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Bob F

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Everything posted by Bob F

  1. Happy Birthday, Tom.
  2. Yes, and it's important you choose the Russian ones because these are special filters and are the main reason why E-Tecs perform so well. They're made in Chernbyl.
  3. Bob F


    No, I think they're for shoving where the sun don't shine if the next deal goes wrong.
  4. Bob F

    Boat Repair

    Ok, I'm getting a little frightened now...
  5. See, told you it was a RIB. Reflection In Black.
  6. Bob F

    Boat Repair

    Wow! Thanks for all the help, guys. I can't go wrong now.
  7. Bob F

    Apple Computer

    I wonder how you tune it in...
  8. Splash-Out will be looking to get her skirt wet on Sunday, so I'm up for a trip. BF
  9. Bob F

    Boat Repair

    Great. Thanks Peter, Paul. Now for another daft question...how do you apply it? With a brush, a palette knife, a roller??? cheers
  10. Bob F

    Boat Repair

    It's white, Peter, but I guess you can get different shades of white. Anyway, Paul phoned me earlier today to offer some that he has knocking about in his garage, so I gratefully accepted. Thanks for your offer. Does this stuff have a shelf life once the tin has been opened?
  11. It's a RIB!!
  12. Cracking first Cod, Dom. Well done that man!!
  13. Bob F

    Boat Repair

    I asked for some when I was at the Glass Fibre place by Poole Bridge. They didn't know what it was??
  14. Bob F

    Boat Repair

    How would you go about tidying up this? It's from where I removed the seat box. The fibreglass matting has been exposed. Thanks BF
  15. Next club meeting??? Should be Thurs 1st Feb. Martin?
  16. Welcome, Tony. BF
  17. Good on 'ya Carl.
  18. Better make sure you tow me with the rope tied to my bow then Paul. Obviously a very biased test. Most 2 strokes will pick up quicker than a similar sized 4 stroke, and in this type of test whoever gets moving forward first will win. It doesn't reveal the torque differences at cruising speeds. BF
  19. I've been to the rips on that boat. I've been on the rocks with that boat. I've been wallowing in the wake of that boat. I've been beached behind that boat. I've been riding 20ft waves with that boat. I've been netting 30lb cod on that boat. I've been night fishing for big conger in that boat. I've gotta shed a tear...
  20. Wow!! That's a low blow. It's fate, Adam. Something even better will come up, competely out of the blue.
  21. BB, My lad's pretty excited about the idea, so you can put him down as interested. Rob F, age 13 (but 6' 1" tall!!). cheers Bob F
  22. Bob F


    ...yeh, and that was the cut down, edited version.
  23. Similar to the last one would do me nicely... One big prize gets the juices going in my opinion. BF
  24. An old friend of mine got intouch recently. He's living in New Zealand. Thought some of you would enjoy an insight to the kind of sport they have down there. I know where I'm going when I retire!! "My business partner has a place on the beach at Piha and bought a second hand inflatable off the surf life saving club. He goes out fishing beyond the big stuff and usually gets a good feed -snapper. kawahai and the odd shark. I haven't got the guts to go out with him since it needs two very experienced people to be able tonavigate your way through the somewhat scary waves. I stick to the milder Pacific east coast where there's some great fishing to be had. We are only a few minutes away from a large inland harbour (Manukau) where there's a bit of fishing to be had. My sister lives on the beach at Ohope (google Pohutukawa Avenue). There's fantastic fishing down there. We occasionally paddle the kayaks out with a long line and catch all sorts of stuff, especially gurnard. Normally I go to the supermarket and buy a couple of kilos of green lipped mussels which are the size of a mobile phone andcost a quid a kilo. They are great as an entree steamed on the barbie till they open then dipped in sweet chilli sauce. The best fish I have ever eaten is something called a Kingfish. It's one of the most voracious hunters around and a true "superfish". Once you hook one of them look out. Your reel burns out and the boat starts to get towed out to sea. They are the size of large cod and the only bait they take is a live fish. People have caught them as a result of pulling in a smaller fish only to find all hell breaks loose. A guy I knew once told me he melted a jandal (flip flop) trying to slow the reel down. I've been game fishing here but that's really boring. The best day out is to be had in a boat hunting snapper.
  25. Bob F

    Diy Prop Repair

    A few dints isn't going to cause that much of a balance problem, is it?
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