishing to preserve stocks for the good of the species (and the food chain above it) then that is a good thing, if however they wish the stocks to be preserved so that we, the recreational angler have some sport left, that is probably not the right reason. If the debate is the unfairness of the quota system then i fully agree that there should be a quota system, but it needs to be something more sensible than "dump all your dead catch so you don't exceed your limit".
  8. Graham Nash

    New Boat

    Good luck with the new boat Peter .... Hope she gives you as many memories as your old one.
  9. I would think the one he caught on the programme was not much short of 35 - 40 pounds. It looked like a massive pike but with sharks teeth!
  10. No was not Robson Green .... was more like a documentary about a Tiger something-or-other fish, It has recently been blamed for killing a child and is like a massive pirranah. The teeth on it were about 2 inches long and the mouth looked just like a crocodile. The bloke was trying to catch it on a rod (and he did actually do one too). Well worth watching and not like the sensationalist Robson Green. If its on I player its worth checking it out.
  11. Program on telly now about fishing for a monster freshwater predator in the Congo.
  12. its the milk in the flask that spoils the taste. Either make it black and add the milk to the cup as Madw & plaicemat said or take hot water in the flask and make the coffee in the cup.
  13. weather dependent, me Martin. Not sure I will venture too far out, but we will see. (might top myself up with stugeron in the morning)
  14. I seem to remember I had to phone them when I put Little Sal on there. One thing I would say tho' is I could not edit it to cancel the ad when it sold so I still get emails now (some 5 months later) asking if they can come and look at it!!!
  15. Looking at Windguru the window is getting smaller by the hour
  16. A guy is driving around the back woods of Bournemouth when he sees a sign in front of a broken down council house 'Talking Dog For Sale'. He rings the bell and the owner appears and tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees a nice looking Labrador sitting there. "You talk?" he says. "Yup" the dog replies. After the guy recovers from the shock of hearing a dog speak, he says "So, what's your story?" The Labrador looks up and says, "Well. I discovered I could talk when I was pretty young. I wanted to help the country, so I told the Government. In no time at all they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping." "I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years running, but the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn't getting any younger so I decided to settle down. I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security, wandering near suspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded a batch of medals." "I got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I'm retired." The guys is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog. "Ten quid." the guy says. "Ten pounds? This dog is amazing! Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?" "Because he's a liar. He never did any of that sh!t."
  17. so did I
  18. sorry for my very poor attempt at witt ..... It made me smile
  19. the English??
  20. Very good (and important) point Tony.
  21. I set it up today Martin and it is MUCH heavier than my old set up and i rarely had problems with that so i think i will be ok till Duncan is about. Just gotta hope that my buoy will lift it!!
  22. Its interesting that you have 6 tons of boat being held on A 5 kg bruce up to a force 4 Mike. I rarely fish more than force 4 (i suffer quite badly from motion sickness and as you say, it's not that pleasant anyway) and my boat is probably less than 1/5th of the weight of yours. I think Duncans 7.5 kg bruce along with my 11 met of chain should give me loads of hold, even on our spring tides. Many thanks everyone.
  23. I have set mine up today Duncan with 11 met of chain, but would be happy for you to keep me informed as to when you are next down and i would be happy to pay you the difference obviously. Many thanks. Graham. Brian I was not really out to fish, i just had a few quiet hours off work so i thought i would take advantage of the nice weather. I did drown a few worms but didnt even get a sniff. Was nice to be out tho.
  24. t'was me Brian.
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