Hi Dave,
For what it's worth I have used PowerPro for the last 10years with great results for durability and strength. I have green,yellow and red....the red is far better if you are on a charter boat or fishing with a number of others as so few people use red and when the invetable tangles occur...I can easily identify my braid...and if everbody starts using red then I will change to yellow.
I use 30 lb for most of my fishing except for bass on the float and bream for which I use 10lb and 8lb respectivley.
I purchase all my braid from the link below....very reliable site and will combine the postage on multiple spools. His stock changes quite frequent and gets new stock from the US. Check his prices compared to tackle shops....
Its always advisable to use backing on your reels....I normally put about 150 yards on braid on the reel unless fishing mid channel then increase to about 250 yds. Don't forget to rotate your braid after a season...ie put onto a spare reel and then transfer onto another reel and put the end you have been using for your terminal tackle back on to the backing, then you can comfortably get at least 2 seasons usage.