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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Bob F

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Everything posted by Bob F

  1. Bob F


    Don't know whether to smile... ..but did anyone catch any cod?
  2. Bob F


    Well, who would've believed it, 11 o'clock and not a breath of air can be seen in my weather tree. Those so-called weather forecasters need to be shot!!
  3. My sympathies, Jack. Like you say, nice to see it, but would've loved to have weighted it. Describing it lying on the surface laughing at us brings back memories of the big conger I lost at the boat at Burnham. It just layed on the surface eyeing us up before disappearing back into the murk. I'm pretty sure it would've broke the Bristol Channel record. Things are looking up for Pal-O-Mine, though. Even hooking into one of these beasts is a thrill, and also means you are anchoring the right marks. BF
  4. Bob F


    I know I'm going to regret it, but decided to give it a miss today. Got up early, ready to go, but a last minute check of the weather forecast gave F4-5 occasionally 6!! Other forecasts give 3-4. Little Rob's sea legs aren't too good when it gets to a 3 or more, and it's a long way to go (Lymington) just have have to come back in after an hour or two. A tough call, but I'm going to lean on the side of caution. Good luck to all that go out. I know it's going to be a good fishing day now. Weather looks cr@p for the remainder of the week, so not sure when I will get out next. Will do some servicing on the engine and trailer instead. BF
  5. I'll be launching from Lymington tomorrow, circa 08:00. See you there if you've not already launched. Will have little Rob as crew. BF
  6. Happy birthday, PJ.
  7. A new prop...
  8. Bob F

    Make It Snappy

    Merry Xmas, BB.
  9. Bob F

    Make It Snappy

    Ah, so that's why Rich's got cheaks like a hampster.
  10. I had a better look at the prop this morning. It's no where near as bad as I first thought when compared to spare one I put on. It does have a few stone chips and most of the black paint has gone, but it's nothing that a file won't put right. It will do as my "Mudeford Prop" in the future, and I'll save the good prop for other venues. Charlie, try pulling a 16ft boat on your own through a small channel against a 5 knot (+) current. The words "knackered" and "flogging dead horses" spring to mind. Jas was having fun though, sat on his throne giving kind words of encouragement... One good thing about the trip...it was the first test of the Neoprene boots. I wore thermal socks with neoprene socks on top and then the neoprene boat boots. Feet were toasty all day, and they gave good grip on the deck. Thanks for the offer, Simon.
  11. Yeh, I've seen Paul's precision anchoring technique. Lick one finger, place into air, look around expectantly, and chant "this'll do." Nice one Paul. That's what you call a result. BF
  12. It appears that BW's draft is slightly shallower that SO's, hence we got stuck in 0.8ft but BW cruised through. In the end, the way we made it in was to move as much weight forward as possible so that the prop was higher in the water, and then gun it through the shallows after we had rece'd where the true channel was. This included asking Jas to lean out of the front hatch so that he could direct me into the deepest channel, which was still only 0.8ft deep and 10ft wide!!!! The shower of peebles thown up behind us was impressive, but the prop is ruined. I suppose I have got away with no prop damage for 3 yrs, so my time was up. At one stage I got out of the boat and tried to pull it over the shallows into deeper water, but the shallows were too shallow!! It's amazing how the channel has moved in the last couple of months. The last time I was out, I carefully marked all the positions of all the channel markers on my plotter. That orginal channel is now a dry island at low water. If I'd religiously followed my plotter through the fog, we would have been well an truely on dry land. The problem started as we went out at high water. The fog was so thick, we only saw one bouy, and so we were unable to mark the new bouy positions. Some would say we shouldn't have gone out with the fog so thick... ... but that's another story. Never a dull moment. BF
  13. Now would be a good time to stick a stud in the hole, Mike. You'll be a big draw with the ladies, then. BF
  14. A cod on the last drop. That's the way to keep 'em fresh. Nice one, Steve. Those pebbles sound a nightmare. BF
  15. Nice report, Simon. Welcome back. BF
  16. Thanks for looking into that, Rich. I ended up buying them from Indespension in the end. After the club discount they were only a few quid more than buying from SCH, and at least I know they are the right ones. I had a look at Towsure's web site but couldn't find anything about the complete hub sets in the size I need. Will look into this after Xmas though, because it would be good to carry a spare hub with bearings. Mike, Indespension call them Bearing Savers. Cost
  17. For Sale -
  18. Nice idea, Paul. I like it.
  19. Now that's what I call a Christmas Wish. Merry Xmas, Jas and all forum members!! Tis the season to me merry, tra-la-lah-la-lah-la-lah...
  20. I'll be fishing the Flounder comp. Probably with Jas as crew. BF
  21. We might stand a chance since you will not be there, Kim. Is the sun still shining over there?
  22. Martin/Charlie, Can you confirm the start and stop times, please? I think we finished at 4pm or 4:30pm last year for the weigh-in and prize (hamper) giving at Baiter. Two rods, two hooks, as usual? BF
  23. Is it the walk around model, like the one at the Poole Boat show last year? Very nice boat. Perfect for the family/fishing mix. Was VERY tempted myself. BF
  24. Hey, welcome back, Pete. It's been a while...
  25. Bob F

    'copter Game

    I can't get over my first jump, either. I'll never forget her...
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