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Clubs AGM and Presentation 1st April at the Oakdale Conservative club ×


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Everything posted by Newboy

  1. Yeah, you get the nice stuff from the swash. Over Christmas they did the beach outside my place at Banksome... ...That one had all the crap from the harbour I lost some rig in Poole harbour once, don't supposed you find it among the cr*p?
  2. I have the 5600 and it's dead easy to use, no fancy functions (maybe there are but I haven't bothered to look for it).
  3. It's so obvious it's an insurance jobbie. The crews onboard are actually dummies, radio-controlled from the shore.
  4. Newboy

    Which Rod?

    Thanks everyone for their advice. I want a 100lb+ conger
  5. You saying they are pumping all the sh*t and cr*p from the harbour and dump it on the beach? Is Southbourne a bathing beach by any chance?
  6. Hi Steve, No one here is questioning the suitablilty of the larger Quicksilver as a fishing boat or family boat, it is a lovely boat, just that the small one is too small to be both at the same time. If you have the money and the crew then it's great package.
  7. Isn't the floor part of the 'brace' holding the hull together? By cutting it out, you're sure to create weak spot?!
  8. When $$ is involved I'm afriad people are very shortsighted.
  9. Usually I'm pretty careful about this sort of thing, I 'save' my work as I go along, unforetunately the saved filed corrupted..... and I was lazy, I thought I'd back it up once I'd finished updated it.
  10. Newboy

    Which Rod?

    I think you meant a little more forgiving Are you suggesting using a short rod loaded with braid is a big no no for big congers?
  11. Newboy

    Which Rod?

    How does the length of a rod relate to the type of fish targeting? I understand conger need short, 6' strong rods (broom stick), what is a long 8-9' strong rod for? What is the difference between a thru action rod, and a fast tapering(?) rod?
  12. Newboy

    Gps Help Please

    0.3 knot is very slow movement, maybe the anchor is slipping very very slowly. Either that or the calculation from the gps is out slightly, rounding up or down errors.
  13. It is the Independent, what do you expect?
  14. You obviously don't know how good he is at fishing then!!! I was told fish float to the surface waited to be caught.....
  15. I re-subcribed last summer and got 10 packs of rigs, not the best of prezzies. but the mag is excellent. PS, that's ME in the picture . The reel closest is a Trinidad loaded with 30 lb mono and it took a 140-150lb fish.......no harness
  16. Thanks Paul, managed to pulled the file out, but it's damaged beyond repair. So it'll have to be another 2 hours inputing the figuers.
  17. I haven't got my copy thru the post yet. Am I famous or infamous....
  18. Hi I use MS excel 2002 from Office. Yesterday I was working on a file called 3qtr05 and the computer crashed. I tried to open the file again, but it springs a box "Excel cannot access 3qtr05.xls, the document maybe read-only or encrypted" I checked the properties of the file, it's not read-only, I tried renaming but it wouldn't open anyway. I tried to copy it to A:, it wouldn't work cos "Cannot copy 3qtr05.xls, Access is denied, The source file may be in use". Anyone have any ideas?
  19. If anyone is walking upstream, you'll see a downed tree across your path, that's the boundary, I was politely pointed out by a lady I was fishing in her garden.....
  20. I think Alun fish for them alot in the summer, he fishes a just off the beach near Christchurch.
  21. I haven't caught a plaice, a flounder, a turbot or a brill (which I hope I will do something about it come April in Guernsey), I caught caught some congers (big ones), a few small tope, smut, a few lings, bass to 7 lb, small cod and pollock, a few rays, didn't know what they were, breams, wrasse, etc etc...... oh, mustn't forget lots of pouts and doggies..... PS Dave, I think schoolies goes up to 2-3lbs..
  22. Newboy

    Two Old Men

  23. Newboy

    What Flys

    I'm not a fly fisherman, but having watched many fly fishing program, one thing that seems to be mentioned commonly is that the fly imitates the food (be it flies or larves) is feeding on at the time of the year. For example mayfly may work in early summer, but probably won't work so well later on. Your tackle shop should be able to help you with the sort of fly for the time of the year.
  24. Boats and Outboards is still the place to sell, it's free. Failing that you can always part exchange it if you are buying from a 'dealer', but you may not get top money for it. How much do you think your cadet is worth?
  25. I have a Cormoran 610 sports fisher, not a Quicksilver but similar. Can you remind us what do you have in at the moment. I used to have a shetland sheltie, when I decided I wanted a bigger boat for the family, I decided a pilot house would suit me best. I now think I placed too much emphesis on the family matter . Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely boat )otherewise I wouldn't have bought a new Tohatsu TLDi 90 for her last summer), but it's too big for my fishing. If I live closer to the sea, and have a regular crew who helps out with cleaning her afterward then maybe I can live with her, but she's too much for me personally. Especially at the end of a cold/freezing winter evening coming back from the slip and have to hose her down, scrub her down, flush the outboard when at that time the only think you want is a hot steaming cuppa in front of the telly/fire........
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