When I had my sheltie, most insurance companies required a survet done on the boat. In the end I opted for one that didn't need a survey, it was a little more in premium but a lot less than the cost of a survey. Unfortunately I had a clear out before X'mas and all the old insurance certs went into the recycle bin. I do remember it was either linked from boat and outboard or boatsforsale.com
Best check ebay, they have some fantastic offer from time to time. It all boils down to how badly (quickly/desperate) someone wants the rope. If you are not desperate for them, wait and see.
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I only fish with the chartered boat in Brighton, I'll ask when I next go over there.
Alan, have you ask at the tackle shops (hut), maybe they will know.
There's a Fishing Mark Forum (7th down) on the main index just below jokes. It tells you the rough areas around poole and X'church.
The specimen weigh for thornback in this area is 13 lb and the club record is 22lb, so it was a good fish.
Lots of small fish for livebait, mainly greyling.
We took 3 pikes that day, 2 on livebait and the last one on spoon. One big roach, estimated to be 1 1/2 lb. Plenty of brownies, Gordon caught one around 3lb.
Just remember to bring plenty of maggots.
Shetland does.
Some of the older shetland boats (and boats which shetland nicked the hull from)has the helm on the left hand side. However, they only ever have small outboard so torque from the prop was never going to trouble it.
To be honest, I was tempted to go with him, but the cold and the wife couldn't look after the shop while I'm away pay stop to that.
Hope whoever turned up brought him some pipping hot coffe