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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Don't worry Martin....My motley crew arent going this year ...so plenty for all.. Tomo
  2. Hi Mike, Do you know if the scale is lime or salt deposits? SaltX if its salt deposits, Normal kettle descaler or vinegar if its lime scale...... My fittings suffer from lime scale as the boat is moored in almost fresh water and I have just been cleaning with kitchen discaler......just hope the missus dosn't read this post.....or look for the descaler come to that! Tomo
  3. Does Portland realise what's coming and more to the point does the restauraunt!!! The crack should be great... Tomo
  4. Blimey, drank the island dry did you! You'll have to fill the livebait tank with some brew next time Alan, just in case! Rob We had already done that !!!!! But it was not just me Paul D and Tubby........Charlie was helping with his crew, plus all the other motley crews!!! Tomo
  5. Just hope they don't run out of beer like in Alderney Tomo
  6. We are up for that....but I think the "fuel donkey" will be booking for all of us. Tomo
  7. Why don't you like close sleeping quarters with an ass ........OOoops........... Sorry meant to say fuel DONKEY Have you had the pleasure of hearing him snore!!! cause I have and I was at the other end of the digs in Alderney Tomo
  8. Paul D, "my old fuel donkey from Alderney" will be coming down with me with Helen and Annie following down in the car...I know those two will not want to sit in Portland...but they will have the car... So I'm pretty relaxed about either venue .But we will reqiuire accommodation........Tomo
  9. Put me down for the trip please. I can tell her in doors that I'm taking her on a cruise... Tomo
  10. Tomo


    This is one company Southampton Boat trailer Hire and another company is Boat Loads , they charge
  11. Tomo


    Ambrows have now got a new trailer....with brakes....that work but if you want it for more that 3 days your looking at about
  12. Welcome Steve, I,m sure you will enjoy the help and the banter within the club and as a fellow Pirate 21 owner, engined the same as mine there are not many marks in the Channel that you will not be able to fish.( Weather permitting) and what's more you'll get there in half the time. Tomo
  13. Charlie, And it followed you through the Swinge!!!!! Tomo
  14. Tomo

    local welder needed

    Hi Dan, I'll weld it up for you....is the trailer gavanized? FOC ......well maybe a pint! pm me. Tomo
  15. Tomo

    You tube

    And there is very seldom a sequel......like" Pauld D catches another eel II " Tomo
  16. Hi Alan, Welcome. Good to see another Christchurch boat....I often go out during the week,so drop me an email and I'll give you a call when I'm going , you'll be welcome to come along. Regards Tomo
  17. I think it' s been reading our forum and intends filling up on Sole...... Tomo
  18. Tomo

    GPS for sale

    Hi Brian, I would like to take you up on the Garmin for
  19. Tomo


    Hi Dave, For what it's worth I have used PowerPro for the last 10years with great results for durability and strength. I have green,yellow and red....the red is far better if you are on a charter boat or fishing with a number of others as so few people use red and when the invetable tangles occur...I can easily identify my braid...and if everbody starts using red then I will change to yellow. I use 30 lb for most of my fishing except for bass on the float and bream for which I use 10lb and 8lb respectivley. I purchase all my braid from the link below....very reliable site and will combine the postage on multiple spools. His stock changes quite frequent and gets new stock from the US. Check his prices compared to tackle shops.... Its always advisable to use backing on your reels....I normally put about 150 yards on braid on the reel unless fishing mid channel then increase to about 250 yds. Don't forget to rotate your braid after a season...ie put onto a spare reel and then transfer onto another reel and put the end you have been using for your terminal tackle back on to the backing, then you can comfortably get at least 2 seasons usage. http://stores.shop.ebay.co.uk/fishing-tack...K__W0QQ_armrsZ1 Tomo
  20. Tomo

    Pirate 21

    I have had great fun on my Pirate 21 and will be very reluctant to part with it....but I just fancy a lot more comfort in my senior years..... so have opted for the 9m Cheetah Cat.....with all the bells and whistles.....as when cod fishing in the winter one needs a bit of comfort, but for the rest of the year...you can't beat it. Another reason is the draft of the Cheetah....at only 400mm for the 9M....and mooring in Xchurch will give me a bigger window on the tides!.....Iv'e already found the sand bars a couple of times. Tomo
  21. Young Paddy bought a donkey from a farmer for
  22. That's fine Dom.....I could do with some tuition..been fishing the garden for 30 +years and my PB is only 13lb 8 oz......... Tomo
  23. NOW....NOW Paul......I'm sitting at the bottom of my garden....with 2 Barbel rods out waiting for the big un!...reading the posts on my netbook (As intoduced by our web master) ...thinking about what fish I might catch on the Ripps on Sunday.....(Known by women as multi tasking!) Tomo
  24. Tomo

    trailer park

    If you read the sign it's unclear......I have never paid over the last 10 years as they can't allocate a trailer to a vehicle...........but if you leave the trailer on the car then put 2 tickets on....that means
  25. You aint seen nothing !!!!come over to us and fish the Christchurch Ledge when the bream are in... you shake hands with the crew on the next boat......
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