It appears that BW's draft is slightly shallower that SO's, hence we got stuck in 0.8ft but BW cruised through.
In the end, the way we made it in was to move as much weight forward as possible so that the prop was higher in the water, and then gun it through the shallows after we had rece'd where the true channel was. This included asking Jas to lean out of the front hatch so that he could direct me into the deepest channel, which was still only 0.8ft deep and 10ft wide!!!!
The shower of peebles thown up behind us was impressive, but the prop is ruined. I suppose I have got away with no prop damage for 3 yrs, so my time was up.
At one stage I got out of the boat and tried to pull it over the shallows into deeper water, but the shallows were too shallow!!
It's amazing how the channel has moved in the last couple of months. The last time I was out, I carefully marked all the positions of all the channel markers on my plotter. That orginal channel is now a dry island at low water. If I'd religiously followed my plotter through the fog, we would have been well an truely on dry land.
The problem started as we went out at high water. The fog was so thick, we only saw one bouy, and so we were unable to mark the new bouy positions.
Some would say we shouldn't have gone out with the fog so thick... ... but that's another story.
Never a dull moment.