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Graham Nash

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Everything posted by Graham Nash

  1. Ok, so based on Charlies (and Brians) comments above, does anyone want to swap - P/EX a 7.5 or 10kg bruce type anchor for a 5 kilo one
  2. I was out on Serenity last week on the training day and was amazed at the size of anchor Tony uses. I have always used a 15 kilo Danforth anchor with about 5 met of 10mm chain and pulled it up by hand but am hoping to utilise my 5 kilo bruce anchor and put about 10 to 15 met of chain onto it and use the alderney retrieval system? I have an 18ft Raider, and rarely anchor in more than about 100 ft. Would 5 kilos and 15 met chain hold my boat in normal circumstances?
  3. Good luck Gordon .... Shame we didnt know in the early summer cos i would have had Fugazi without a doubt. Dave, Fugazi looks the same as mine but is the slightly older (and most would say better) British boat. You wont go far wrong with her. Graham.
  4. many thanks everyone, I think i have it now.
  5. I'm hoping to get out around mid dayish Brian.
  6. well better too big than not at all I suppose :-0
  7. wow .... it worked (if a little large) :-)
  8. it is http://i513.photobucket.com/albums/t332/gr...pg?t=1287935675 between two brackets.
  9. Ok ... so ... I put my pictures onto photobucket. I open the picture i want and right click it, scroll down to properties and right click that too. A new grey window appears with all sorts of bumph in it, I scroll down to the "address (URL) and highlight it. I copy it. I then open this website and forum and click IMG (above) this opens a new window at the top of the screen which i highlight and paste the already copied picture. I then have a load of writing inbetween brackets. All looking good so far so i now hit "add reply" below and .......... I get "Sorry, dynamic pages in the tags are not allowed" I have done this about a million times, obviously i am doing something wrong, but cannot think what!
  10. Graham Nash


    A young Arab asks his father: - What is this weird hat that we are wearing ? - Why, it's a "chechia" because in the desert it protects our heads from the sun! - And what is this type of clothing that we are wearing ? - It's a "djbellah" because in the desert it is very hot and it protects your body! - And what are these ugly shoes that we have on our feet? - These are "babouches", which keep us from burning our feet when in the desert ! Tell me, papa? - Yes, my son? Then, why the f@@k are we living in Sunderland???
  11. probably just as well you didn't trip them up Brian, they would have probably either have stabbed you or sued you!! It sounds like you need an alarm or CCTV even in your own drive now!
  12. very good Martin
  13. I had some done by signsense on Ashley Road Parkstone. I also spoke with the sign people down the bottom of blandford Road in Hamworthy who were very similar price.
  14. these people looking for crew ... what time are you likely to be out?
  15. that is my thoughts exactly .... now i just gotta find the time to use it!
  16. Hi Jim, I have searched just about everywhere recently and have settled for putting my Raider 18 at Rockley Park. Costs just over 2k a year to keep the boat there on its trailer and they launch and retreave whenever you want. I am hoping to be able to use her much more often now I dont have to mess about trailing, launching and retreaving her myself. Incidentally they also do dry stack, but getting the trailer out of my yard was a bonus to me.
  17. looking at the first and last pictures I would have had no issues about being out in that sea. Looking at the 2nd & 3rd looks like a different sea! I was actually in Cornwall yesterday and the waves at a little cove near Newquay were about 10ft high.
  18. i think this will be my course of action. Dont want to bugger 7 or 8 grands worth of engine for the sake of
  19. That was my thoughts too
  20. I had the cover off my boat during the recent heavy rains and my fuel tank was submerged in rain water. I am sure the guage is higher now than it was when i last used it, so am guessing that water has entered the tank (possibly through the breather cap). Is there any way I can tell, and if there is water contamination is there anything i can do?
  21. I will be interested in the answer to that, I get the same on my works computer.
  22. No Jim, it has a well between the engine and the deck. I went and looked at this boat before deciding on my Raider 18 and i only decided against it because it was BLOODY MASSIVE!!! It is an awful lot of boat and would easily fish 6 on that deck. You almost need to shout from the transome to the cabin door.
  23. Ha Ha @ tube filled with battery acid
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