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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Newboy


    I wonder if someone make a claw type with pointed rather than rounded claws, will it set better?
  2. Newboy

    Site Problem

    Jack, it's because we now have a colume down the left hand side, thus squeezing the main body to the right. What you can do is reset the screen resolution to a higher setting. The words will be smaller but you'll be able to see the whole lot arcross the screen. To do this, minimize all windowns, right click the empty desktop, select properties, then settings, then slide the resolution bar to the right one click at a time to find the best setting. However, the words will be quite small, if you want to print out a copy, you can just print the highlighted area.
  3. It's good more people are out on the water, bad it seems some of them are still not fully prepared for the sea.
  4. If there is space, can I pop in for a little bit after lunch?
  5. Nice boat
  6. Mike's (Afishonado) got one of this I think.
  7. Newboy

    Fish Finder

    The intruction for my fishfinder simply says min 12" from centre of outboard. It doesn't restrict it to port or starboard. Paul, it makes sense if your helm is on the starboard side, but what if your helm is on the portside?
  8. Newboy

    Moorings ?

    You can forget Poole, the cost is horrendous, and getting more by the day. Christchurch is you best bet.
  9. Newboy

    Fish Finder

    Tranducer is usually fitted 12-18" to either side of middle of outboard.
  10. Just think how sometimes you goup to a car and get 'zap' by the stattic .
  11. It's not that Matt Haynes is not a good fisherman, but he's just too cool to be likened by me. He can ctach plenty of fish but the emotion and excitment just aren't there. There have been times when a trace parted and I nearly chuck the whole outfit into the sea. If that happens to Matt, he'd just smile and say 'Well that's fishing...'
  12. Not sure if RNLI has anything to do with it. Both Lymington and Stoke Bay ARE RNLI slipways.
  13. Hi Kam That s why I need one of the guys with more expert knowledge of why it happens rather then me, but no it doesn't have to be in contact with the water itself. My very limited understanding (I have seen the effects) of electrolysis is that it isn't actually "rust" in the normal sense of the word, but an electrolytic current (posh word, not sure exactly what it means) that runs through the water and when it makes contact with a metal surface will begin to corrode it. If that metal surface is itself in contact with something else metal then the effect will in time pass on t that and then on to the next bit and so on. Again sorry for the limited understanding, but most boats have wiring througout them. For example an outboard is wired to throttle controls and ignition switches and so on and so the effect can pass through the whole boat in time. Soft zinc anodes help prevent the effects of electrolysis as the corrosion effects the softest metal surface on the boat first (the zinc anode). The anodes must be connected into the whole boats system for this to work, if they are simply bolted to the boat without being connected in they will corrode slowly (more slowly), but the electrolysis will be effecting the rest of the boat at the same time. You can slow down the effects by not plugging in to shore power needlessly and by turning off your batteries when you leave the boat, however the effects are speeded up by poor marina wiring, boats on shorepower all around you and metal in the water such as marina piles etc. Is that any clearer? Like I said, I am a layman and that is my basic understanding. I am hoping one of the more expert members of the club, may be able to contribute Tom Are you saying VHF, fishfinder and plotter will just melt into a pile of rust?
  14. I might be wrong but let see. Why would the tank need anode? I thought it is only for metal which gets into contact with sea water?! Surely the tank is inside the hull and not in direct contact with sea water. Not sure if the tank is earthed by the battery, the gauge is probably sitting on a nonconductive sill, and most the of gauge is probably plastic anyway.
  15. You beat me to it.....
  16. Take a spare set out with you, it isn't too hard to change a set of plugs while out unless you are in 6' rollers. If it's anything like cars' they go gradually, so you should see it getting harder to turn over as time goes by.
  17. Newboy

    French Leave

    There are plenty congers left close to shore. They have no (very few) chartered fleet, so no one fish for them other than visiting anglers. Inshore they use long line or nets but they don't go anywhere near wreck incase they get stuck.
  18. You've got better gifts than I have. I got a wallet plus some (10?) rigs, ranging from feathers to grubs, and eels to muppets.
  19. I think you still have to change the impellor annually, Paul.
  20. The anode will depend on how much time you spend adrift. If you can see pitted marks on it, change it, it doesn't cost much.
  21. I like John Wilson, Paul Young and Henry Gilbert wotisame. They all have one thing in common, great enthasism, everytime they catch a good fish, they are so excited you can literally see the veins pumping. John Wilson makes things simple, easy to understand. Paul Young is down to earth "this's a beautiful fish, good eating too, let put it in the fish box" Henry is simply a nutter! He's nut about fishing, he will climb any rocks just to get to a good fishing mark. If I have to choose one, I will choose Paul to be my favourite altho he does fly fishing mostly. There isn't one presenter who I really can't stand. I find Matt Haynes can be boring from time to time, Botham and Dean Macey are into fly and course which I'm not interested in. Rex Hunt too much 'put on show'.
  22. Newboy

    French Leave

    Just spoke to Terry, skipper who took us to Fecamp last Sep, he says you don't need a licence to sea fish, as least not that he knows off . Not sure about inland water tho. Btw, Jack just how are you gonna get the Zodiac over the channel? You'll need lots of gas tanks.....
  23. Newboy

    French Leave

    To obtain an ICC you will need you power boat level 2 and
  24. Jack I think it may belong to my daughter... ... a couple of years ago she had a little accident with her "swin nappy" Tom That remainds me, the drain is blocked, I need to sort it out quick.....
  25. Newboy

    Hello To All

    Dame, looking at the name and I thought we got a Lady to join our forum at last...... Welcome
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