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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×

Bob F

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Everything posted by Bob F

  1. Bob F

    Diy Prop Repair

  2. Had a go at cleaning up the "dints" in my prop after the last Xchurch outing (or floundering). Pretty pleased with the results. It's amazing what short work an angle grinder can make of it (yes, seriously). You'd be amazed at how delicate and precise you can be with an angle grinder (ask Mad Mike!! ). Finished off with a hand file and then a coat of black Hammerite that was lying around. It'll certainly do as my "Xchurch" prop in the future, so I can save my good prop for other venues. BF
  3. Pop any one of them on a trailer and whip it down to my place, please, Duncan. I'll pay you later if that's alright. I'm going to bed to dream... ...hope the misses doesn't interupt.
  4. Thanks Brian. PJ had posted about it, earlier.
  5. Bob F


    Enjoyed the read, too.
  6. Sounds intriguing...
  7. Bob F


    Welcome back, Terry. You shouldn't have any problem teaching Rich how to fly fish. He's got a pretty good wrist action, so I hear. BF
  8. Bob F

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year, all. It's a good start for the Cherries at least, Paul.
  9. Like it!
  10. Isn't amazing how these threads develop???
  11. Ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, ham, and bl@@dy HAM!!!!!
  12. Miss Ogynist...a person who hated women.
  13. Miss Demeanour??
  14. Miss Chief??
  15. Thanks Richard. Best idea so far. Dan, Kam...detention for you.
  16. A friend of mine works for U-Drive, delivering vehicles in the local area. He also drinks a lot. Not a good combination. Yesterday, he was driving back from Southampon and got caught in a big traffic jam. He was bursting for a piss, so, being an inventive chap he pissed into one of the empty beer cans that he had in the van!!! As he came into Ringwood the Police stopped him. He passed the breath test, but was arrested for possession of canopiss!! I'll get me coat on he way out.
  17. Bob F

    Battery Guard

    Jack, Below was mostly taken from a web site... Yes, you can over charge your battery with a solar panel. As you say, even under cloudy condition's, solar panels produce electricity although in lesser quantities. You should either disconnect it if you are not using the batteries for a long period, or buy a special regulator (
  18. Well, you certainly picked a good day to test her boating envelope, Martin. Pleased to hear she is everything you hoped for, so far.
  19. Mother came round for Christmas Dinner and brought a huge hock of ham (cooked). There's absolutely tons of meet still left on it. Is there any way of preserving it??? There's no way we will get through it in the next few days, and not too sure how long we can keep it in the frig???? cheers BF
  20. Now that's a dash to die for. Sod the fishing...I could just sit and play with those toys all day...but I'm weird like that.
  21. Mark's into the cod again, eh? Must be those female pheromones he swears by. Well done for all the crew on Nipper and Fugazi for sticking it out and getting into the prizes. Better than the frustrating day I had at home wishing I'd gone out. BF
  22. Bob F


    In that case, it seems I owe the Forecasters an apology. Little Rob would not have lasted too long in those swells.
  23. ...two the evening before, and two in the morning. Works for me. BF
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